Kolla in några blixtrande videos om Teslas märkliga torn som finns rekonstruerade i en öde skog utanför Istra, 40 kilometer väster om Moskva...

The facility is absolutely unique; nothing like it exists anywhere in the world, primarily because of its outstanding charge capacity. At its peak operating capacity the giant Marx generator, when lightning is discharged onto an isolated platform, has power equal to all power generation facilities in Russia – including thermoelectric, hydroelectric, nuclear, solar, and wind power stations combined. But only for about 100 microseconds, Rossiya-1 TV reported.
No, it’s not an alien colony, a time machine, or even a Russian version of America’s ionospheric HAARP program. But in a forest near Moscow, this Soviet-era “lightning machine” has a capacity arguably equal to Russia’s entire electricity output.
Bloggers flock to see this technical marvel, which has been dubbed the “High Voltage Marx and Tesla Generators Research Facility.” The testing range, a branch of the Russian Electrical Engineering Institute, is in the sleepy town of Istra, 40 kilometers west of Moscow.[...]
ALSO WATCH: Futuristic high voltage machine in lightning action near Moscow http://youtu.be/YDPRqzHS0xU
READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/537bbe

The facility is absolutely unique; nothing like it exists anywhere in the world, primarily because of its outstanding charge capacity. At its peak operating capacity the giant Marx generator, when lightning is discharged onto an isolated platform, has power equal to all power generation facilities in Russia – including thermoelectric, hydroelectric, nuclear, solar, and wind power stations combined. But only for about 100 microseconds, Rossiya-1 TV reported.
No, it’s not an alien colony, a time machine, or even a Russian version of America’s ionospheric HAARP program. But in a forest near Moscow, this Soviet-era “lightning machine” has a capacity arguably equal to Russia’s entire electricity output.
Bloggers flock to see this technical marvel, which has been dubbed the “High Voltage Marx and Tesla Generators Research Facility.” The testing range, a branch of the Russian Electrical Engineering Institute, is in the sleepy town of Istra, 40 kilometers west of Moscow.[...]
Spectacular! Thunderbolt-shooting 'Tesla Tower' restarted near Moscow
Publicerades den 24 aug 2014
Thunder and lightning: For centuries mankind's been amazed as well as terrified at the threatening beauty of nature's fury. But these days it's actually been domesticated, and now we can even throw a thunderbolt at the push of a button, as Ilya Petrenko reports.ALSO WATCH: Futuristic high voltage machine in lightning action near Moscow http://youtu.be/YDPRqzHS0xU
READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/537bbe

This documentary and the rest of the documentaries here are about important times and figures in history, historic places and sites, archaeology, science, conspiracy theories, and education.
The Missing Secrets - Nikola Tesla
Publicerades den 20 okt 2013
The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla - http://TopSecretWorld.comThis documentary and the rest of the documentaries here are about important times and figures in history, historic places and sites, archaeology, science, conspiracy theories, and education.
Nikola Tesla's Life New Documentary
Publicerades den 17 feb 2014
Nikola Tesla's Life - New Documentary
Nikola Tesla - geniet som levde i fel tidsålder

Teslas märkliga torn finns rekonstruerade i en öde skog utanför Moskva
vaken tar upp mer seriös fri energi forskare
Japp, fler vågrörelser än den strikt elektromagnetiska korrekt av Meyl. EricPDollard förklarar ju mer i detalj att EM vågens foton definieras som skalärprodukten vid ortogonalitet mellan elektrisk vektor och magnetisk, i övrigt har man inga fotoner.
Nu är det ju inte många av vakens tittare som fattar ett dugg eller orkar lyssna på Meyel men det är ändå bra att vaken tog upp detta.