USA:s trygga drömpolis har koll på läget och tar gärna hand om demonstrerande amerikaner som protesterar mot polisens frekventa dödsskjutningar av obeväpnade amerikaner...

...Ovanför; Cheap Tricks drömpolis och undertill den amerikanska polisstatens drömpolis...
AP Photo/Jeff Roberson
Police wearing riot gear try to disperse a crowd Monday, Aug. 11, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri.
Their uniform would be mistaken for a soldier's if it weren't for their "Police" patches. They wear green tops, and pants fashioned after the U.S. Marine Corps MARPAT camouflage pattern.
And they stand in front of a massive uparmored truck called a Bearcat, similar in look to a mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle, or as the troops who rode in them call it, the MRAP.
The Mike Brown Shooting
- What You're Not Being Told
***Publicerades den 14 aug 2014 StormCloudsGathering

Cheap Trick - Dream Police
REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni
Police officers ride an armored vehicle as they patrol a street in Ferguson, Missouri, Aug. 11, 2014.
***August 12, 2014
While serving as a U.S. Marine on patrol in Afghanistan, we wore desert camouflage to blend in with our surroundings, carried rifles to shoot back when under enemy attack, and drove around in armored vehicles to ward off roadside bombs.
We looked intimidating, but all of our vehicles and equipment had a clear purpose for combat against enemy forces. So why is this same gear being used on our city streets?
- On Saturday, a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown, an unarmed black man.
In the days that have followed, the town with a population about 21,000 has seen massive protests in response to the shooting, as some witnesses said Brown had his hands up when he was killed.[...]


‘Ferguson police equipped as though they are occupying Afghanistan or Iraq’
Publicerades den 14 aug 2014
Crowds protesting the killing of a teenager by an officer are hit by a heavy police crackdown during a fourth night of unrest in Ferguson, Missouri. Political cartoonist Ted Rall says U.S. police forces are armed to the teeth and have essentially turned some neighborhoods into war zones.***If you were killed, what photo would the media use in their
stories? That’s the question that the #iftheygunnedmedown hashtag asks on social media as minorities point out media bias in the deaths of African-Americans.
FBI to investigate Ferguson killing after second night of clashes between police, protesters (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
The question comes after the shooting death of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday. The unarmed 18-year-old was about to begin college when he was killed by a police officer. But the mainstream media shows a picture of Brown flashing a peace sign, which Yesha Callahan at The Root says has been called a “gang sign” by conservative outlets. She calls this the “Trayvon Martin effect.”[...]
Bilder från bl.a:
NJ Cop: I don't give a damn about Constitution tarnished by Obama
Publicerades den 7 aug 2014
A wrong does make a right, according to a New Jersey police officer. Chastising resident Steve Wronko for photographing the Helmetta police station (a public building), Officer Richard Recine told the man he doesn’t “give a damn” about abiding by the constitution because President Barack Obama has decimated the document during his time in office. He has since resigned. RT’s Lindsay France has the video.Polisstat Extravaganza! - Välkommen till Psykopaternas Nya Världsordning (videos)
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USA:s "drömpolis" tar hand om protester mot polisens dödsskjutningar av amerikaner
The broadcast leaves it unsaid that the men arrested with the truckload of explosives at the GW Bridge were Israelis! "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11. The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11