torsdag 4 april 2013

Sveriges handelspartner Saudiarabien - straffar 24-åring med tortyrförlamning

Sveriges handelspartner Saudi utdömer förlamningstortyr i sin Shariadomstol
RT 2013-04-04
När al-Khawaher var 14 år gammal knivhögg han en vän i ryggen så illa att denne hamnade i rullstol.

Efter 10 år i fängelse har  slutligen en domstol i Saudiarabien beordrat att den nu 24-årige al-Khawaher skall förlamas av en bödel och sättas i rullstol på samma sätt som sitt offer.

Det finns dock en liten möjlighet för honom att undvika straffet. Hans familj behöver bara betala den blygsamma summan på 266.000 dollar till domstolen, så genomförs inte tortyr-förlamningen .

I Sveriges kompisland Saudiarabien är brutala kroppsbestraffningar obligatoriskt för mängder av simpla brott.

Som extrabonus används även amputation ofta som bestraffning vid stölder och liknande brott.

Straffet som shariadomstolen utdömde mot al-Khawaher kallas för "gisas".
I denna typ av straff ingår t.ex. att man karvar ut ögonen på folk, drar ut tänderna eller en högtidlig offentlig avrättning genom halshuggning, hängning eller andra kreativa metoder.

Dock kan offret för brotten ibland begära att förövaren ska visas en viss nåd. Detta inträffar mer sannolikt om ekonomiska medel i begärd omfattning utbetalas som kompensation...

...Våra stolta politiska företrädare visar vägen:
 ... Vad hon verkligen menade var såklart:

'Torture' punishment: Saudi sentence man to be paralyzed

RT 2013-04-04
A Saudi Arabian court has allegedly ordered a man to be paralyzed for stabbing his friend 10 years ago. The defendant’s family will have to pay out $266,000 or have their son face a sentence decried as “torture” by Amnesty International.

Twenty-four-year-old Ali al-Khawaher stabbed his friend in the back when he was 14, putting the victim in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Islamic Sharia law, which is enforced in Saudi Arabia, allows for ‘eye-for-an-eye’ punishment in such cases, or monetary compensation for the victim.

The court ruling provoked the ire of international human rights organization Amnesty International, which likened the sentence to torture.

"Paralyzing someone as punishment for a crime would be torture," Ann Harrison, Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa deputy director, said in a statement. "That such a punishment might be implemented is utterly shocking, even in a context where flogging is frequently imposed as a punishment for some offenses, as happens in Saudi Arabia."

Harrison stressed it was high time the “authorities in Saudi Arabia start respecting their international legal obligations and remove these terrible punishments from the law.”

Reports say that al-Khawaher has been awaiting his punishment in jail for the past 10 years.

“Ten years have passed with hundreds of sleepless nights. My hair has become grey at a young age because of my son’s problem,” al-Khawaher’s mother told the Saudi Gazette. “I have been frightened to death whenever I think about my son’s fate and that he will have to be paralyzed.”

Furthermore, she told Arabic language news daily al-Hayat that previously the compensation for the family of the victim had been double but was later reduced. She told the publication that the family did not even have a tenth of the 1 million Saudi riyals ($266,000) necessary to save their son from paralysis.

Corporal punishment is common in Saudi Arabia, where flogging is an obligatory punishment for a number of offences. Additionally, amputation is practiced as a punishment, but is mainly confined to cases of theft.

Al-Khawaher’a case is known as gisas (retribution), which can incur such punishments as eye-gouging, tooth extraction and execution where the original crime committed was murder. However, the victim can call for a pardon or monetary compensation instead of corporal punishment.

Sveriges handelspartner Saudiarabien - straffar 24-åring med tortyrförlamning

1 kommentar:

  1. --Editor jailed for seven years and sentenced to 600 LASHES after starting 'Free Saudi Liberals' website--

    The Daily Mail
    July 31, 2013

    The editor of a Saudi Arabian social website has been sentenced to seven years in prison and 600 lashes for founding an Internet forum that violates Islamic values and propagates liberal thought, Saudi media reported on Tuesday.

    Raif Badawi, who started the ‘Free Saudi Liberals’ website to discuss the role of religion in Saudi Arabia, has been held since June 2012 on charges of cyber crime and disobeying his father – a crime in the conservative kingdom and top U.S. ally.

    Al-Watan newspaper said the judge had also ordered the closure of the website.

    Read More:
    Blogger gets 7 years in jail, 600 lashes for offending Saudi gov’t



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