- Är det psykopater som styr samhället? Se videos med bl.a. David Icke som förklarar den gemensamma nämnaren bland världens s.k. ledare. Se även James Corbett och Stefan Verstappen i en avslöjande diskussion där de delar med sig av sina insikter om det psykopatiska samhällsklimatet av idag...
The David Icke Videocast:
Gaza and the Psychopathic Mind
Publicerades den 1 aug 2014***
Publicerad den 6 maj 2013 av: GlobalResearchTV
As more and more studies demonstrating the corrosive effect of psychopathy on government, finance, and business emerge, researchers have begun to explore how our society itself has been molded in the psychopaths' image. Now, one of those researchers, Stefan Verstappen, shares his insights on psychopathy in modern culture. This is the GRTV Feature interview on Global Research TV.

History, Heretics and Hysteria Thomas Sheridan - New Horizons 2013
***Publicerades den 16 maj 2013 av: WeAreChange Manchester
Thomas Sheridan -- astounding revelations about the Establishment's control structure!
Thomas Sheridan is an artist, author, public speaker and independent researcher currently based in the West of Ireland. He is best known for being the author of the book, "Puzzling People: the Labyrinth of the Psychopath". The book was well received, becoming an underground success and has made Thomas' entire body of work reach a much larger audience. His current book, "The Anvil of the Psyche", looks at social manipulation through popular culture and marketing.


These Wars Are Not What You Think They Are



Psychopath Roundtable talk
- Thomas Sheridan, - James Corbett, - Jay Weidner & - Vinny Eastwood
*** Publicerades den 19 jul 2013 av: Vincent Eastwood
Thomas Sheridan - www.thomassheridanarts.com
James Corbett - www.corbettreport.com
Jay Weidner - www.jayweidner.com - www.sacredmysteries.com

Psykopater styr världen - Psychopaths rule the world (3)
Publicerat som Information. Texter och bilder tillhör sina respektive upphovsmän
Tack, Videon finns nu inlagd i artikeln (den tredje videon uppifrån). La också till en annan "runda-bordet-video" inom samma ämne med; Thomas Sheridan, - James Corbett, - Jay Weidner och Vinny Eastwood.