USA-polisen i Ferguson attackerade Al-Jazeeras journalister med tårgas och gummikulor. Journalisterna fick fly för livet när de jobbade med att rapportera om USA:s polisvåld och demonstrationer mot polisen. Polisen monterade snabbt ner journalisternas utrustning direkt efter tårgasattacken. Detta framgår tydligt av bilder och videos som togs utan att polisen i Ferguson visste om det...
Controlling the narrative:
- Ferguson police target journalists
Publicerades den 14 aug 2014
Journalists reporting on the unrest in Ferguson, MO were in the crosshairs of police Wednesday night, with violence and intimidation directed at many prominent journalists.
Wesley Lowery of The Washington Post and Ryan J. Reilly of the Huffington Post made headlines after being confronted, assaulted and arrested without reason or justification given, while a crew from Al Jazeera America was targeted by SWAT forces who fired tear gas directly at the team while filming a protest. Christopher Chambers, a journalism professor at Georgetown University, explains to RT’s Ameera David why law enforcement seem to be targeting members of the media.
Video Credit: Wilderkl -***
Wesley Lowery of The Washington Post and Ryan J. Reilly of the Huffington Post made headlines after being confronted, assaulted and arrested without reason or justification given, while a crew from Al Jazeera America was targeted by SWAT forces who fired tear gas directly at the team while filming a protest. Christopher Chambers, a journalism professor at Georgetown University, explains to RT’s Ameera David why law enforcement seem to be targeting members of the media.
Shocking Video Shows Ferguson Police Gassing News Crews
Publicerades den 14 aug 2014 ThinkOutsideTheTV
- The police state has officially arrivedVideo Credit: Wilderkl -***
USA-polisen i Ferguson säger att de inte "medvetet" attackerade Al-Jazeeras journalister med tårgas utan journalisterna blev enligt polisens talesman gasade som hjälp och "för sin egen trygghet", när de jobbade med att rapportera om demonstrationerna mot polisen. - Jodå, krig är fred, amen.
Polisen monterade förmodligen inte heller ner journalisternas utrustning direkt efter den "hjälpsamma" attacken med tårgas. Detta framgår (enligt Orwell) tydligt av bilder och videos...:)
The Mike Brown Shooting
Publicerades den 14 aug 2014

The Al Jazeera- America crew was also attacked and tear-gassed by security forces as they tried to film the protest. The team had thought they had reached a safe area when they were tear-gassed, said Al Jazeera's Ash-Har Quraishi.
"The Al Jazeera crew were in a place we believed to be safe," he said. "Soon afterwards people started running toward us, saying they were being fired on with rubber bullets. Rubber bullets were fired on us, and then a canister. We had to retreat into the neighborhood."
The Mike Brown Shooting
- What You're Not Being Told
***Publicerades den 14 aug 2014

The Al Jazeera- America crew was also attacked and tear-gassed by security forces as they tried to film the protest. The team had thought they had reached a safe area when they were tear-gassed, said Al Jazeera's Ash-Har Quraishi.
"The Al Jazeera crew were in a place we believed to be safe," he said. "Soon afterwards people started running toward us, saying they were being fired on with rubber bullets. Rubber bullets were fired on us, and then a canister. We had to retreat into the neighborhood."
Police Aim Guns At Reporters
Publicerades den 14 aug 2014 TheAlexJonesChannel
This video shows the lead up and the beginning of the attack on the peaceful protestors at Ferguson north of St Louis.***
- Polisen sköt även gummikulor efter Al Jazeeras journalister direkt efter tårgas-attacken. Se videobevisen och hör deras egen berättelse HÄR.
Publicerades den 15 aug 2014
Once again the mainstream media is caught blatantly lying to the people of America. In an article posted by Fox2Now the Ferguson, MO riot police, who viciously singled out reporters, are portrayed as heros instead of the dangerous thugs that they are. Luckily Infowars reporter Jakari Jackson was in the area where Al Jazeera America were shot at with rubber bullets and tear gassed, to get a first hand account of the St. Louis County Police intentionally and violently singling out reporters. ***
USA-polisens brutala tårgas-attacker, arresteringar och misshandel av journalister
Och detta är USA folk:
SvaraRaderaWATCH: #Ferguson Police Fire Tear Gas on Protesters with "Hands Up" in Their Own Backyard
Ferguson police response 'a municipal version of shock and awe'
""The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." -- William Colby, former director of the CIA (1973-1976).
SvaraRaderaMilitary Occupation of Ferguson, Missouri: War Comes Home
SvaraRaderaBy Joseph Kishore
On Wednesday, the people of the United States and the world were shocked by the images coming out of Ferguson, Missouri.
In response to the eruption of anger over the police murder of 18-year-old Michael Brown, the suburb of St. Louis was transformed into a war zone.[...]