Oscarsvinnarna och "tankebrottslingarna" Penelope Cruz & Javier Bardem svartlistas av ett antal Hollywoodproducenter och studios, efter att stjärnparet skrivit under ett öppet brev tillsammans med ett 100-tal andra inom spansk filmindustri som kritiserar Israels folkmord och massakrer av kvinnor och barn i Gaza...
Ledande Hollywoodproducenter och studios anser att det troligen är anti-semitiskt att inte låta Israels armé massakrera tusentals oskyldiga palestinska barn & kvinnor och sedan tillsammans med media och etablissemanget kalla det för "självförsvar."
Ryan Kavanaugh: - I know that anyone calling what's going on in Israel 'genocide' vs. self-defense is either ignorant and shouldn't be commenting or is truly anti-Semitic."
Oscarsvinnarna Penelope Cruz & maken Javier Bardem och många andra kommer nu att bestraffas för sina tankebrott genom bl.a. svartlistning i Hollywood.

PressTV 2014-08-09
Having chosen to remain silent vis-à-vis Israel’s massacre of Palestinians, Hollywood has moved one step further by blacklisting the stars who said in an open letter that Tel Aviv is committing genocide.
The decision against Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz came after the Oscar-winning couple signed an open letter, denouncing “the genocide perpetrated by the Israeli occupation army.”
The letter said Israel is stoking the conflict by “advancing on Palestinian territories instead of withdrawing to the 1967 borders.” [...]
IB Times 2014-08-09
Actress Penelope Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem have roused the fury of Hollywood producers, with pledges made to snub the Spanish couple.
The letter accused Israel of "advancing on Palestinian territories instead of withdrawing to the 1967 borders.
"Gaza is living through horror… while the international community does nothing."
The Spanish letter was signed by 100 leading figures in the film industry, including director Pedro Almodovar.
One top producer who has worked with Cruz says he privately has vowed not to hire her again, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Another top Hollywood executive also privately expressed his disapproval, saying he's "furious at Javier and Penelope" and wasn't sure about working with the Spanish couple again.[...]
Ryan Kavanaugh: - I know that anyone calling what's going on in Israel 'genocide' vs. self-defense is either ignorant and shouldn't be commenting or is truly anti-Semitic."
Oscarsvinnarna Penelope Cruz & maken Javier Bardem och många andra kommer nu att bestraffas för sina tankebrott genom bl.a. svartlistning i Hollywood.

PressTV 2014-08-09
Having chosen to remain silent vis-à-vis Israel’s massacre of Palestinians, Hollywood has moved one step further by blacklisting the stars who said in an open letter that Tel Aviv is committing genocide.
The decision against Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz came after the Oscar-winning couple signed an open letter, denouncing “the genocide perpetrated by the Israeli occupation army.”
The letter said Israel is stoking the conflict by “advancing on Palestinian territories instead of withdrawing to the 1967 borders.” [...]

IB Times 2014-08-09
Actress Penelope Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem have roused the fury of Hollywood producers, with pledges made to snub the Spanish couple.
- Oscar-winner Bardem and Cruz signed an open letter speaking against "the genocide perpetrated by the Israeli occupation army".
The letter accused Israel of "advancing on Palestinian territories instead of withdrawing to the 1967 borders.
"Gaza is living through horror… while the international community does nothing."
The Spanish letter was signed by 100 leading figures in the film industry, including director Pedro Almodovar.
One top producer who has worked with Cruz says he privately has vowed not to hire her again, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Another top Hollywood executive also privately expressed his disapproval, saying he's "furious at Javier and Penelope" and wasn't sure about working with the Spanish couple again.[...]
Skådespelerskan Joan Rivers förklarar att folkmord på civila inte längre är något problem - bara man har en totalt överlägsen militär...
Publicerades den 25 jul 2014 av: TMZ
Joan Rivers dropped jettisoned
comedy for politics ... unleashing an impassioned defense of Israel that
included an awesome New York/New Jersey analogy.

Hollywood svartlistar Penelope Cruz & Javier Bardem - "Paret gillar inte FOLKMORDET i Gaza"