En undersökning avslöjar att över 60% av befolkningen i Storbritannien är överviktig. Problemet blir inte mindre av att 700 000 feta sjukvårdare, (vilket är hälften av alla anställda inom "engelsk" sjukvård) ger sina feta patienter goda råd om kost, motion och bantning...
Chefen för den nationella sjukvården i Storbritannien NHS, uppmanar nu läkare och sjuksköterskor i landet att gå ner i vikt för att få lite större trovärdighet i sin yrkesmässiga kostrådgivning till andra feta människor...

RT 2014-07-30
With over half of the National Health Service’s 1.3 million workers losing the battle of the bulge, NHS Chief Executive Simon Stevens has urged doctors and nurses to kick junk food and shed some pounds to set a good example to patients.
Obesity is putting huge pressure on the health service, which is struggling to stomach a £30 billion black hole in its budget. The swelling problem is believed to eat up more than a third of the service’s £110 billion bank balance.
Under the plans, junk food could be off the menu in hospital canteens and overweight doctors and nurses encouraged to take part in weight loss competitions.
Stevens plans to target 300,000 of the roughly 700,000 NHS workers who are classed as overweight or obese in order to add weight to public health campaigns. By setting a good example, it is hoped the NHS can trim the fat on its budget overhang.
“It is hard to talk about how important this is if we don’t get our act together,” Stevens told the Sun newspaper.
Many medical staff report having trouble discussing weight issues with their patients, who are usually highly sensitive about the subject matter.
More than a quarter of UK children – 26 percent of boys and 29 percent of girls – are also overweight or obese. As many as one in 10 deaths in England and Wales are now caused by obesity.
The trend has been linked to a prevalence of fast food and ready meals and lack of exercise. Being overweight can radically increase the risk of developing heart disease, type-2 diabetes, cancer, hypertension, osteoarthritis and depression.
Chefen för den nationella sjukvården i Storbritannien NHS, uppmanar nu läkare och sjuksköterskor i landet att gå ner i vikt för att få lite större trovärdighet i sin yrkesmässiga kostrådgivning till andra feta människor...

A taste of their own medicine: 700,000 UK medical staff told to ‘lose weight for patients’ sake’
***RT 2014-07-30
With over half of the National Health Service’s 1.3 million workers losing the battle of the bulge, NHS Chief Executive Simon Stevens has urged doctors and nurses to kick junk food and shed some pounds to set a good example to patients.
Obesity is putting huge pressure on the health service, which is struggling to stomach a £30 billion black hole in its budget. The swelling problem is believed to eat up more than a third of the service’s £110 billion bank balance.
Under the plans, junk food could be off the menu in hospital canteens and overweight doctors and nurses encouraged to take part in weight loss competitions.
Stevens plans to target 300,000 of the roughly 700,000 NHS workers who are classed as overweight or obese in order to add weight to public health campaigns. By setting a good example, it is hoped the NHS can trim the fat on its budget overhang.
“It is hard to talk about how important this is if we don’t get our act together,” Stevens told the Sun newspaper.
Many medical staff report having trouble discussing weight issues with their patients, who are usually highly sensitive about the subject matter.
- About a quarter of the UK population is now considered obese and 67 percent of men and 57 percent of women are either overweight or obese, according to a recent Global Burden of Disease study.
More than a quarter of UK children – 26 percent of boys and 29 percent of girls – are also overweight or obese. As many as one in 10 deaths in England and Wales are now caused by obesity.
The trend has been linked to a prevalence of fast food and ready meals and lack of exercise. Being overweight can radically increase the risk of developing heart disease, type-2 diabetes, cancer, hypertension, osteoarthritis and depression.
Mer Otroligt: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Otroligt

Storbritannien: 700 000 feta sjukvårdare ger sina feta patienter goda råd om bantning...
FBI: 80 Percent Of Police Officers Are Overweight
SvaraRaderaAugust 15, 2014
Source: CBS
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation released a new statistic, which states 8 out of every 10 law enforcement members are overweight.
Their findings have spurred the Garland Police Department make a plan for their officers to improve their fitness.
“I think it’s important for all of us to keep the weight down and stay in shape-especially this job. The stress that we incur at this job… this is a great way to relieve the stress and to keep the blood pressure down,” said Garland Assistant Chief Jeff Bryan.
Bryan said he spends most of his time at work behind a desk, but still hits the departments on-site gym three days a week.
Researchers have said law enforcement personnel are 25 times more likely to die from weight related cardiovascular disease than the actions of a criminal.