Men här i Orwells tidevarv (aka nutid) så finns det naturligtvis inget motsatsförhållande i sånt. Bloggens logiska analys blir då givetvis, att vi i Sverige inte kan hantera all lycka som myndigheterna öser över oss, utan lyckan blir helt enkelt för överväldigande för vissa svaga personer som av given anledning tar livet av sig...
- Hur som helst så hörs nu röster i svensk media om att vi borde inrätta en ny "självmordsmyndighet" för att hantera problemet (som myndigheterna naturligtvis själva skapat).
- Vem vet, det kanske t o m blir en självmordsminister med tiden?
En annan möjlig lösning som också borde ligga i tiden, är att kanske införa dödsstraff för självmord - som avskräckande effekt..? Orwell hade säkert gillat det..?
1500 personer i Sverige begår officiellt varje år självmord. Detta är fem gånger fler än de som dör i trafikolyckor. För svenska män mellan 15 och 44 är självmord den vanligaste dödsorsaken.
Intressant är också att jämföra med antalet svenskar som dör av terror, eftersom massor av miljarder från skattepengarna satsas just där. =...0 personer.
*Det ovanstående är dessvärre inte hela sanningen utan det blir ännu värre. Enligt professor Ferrada så har Sverige även Europas högsta antal s.k. "osäkra självmord".
"I have developed this concept during my research at the Karolinska Institutet in the 90’s; a phenomenon that I called “Metasuicide”, and which it was in an article I published in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. It discussed a kind of violent death, where forensics cannot establish with certainty a self-destructive intent with fatal aim; neither if the injury was externally produced. We also referred it to as UMSA cases (for “Undetermined cause, suicide or accident”).
- As a matter of fact, Sweden was found to have the highest rate in Europe among such cases, and where these are labelled as “osäkra självmord”.
*RT rapporterar om den tilltänkta "självmordsmyndigheten..."

Swedish mental health charities want the government to create an official agency to reduce the high number of suicides in the country. Experts argue the issue has been swept under the carpet at the expense of human suffering.
Non-profit organization Mind, which works with people suffering from mental illnesses, has raised the alarm over the number of suicides in Sweden. Representatives from the agency believe the taboo surrounding discussion of the issue has led to stagnation, which is costing people’s lives, the Local reported.
"The taboo should not lead to that the question is avoided and is buried in inquiries without anything really happening. Moreover, the price in human suffering far too high," representatives for the charities wrote in Dagens Nyheter on Sunday.
In light of the current situation, Mind is calling for a new, holistic approach to deal with the issue of suicide. The group wants the Swedish public health body (Folkhälsömyndigheten) to create a separate department dedicated to bringing down the number of suicides. If this does not happen the group plans to appeal to politicians to start a government agency.
- Sweden has one of the highest suicide rates in Europe. At least 1,500 people take their own lives there every year. Additionally, suicide is the number one cause of death for men between 15 and 44 in Sweden, with 70 percent of all suicides committed by men.
Mind points out that around five times more people commit suicide each year than die in traffic incidents.
In 2008 the Swedish government launched a ‘Vision Zero’ policy for suicides aiming to drastically reduce the number of deaths in Sweden. The initiative was intended “to promote the idealism that suicide is everyone’s responsibility,” and tackle the social stigma surrounding the issue.
Mind says the initiative is ineffective and has done little to reduce suicide rates in Sweden.
“Vision Zero for suicide, however, virtually unknown and the number of suicides has remained at about the same level in recent years. One can even see a slight increase among young adults,” writes Dagens Nyheter.
According to data from a World Health Organization survey carried out in 2011, Sweden ranks 43rd in the world for suicides. The UK, US, France, New Zealand, Australia and Germany all have more annual recorded suicides.
Clawfinger - Catch Me
Ny självmordsmyndighet? - Självmords-frekvensen i Sverige bland Europas högsta
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