Svensk Media Räddar Barnen i Gaza! Våra empatiska superjournalister i mainstreammedia har hittills gjort ett humanitärt storverk med sin fantastiska rapportering om det s.k. kriget Gaza. Frågan är om inte mainstreammedia och Israel borde få dela på nästa fredspris, från explosionernas mästare, Nobel..?
Palestinian children make their way through the rubble of destroyed buildings as they return home - northern Gaza Strip on August 5, 2014.
Runt 400 000 barn visar symptom på ångest, vilket kan yttra sig som sängvätning, mardrömmar eller att de klänger sig fast vid sina föräldrar.
Dessa barn, som har traumatiska upplevelser bakom sig, är i stort behov av psykosocialt stöd. UNICEF-stödda katastrofteam har under konflikten inlett detta arbete, och har hittills nått ut till 1 870 barn på Gazaremsan.
Hälften av Gazas befolkning på 1,8 miljoner människor, är barn under 18 år.
Palestinian children make their way through the rubble of destroyed buildings as they return home - northern Gaza Strip on August 5, 2014.
Runt 400 000 barn visar symptom på ångest, vilket kan yttra sig som sängvätning, mardrömmar eller att de klänger sig fast vid sina föräldrar.
Dessa barn, som har traumatiska upplevelser bakom sig, är i stort behov av psykosocialt stöd. UNICEF-stödda katastrofteam har under konflikten inlett detta arbete, och har hittills nått ut till 1 870 barn på Gazaremsan.
Hälften av Gazas befolkning på 1,8 miljoner människor, är barn under 18 år.
‘Gaza infrastructure on brink of destruction’ – HRW researcher
Publicerades den 5 aug 2014
Israel is pulling its troops out of Gaza. A 3-day ceasefire brokered by Egypt is now officially in place. Israel says it has completed its month-long mission, which was to target Hamas, but which brought the worst devastation and civilian losses in years. Bill Van Esveld from Human Rights Watch joins RT.***
Minister i Storbritannien avgår i protest
- UK minister resigns over ‘morally indefensible’ Gaza policy
Publicerades den 6 aug 2014
UK Foreign Office minister Baroness Sayeeda Warsi has resigned from government, saying she can "no longer support" its policy on Gaza.
Norman Finkelstein on Gaza conflict, Hamas goals and Iron Dome myth
Publicerades den 6 aug 2014
The IDF says it has completed its main mission, which was to target Hamas by destorying their hideouts and tunnels. But the campaign has brought the worst devastation and civilian losses in years. RT's Paula Slier reports.

Vi i 5:an frågar: "Vilket land i världen kan mörda 1000-tals barn och ändå älskas av media?"
Dagens sionistkontrollerade mainstreammedia arbetar dygnet om med att desinformera världens folk angående viktiga händelser som påverkar våra liv. Mainstreammedia arbetar ihärdigt för att hålla folken splittrade och skapar medvetet hat & konflikter genom att nästan alltid belysa olikheter och sällan saker som förenar oss...


Mainstreammedia räddar barnen i Gaza...
Publicerades den 21 jul 2014
Someone recently asked me, "If my neighbor next door shoots my neighbor across the street, does that give my neighbor across the street the right to come shoot me?"If someone's corrupt government does something horrible, are all of its citizens, right down to the infants, to be held responsible? Votes seem to matter very little in the modern world. How would you feel if another country invaded and tried to kill you and everyone you know — all because of what your horrible government does?
You aren't in charge of those rockets. You aren't in charge of those decisions.
Back when Occupy protesters rallied, they chanted, "The whole world is watching. The whole world is watching."
When Palestinians rally, they chant "Where is the world?"
This question is seemingly rhetorical.
- The mainstream media knows the answer.
Abby Martin speaks with author and journalist Max Blumenthal about the aspects of the story that aren't being discussed in the corporate media.
'Absolute Disaster': Medical aid a lottery for Palestinians in shaky Gaza ceasefire
--Israeli Army Summarily Executed Fleeing Civilians In Southern Gaza--
Israeli army summarily executed fleeing civilians in southern Gaza
Operation Protective Edge, ethnic cleansing and the issue of genocide
--U.S. Only Country of 47 to Vote against Investigating Possible Human Rights Violations during Israeli Occupation of Gaza--
SvaraRaderaAll Gov - Monday, July 28, 2014
The United States has once again demonstrated its steadfast loyalty to Israel, this time casting the lone “no” vote on a United Nations resolution authorizing an investigation into alleged human rights abuses in Gaza.
American support for Israel has been tested during the recent military invasion of the Palestinian territory, which has seen hundreds of civilians—including many children—killed in the fighting.
But the Obama administration stuck by the Israeli government when Palestine called for a UN probe of reported violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. The resolution passed the UN
Human Rights Council with 29 nations in favor and 17 abstentions. The only country to oppose the plan was the U.S.
In addition to condemning the “widespread, systematic and gross violations of international human rights and fundamental freedoms” caused by Israeli military operations, the measure “condemned all violence against civilians wherever it occurred, including the killing of two Israeli civilians as a result of rocket fire.”
The resolution further calls for an immediate ceasefire, for Israel to immediately reopen the Gaza Strip, and for nations to provide humanitarian aide to the Palestinian people.
More than 1,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and thousands injured since the invasion began on July 7, along with 45 Israelis, according to news reports.
“In Gaza, 443 or 74 per cent of the killed are civilians,” Kyung-Wha Kang, assistant secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and UN deputy emergency relief coordinator, said in a statement. “One third of civilians killed so far are children.
One child has been killed each hour in Gaza over the past two days.”
-Noel Brinkerhoff
--Israel Gives Jews a Bad Name--
SvaraRaderaBy Danny Schechter - Global Research, August 08, 2014
When I was growing up in a Jewish community in New York in the late fifties, there was a predictable collective response to news events that expressed itself in one question:
“Is it good for the Jews?”
Many persecuted minorities made up largely of immigrants operate in an inward looking culture characterized by a fear of persecution, and a desire to keep a low profile for fear of stirring up anti-semitism or just “trouble.”
Jews who have been victimized throughout history tend to look at the world though the prism of that victimization, even when their own community is being viewed by others as victimizers.
Their fears are easily manipulated with appeals to a collective memory.
Back in my youth, every time some big crook’s picture was splashed in the tabloids, I was reassured by being told, at least he isn’t Jewish.’ Although later, I learned about Jewish gangsters like Meyer Lansky who practically ran the Mafia. If you want proof, rent one of those Godfather movies. [...]
Seven “Deadly Lies” about Gaza
#GazaDayofRage: Tens of thousands take to streets worldwide in support of Palestinians
SvaraRaderaPublished time: August 09, 2014
People across the globe have gathered to support the plight of Gaza, with the most impressive turnout taking place in London. Since the start of the Israel-Hamas conflict a month ago, over 1,800 Palestinians – mostly civilians – have been killed.
The calls to rally came from the International Solidarity Movement, Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and Stop the War coalition.[...]