
Olof Aschberg - Lenins röde bankir och hans barnbarn Robert som ansvarar för EXPO
“Ansvarig utgivare för Expo är den judiske medieprofilen Robert Aschberg, tidigare aktiv inom Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti (SKP), barnbarn till den judiske bankiren Olof Aschberg (1877-1960), även känd som ”Lenins bankir” eller ”den röde bankiren”.
Olof hjälpte till att förmedla ekonomiska medel från den judiske finansmannen Jacob Schiff i Förenta staterna till bolsjevikrevolutionen i Ryssland. Han hade därefter synnerligen goda affärsförbindelser med Sovjetunionen och bildade Ryska handelsbanken i Moskva 1921.
Olof Aschberg åkte runt i Ryssland och plundrade kyrkor och kloster på värdesaker, bland annat gamla ryska ikoner.
Stulna ryska juveler deponerades i Sverige och stulna guldmynt smältes ned och förseddes med svenska stämplar.
I sin bok, History’s Greatest Heist. The Bolshevik Looting of Russia, utgiven 2009, skildrar Yaleprofessorn Sean McMeekin bland annat bankmannen Olof Aschbergs arbete för att tvätta stulna ryska rubelmiljoner åt den kommunistiska regimen i Moskva efter första världskriget.”
Men Aschberg är långt ifrån den enda judiske aktivisten bakom Expo. Tidskriften finansieras av investmentbolaget Proventus, som grundades 1980 av den judiske kapitalisten Robert Weil (som även grundat Judiska museet i Stockholm).
Två andra judiska kapitalister, Gabriel Urwitz och Mikael Kamras, har varit involverade i bolaget. Kamras är dessutom styrelseordförande för den sionistiska tidningen Judisk Krönika stiftelse.
Förutom att stödja Expo samlar dessa Crony Kapitalister in medel till ockupationen och koloniseringen i Palestina.
Robert Weil var en av de få som tjänade på IT-kraschen 2001, genom att placera stora summor i negativa positioner på New York-börsen. Sedan 2003 är Daniel Sachs chef för Proventus.
Han är sonsons son till Nordiska Kompaniets judiske grundare Josef Sachs och svåger till Marcus Wallenberg.
Innan Sachs blev chef för Proventus var han VD för det svenska riskkapitalbolaget Segulah i vilket den ovan nämnde Gabriel Urwitz är styrelseordförande. Segulah grundades 1994 och förvaltar för närvarande drygt 8,5 miljarder kronor.
De har skänkt en hel del pengar till Israelinsamlingen.
Segulah är hebreiska för ”utvald”, och läran om utvaldheten, herrefolkstanken, utgör som bekant både kärnan i den judiska rasismen och motorn i sionismens koloniala projekt i Palestina.”
Vissa av uppgifterna i artikeln är publicerade på sajter som antingen frihets-censurerats eller tagits bort helt av upphovsmännen. Undermattan-bloggen redan fått 6 bloggar frihets-censurerade av FRIHETS-FASCISTERNA i Sverige. Fascisternas oförtrutna kamp för ökad för yttrandefrihet i landet är imponerande och hela Nordkorea utbrister i stående ovationer. För alla stackare som har PK-hjärntvättats under lång tid av svensk media, påminner vi här om att det faktiskt går att kritisera personer ur ALLA grupperingar i samhället, utan att man för den skull håller hela gruppen ansvarig för handlingar enskilda begår. / Reds.Anm.)
Olof Aschberg (22 July 1877 – 21 April 1960) was a Swedish banker and businessman. Aschberg was a leftist sympathizer and helped finance the Bolsheviks in Russia. In gratitude, the Bolshevik government allowed Aschberg to do business with Soviet Union during the 1920s. Aschberg became head of Ruskombank, the first Soviet international bank.[1]
In 1912 he had founded in Stockholm the first Swedish bank for trade unions and cooperatives (Nya Banken) and became a friend of Hjalmar Branting. When financial operations in favour of the Germans in 1918 caused him trouble with the Allies of World War I, the bank was renamed Svensk Ekonomiebolaget.[2] He was already a successful banker and businessman when he met first Willi Münzenberg who visited the Stockholm Youth Socialist Congress of 1917.[3] Later, during the Bolsheviks aspirations to rebuild the Russian economy, it was Münzenberg's task to expand their modest pool of capital by floating a so called "workers' loan" using his "Workers International Relief" (WIR).[4] By means of this subterfuge the money used for buying machines and goods in the West looked like being the outcome of proletarian support, in reality it came directly from the Kremlin, confiscated from Russia's rich and the Church.[4] Established in Berlin in the 1920s, Aschberg's Guarantee and Credit Bank for the East was charged with repayment of the WIR workers' loan, although he had not been very fond of it from its very beginning on and had even contributed to deep six it soon after the launch. Aschberg had already gained the Soviet leaders' esteem by being one of the main connections in the early years after 1917 in evading the international boycott on gold robbed by the Bolsheviks, which he offered on the Stockholm market after having the bullions melted down and given new markings.[4]
He built up a collection of Russian icons with 245 pieces which he donated to the Swedish Nationalmuseum at Stockholm in 1933.[5] This largest and finest collection of icons outside Russia was supplemented in 1952 and put the Nationalmuseum among the leading museums in this field.
At the end of the 1920s Aschberg moved to France, where he bought Château du Bois du Rocher at Jouy-en-Josas, in 1950 offered to the Unesco and subsequently sold to the Yvelines department.[2] He helped finance the Popular Front during the Spanish Civil War. Again Münzenberg was often invited to Aschberg's Paris townhouse on the place Casimir-Périer and received the funds for launching Die Zukunft (The Future), a weekly political broadsheet.[4] The Left Bank townhouse was gradually transformed into a kind of all-purpose Münzenberg salon, which did attract the attention of the Gestapo, spying on the meetings taking place there.[4] With the outbreak of World War II Aschberg was interned in Camp Vernet by the French authorities.[6] Due to his Jewish background he was endangered when France was invaded by Nazi Germany in 1940 and could not sooner as January 1941 leave Europe via Lisbon when Vichy government gave order to set him free. Aschberg and his family fled to the USA where he immediately started to support the Free World Association. After the war, Aschberg moved back to Sweden. In 1946 he started publishing his memoirs in three volumes (En vandrande jude från Glasbruksgatan, Återkomsten, and Gästboken) and he invited Margarete Buber-Neumann to write there Under Two Dictators: Prisoner of Stalin and Hitler.[2]
In 1912 he had founded in Stockholm the first Swedish bank for trade unions and cooperatives (Nya Banken) and became a friend of Hjalmar Branting. When financial operations in favour of the Germans in 1918 caused him trouble with the Allies of World War I, the bank was renamed Svensk Ekonomiebolaget.[2] He was already a successful banker and businessman when he met first Willi Münzenberg who visited the Stockholm Youth Socialist Congress of 1917.[3] Later, during the Bolsheviks aspirations to rebuild the Russian economy, it was Münzenberg's task to expand their modest pool of capital by floating a so called "workers' loan" using his "Workers International Relief" (WIR).[4] By means of this subterfuge the money used for buying machines and goods in the West looked like being the outcome of proletarian support, in reality it came directly from the Kremlin, confiscated from Russia's rich and the Church.[4] Established in Berlin in the 1920s, Aschberg's Guarantee and Credit Bank for the East was charged with repayment of the WIR workers' loan, although he had not been very fond of it from its very beginning on and had even contributed to deep six it soon after the launch. Aschberg had already gained the Soviet leaders' esteem by being one of the main connections in the early years after 1917 in evading the international boycott on gold robbed by the Bolsheviks, which he offered on the Stockholm market after having the bullions melted down and given new markings.[4]
He built up a collection of Russian icons with 245 pieces which he donated to the Swedish Nationalmuseum at Stockholm in 1933.[5] This largest and finest collection of icons outside Russia was supplemented in 1952 and put the Nationalmuseum among the leading museums in this field.
At the end of the 1920s Aschberg moved to France, where he bought Château du Bois du Rocher at Jouy-en-Josas, in 1950 offered to the Unesco and subsequently sold to the Yvelines department.[2] He helped finance the Popular Front during the Spanish Civil War. Again Münzenberg was often invited to Aschberg's Paris townhouse on the place Casimir-Périer and received the funds for launching Die Zukunft (The Future), a weekly political broadsheet.[4] The Left Bank townhouse was gradually transformed into a kind of all-purpose Münzenberg salon, which did attract the attention of the Gestapo, spying on the meetings taking place there.[4] With the outbreak of World War II Aschberg was interned in Camp Vernet by the French authorities.[6] Due to his Jewish background he was endangered when France was invaded by Nazi Germany in 1940 and could not sooner as January 1941 leave Europe via Lisbon when Vichy government gave order to set him free. Aschberg and his family fled to the USA where he immediately started to support the Free World Association. After the war, Aschberg moved back to Sweden. In 1946 he started publishing his memoirs in three volumes (En vandrande jude från Glasbruksgatan, Återkomsten, and Gästboken) and he invited Margarete Buber-Neumann to write there Under Two Dictators: Prisoner of Stalin and Hitler.[2]
Lenins röde Bankir och hans Barnbarn i EXPO
Videon publicerad på YouTube den 9 mars 2010
A brilliant interview with one of
the greatest researchers ever, Professor Antony Sutton, the author of
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and The Rise of
Hitler, where he showes how bankers, businessmen and politicans in the
west supported and financed both the communist and the nazis, all
according to their hegelian dialectic plan for world control.
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Radera- Bara en teori...
The Ashberg diamond
SvaraRaderaWallenberg gjorde ju upp med Branting om den fejkade demokratin enligt Moses hess höger vänster doktrin för söndra härska. Det är rätt skoj att titta på Brantings vidriga son:
Som av en händelse drev banking med Olof Asch.
Pappa Hjalmar som gjorde upp med Wallenberg:
" Genom resor och litteraturstudier blev han tidigt bekant med marxismen. Redan 1878–79 kallade han sig socialdemokrat, sannolikt den förste i Sverige."