Orsaken ska ha varit att polisen var "trött" på att städa efter hunden. Ska bli intressant att se vad som händer när polismannen är "trött" på att städa efter flickvännen..:)

Baltimore Cop Kills Girlfriend’s Puppy, Texts Her Photos
***2014-03-06. Infowars / information liberation
"The officer then took a picture of the dead dog and sent it to his girlfriend before tossing the puppy in a dumpster."
--Cop Strangles Puppy to Death, Sends Picture to Owner
From the Baltimore Sun:
A city police officer is accused of beating a Jack Russell terrier puppy with a mop, then choking the dog and sending a picture of its dead body to its owner — his girlfriend.
Montgomery County Police have charged Alec Eugene Taylor, 27, of Silver Spring, with aggravated animal cruelty and abuse or neglect of an animal.
Taylor's girlfriend told police she received a text from Taylor on February 26 telling her that he killed the seven-month-old dog, named Rocko, after it defecated on the carpet. He then sent her a picture, according to a news release.
She told police Taylor said he was tired of cleaning up the dog's mess and that he had beaten it with a mop before throwing its body in a parking lot dumpster. Police said he later told investigators he used a mop to force Rocko from behind the dryer and then used his hands to choke the dog.
- Taylor's girlfriend told police she asked him to get the dog from the dumpster, and she later buried it at a Hyattsville park.
Animal Services Officers located and recovered the dog and performed necropsy. The dog died from an acute hemorrhagic shock likely due to blood loss from liver damage caused by blunt force trauma.
Taylor turned himself into police on Wednesday. He does not have an attorney listed in online court records.
In a statement, Baltimore police said Taylor, a five-year veteran, has been suspended without pay.If this is how he treats puppies, how did he treat citizens when he was on the beat?
Mer Tasteless: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Tasteless%3F
USA: Polis dödade flickvännens hundvalp - fotade - skickade bilderna till hennes mobil
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