Militärer, Amnesty och FN är nya aktörer i USA:s pågående "polisstats-kravaller" i Ferguson. National Guards reservmilitärer och Amnesty är på plats samtidigt som FN:s generalsekreterare offentligt påminner USA om att det är en mänsklig rättighet att demonstrera utan att bli mördad av staten...
Obduktionen av Michael Brown som tidigare sköts till döds av polisen visade att han skjutits i huvudet 2 gånger och minst 4 gånger i övriga kroppsdelar.
Marking the first time the organization has ever dispatched a team to a US location, the deployment is yet another sign of the high level of tensions in the predominantly African-American community following the police shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown. RT’s Anastasia Churkina is on the ground with more details on these latest developments.
The National Guard of the United States, part of the reserve components of the United States Armed Forces, is a reserve military force, composed of National Guard military members or units of each state and the territories of Guam, of the Virgin Islands, and of Puerto Rico, as well as of the District of Columbia, for a total of 54 separate organizations. All members of the National Guard of the United States are also members of the militia of the United States as defined by 10 U.S.C. § 311. The majority of National Guard soldiers and airmen hold a civilian job full-time while serving part-time as a National Guard member.[1][2] These part-time guardsmen are augmented by a full-time cadre of Active Guard & Reserve (AGR) personnel in both the Army National Guard and Air National Guard, plus Army Reserve Technicians in the Army National Guard and Air Reserve Technicians (ART) in the Air National Guard.
The National Guard is a joint activity of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) composed of reserve components of the United States Army and the United States Air Force: the Army National Guard of the United States[1] and the Air National Guard of the United States respectively.[1]
RT 2014-08-19
Confrontation resumed on Monday night in Ferguson, Missouri, as police used tear gas to disperse protesters. Live ammo was shot in the altercation, with two people injured. Thirty-one people, including a journalist were arrested.
Video: USA-Polisman "GO-FUCK-YOURSELF" går omkring och pekar på demonstranter med ett automatvapen och säger han skall döda dem...
According to the police report, the cigars — whether stolen or paid for — were not recovered. Despite the fact that Dorian Johnson, who witnessed the shooting, was identified in that report as a second suspect, he has not been charged.
Obduktionen av Michael Brown som tidigare sköts till döds av polisen visade att han skjutits i huvudet 2 gånger och minst 4 gånger i övriga kroppsdelar.
Autopsy shows Michael Brown was shot six times, two bullets hit head
Publicerades den 18 aug 2014
The preliminary autopsy results reveal that one of the six shots that struck and killed Michael Brown exited his body near the eye, and “supports what the witnesses said about him trying to surrender.” RT’s Anastasia Churkina reports. Publicerades den 18 aug 2014
National Guard, Amnesty International deploy to Ferguson
Publicerades den 18 aug 2014
Amidst news that Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon is deploying National Guard units to the restive Ferguson suburb of St. Louis, MO, Amnesty International announced Monday it is sending human rights observers to monitor the community. Marking the first time the organization has ever dispatched a team to a US location, the deployment is yet another sign of the high level of tensions in the predominantly African-American community following the police shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown. RT’s Anastasia Churkina is on the ground with more details on these latest developments.
The National Guard of the United States, part of the reserve components of the United States Armed Forces, is a reserve military force, composed of National Guard military members or units of each state and the territories of Guam, of the Virgin Islands, and of Puerto Rico, as well as of the District of Columbia, for a total of 54 separate organizations. All members of the National Guard of the United States are also members of the militia of the United States as defined by 10 U.S.C. § 311. The majority of National Guard soldiers and airmen hold a civilian job full-time while serving part-time as a National Guard member.[1][2] These part-time guardsmen are augmented by a full-time cadre of Active Guard & Reserve (AGR) personnel in both the Army National Guard and Air National Guard, plus Army Reserve Technicians in the Army National Guard and Air Reserve Technicians (ART) in the Air National Guard.
The National Guard is a joint activity of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) composed of reserve components of the United States Army and the United States Air Force: the Army National Guard of the United States[1] and the Air National Guard of the United States respectively.[1]

Confrontation resumed on Monday night in Ferguson, Missouri, as police used tear gas to disperse protesters. Live ammo was shot in the altercation, with two people injured. Thirty-one people, including a journalist were arrested.
Protests over the killing of teenager Michael Brown on August 9 by a police officer continued into their ninth day. Police were telling people not to congregate unless they were in protest-designated areas, a policy needed to protect Ferguson from a “criminal element,” it was explained.
Video: USA-Polisman "GO-FUCK-YOURSELF" går omkring och pekar på demonstranter med ett automatvapen och säger han skall döda dem...
[Ny Video som inte redigerats av USA-polisen...]
Michael Brown, Ferguson Victim Paid For His Rellos
Publicerades den 16 aug 2014
At 36 seconds you can clearly see the clerk clasp currency in his hands.
It’s not clear why the clerk confronted Brown, and why the much larger 18-year-old shoved the clerk, if no robbery was involved. The initial police report claimed that an unnamed “patron” had contacted police to report a “stealing in progress.” In a subsequent police interview, the witness claimed that Brown had reached over the counter and grabbed several packages of Swisher Sweets cigars and tried to leave without paying them.
- In the video above Brown can be seen reaching across the counter — but it appears that money is left on the counter, and accepted by the clerk, before Brown calmly walks toward the exit.
According to the police report, the cigars — whether stolen or paid for — were not recovered. Despite the fact that Dorian Johnson, who witnessed the shooting, was identified in that report as a second suspect, he has not been charged.
USA-polisens brutala tårgas-attacker, arresteringar och misshandel av journalister
USA-polisen i Ferguson attackerade Al-Jazeeras journalister med tårgas och gummikulor. Journalisterna fick fly för livet när de jobbade med att rapportera om USA:s polisvåld och demonstrationer mot polisen. Polisen monterade snabbt ner journalisternas utrustning direkt efter tårgasattacken. Detta framgår tydligt av bilder och videos som togs utan att polisen i Ferguson visste om det...
Demonstrationer och protester mot polisvåldet i USA sprider sig till 90 städer
USA:s "drömpolis" tar hand om protester mot polisens dödsskjutningar av amerikaner
USA:s trygga drömpolis har koll på läget och tar gärna hand om demonstrerande amerikaner som protesterar mot polisens frekventa dödsskjutningar av obeväpnade amerikaner...
USA-DEMOKRATI NU! lite hjälp av militärutrustad polis och automatvapen

Militär, Amnesty och FN - nya aktörer i polisstats-kravallerna i Ferguson
FNs mäskliga rättigheter påminner starkt om Natural Law, Naturrätten, bortsett från avsaknaden av rätten till självförsvar som är en av grundbultarna i Naturrätten.
Här är en annan variant av individens rättigheter.
FN:s version:
National Guard Deployment, Declaration of State of Emergency Fuels Anger, Unrest
SvaraRaderaPan African News Wire 18 August 2014
Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American youth, was shot at least six times by a Ferguson, MO white police officer Darren Wilson according to the preliminary results of an independent autopsy requested by the family. The fatal shot went directly through the top of Brown’s head into his brain, killing him immediately.
There are numerous eyewitnesses to the killing of Brown. A cellphone videotape captured the scene minutes after the youth was gunned down in the street while police stood around talking.
When Brown’s family members attempted to take a look at the body, theywere pushed away by the Ferguson police. The name of the officer was not released until six days after shooting.
On the same day as Wilson’s name was released, a video was issued by local authorities in Ferguson which purportedly showed someone resembling Brown taking a box of cigars from a store and pushing a clerk. The contents of this video and the timing of its release further inflamed tensions in the African American community.[...]
Does THIS Explain the “Snipers” Shadowing the Occupy Protests?
SvaraRaderaAugust 19, 2014
Source: Washington's Blog
Was the Government Prepared to Deploy Snipers If the Occupy Protests Gained Momentum?
TruthDig reported last year:
“Did the FBI ignore, or even abet, a plot to assassinate Occupy Houston leaders?” asks investigative reporter Dave Lindorff at WhoWhatWhy. “What did the Feds know? Whom did they warn? And what did the Houston Police know?”
A Freedom of Information Act request filed by the Washington, D.C.-based Partnership for Civil Justice Fund yielded an FBI document containing knowledge of a plot by an unnamed group or individual to kill “leaders” of the Houston chapter of the nonviolent Occupy Wall Street movement.[...]