- Har folk i allmänhet slutat bli rädda för USA:s oftast påhittade och egenfinansierade Islamistiska terrorister och terrorsagor, tack vare de avslöjande rapporterna i alternativ media? ...Behövs det kanske ett nytt ryskt kalla-kriget-hot för att hålla våra ignoranta undersåtar här i väst på plats och under konstant rädsla? Naturligtvis..!
- Här kommer de fjärrstyrda syltryggarna i mainstreammedia som vanligt in...
Publicerad den 5 mar 2014
Meanwhile an unprecedented war of words has been intensifying by the day with Western politicians and the media using strong language when it comes to Russia's role in the Ukrainian crisis. And this is after the same politicians gave their backing to violent riots in Kiev less then a month ago. RT's Gayane Chichakyan investigates.***

...Och som tur är så finns mainstream alltid till hands för att skrämma och desinformera allmänheten om det nya världsläget, som i verkligheten uppkommit genom design och inte av en tillfällighet...
Vad anser då egentligen Ryssarna själva om utvecklingen i Ukraina och om de ständiga propagandalögnerna i västlig mainstream? ...Är det verkligen lönt att undersöka vad ryssarna anser om Ukraina för att få en mer balanserad bild..?
- Naturligtvis INTE! (Men jag var ändå tvungen att fråga:) reds.anm.)
- Kommer då ryssarna snart att slita "spädbarnen ur kuvöserna" på bästa TV-tid? ...Förmodligen...
...Men, är verkligen dagens ryska samhälle det samma som det gamla Sovjetsamhället, vilket propagandatrollen i mainstream nitiskt försöker "opinionsbilda" de västliga TV-beroende undersåtarna om...?
Publicerad den 5 mar 2014
And further stoking tensions around Ukraine - the Western Media has been flooded with reports going as far as suggesting the Russian army is invading Ukraine. Anastasia Churkina takes a closer look.Publicerad den 5 mar 2014

Publicerad den 4 mar 2014
Russia will not go to war with the people of Ukraine, but will use its troops to protect citizens, if radicals with clout in Kiev now try to use violence against Ukrainian civilians, particularly ethnic Russians, Putin told the media - READ MORE http://on.rt.com/pmgkkh

Mer Ukraina: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Ukraina
Publicerad den 6 mar 2014
three Edward R Murrow award winning
journalist and Liberty advocate Ben Swan joins alex in the Infowars
studio to discuss the waterfront of issues on the map including Ukraine,
Bitcoin and the abuses of media liberty by the Government.http://benswann.com/
--NATO airstrike 'accidentally' kills 5 Afghan soldiers--
SvaraRaderaMarch 06, 2014
Five Afghan soldiers have been killed and 17 people wounded in an airstrike by the NATO-led force in Afghanistan in eastern Logar province.
The airstrike, one of the deadliest friendly fire incidents in recent years, occurred at about 3:30 am local time and seriously wounded a further eight soldiers, bringing the total number of injured people to 17.
Dead bodies and wounded personnel have been transferred from the Chark district of Logar province to Kabul, the Afghan defense ministry said in a statement. It added that a delegation has already been sent to investigate.
Coalition forces operating in Afghanistan have said in a statement that the bombing was an accident, but did not give any further details of what might have been the cause of the deadly error.
“We value the strong relationship with our Afghan partners, and we will determine what actions will be taken to ensure incidents like this do not happen again,” the ISAF statement said, adding that they are conducting an investigation "to determine the circumstances that led to this unfortunate incident."
"Right now a discussion in the province is going on between Afghan officials and foreign forces to find out the reason for this attack," district governor Khalilullah Kamal said, adding that a new outpost of the Afghan army was targeted.
"The post is totally destroyed," he said. "The Americans used to be in that post but since they left, the ANA (Afghan national army) took over. The post is on a hilltop. The attack was conducted by drones." [...]
--Ukraine's Neo-Fascist Right Sector Leader Dmytro Yarosh to Run for President--
SvaraRaderaMarch 7, 2014
Source: IB Times
Ukraine's leader of the far-right Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) paramilitary movement Dmytro Yarosh has announced his presidential bid in elections planned for 25 May.
The ultra-nationalist movement's chairman Andriy Tarasenko said that Right Sector will also become a political party.
"Dmytro Yarosh will run for president," he said. "We are preparing for a congress, at which the party will be renamed, and we will participate in the elections in Kyiv, the elections in all local councils, towns and villages."[...]