Israeliska tidningen "Times of Israel" publicerade 1:a augusti en artikel på sin webbplats som förespråkade att folkmord och etnisk utrensning bör vara tillåtet att genomföra i Gaza. Artikeln togs senare bort efter en del klagomål...
Håller Israelerna omedvetet på att förbättra de tyska nazisternas anseende för sitt svinaktiga agerande på 30-40-talet? Israelen Yochanan Gordon försvarade i alla fall sin egen nya artikel på twitter, angående att det är tillåtet för Israel att begå ett folkmord mot palestinier i Gaza.
Men, nackdelen med att rättfärdiga nya folkmord, är att tidigare folkmord samtidigt också blir lättare att försvara...
PressTV 2014-08-01
The article titled “When Genocide Is Permissible” was published by The Times of Israel on Friday, but was removed hours later, the Moon of Alabama website reported.
Written by Yochanan Gordon, who defended the move on his Twitter page, the article called for committing genocide against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza who have been under a massive Israeli assault in the last 25 days.
Israel’s “hands are being tied by world leaders who over the past six years have insisted they are such good friends with” the regime, Gordon claimed, adding that “nothing, then, can be considered disproportionate” in fight against Gazans.
Closing his eyes on the widespread reports of civilian casualties inflicted by the Israeli attacks on Gaza, the author stated that according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the purpose of the raid is to “restore a sustainable quiet for the citizens of Israel.”
The call for genocide comes as US Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas on Friday for "capturing an Israeli soldier" and urged the group to release him.
“Hamas, which has security control over the Gaza Strip, must immediately and unconditionally release the missing Israeli soldier, and I call on those with influence over Hamas to reinforce this message,” Kerry said.
This is while Hamas says it has no information regarding the missing Israeli soldier, named as Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin.
Israel has been pounding the Gaza Strip since July 8. The air, sea and land strikes by Israel have so far killed more than 1,600 people and injured nearly 9,000 of others in the coastal sliver.
The Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, has been launching retaliatory attacks against Israel.
The Israeli military says it has lost more than 60 of its troops in clashes with Palestinian resistance fighters during the 25 days of fighting, but Hamas puts the number at over 145.

2014-08-04 PressTV
According to medical sources in the coastal enclave, Israel’s airstrikes and ground invasion have claimed 1,865 Palestinian lives so far while more than 9,400 others have been wounded.
On Monday, Israel declared a seven-hour ceasefire in some parts of Gaza. However, shortly after the unilateral truce, which started at 10 a.m. (0700 GMT), an Israeli airstrike targeted a house at the al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, killing a child.
Israeli military also says it is redeploying troops within Gaza while other forces are pulling out.
The development comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a Monday statement that the military operation in Gaza “will continue until its goals are reached.”
Israel launched a military offensive in Gaza on July 8 and has since carried out thousands of airstrikes across the blockaded enclave. Israeli forces also began a ground offensive against the besieged Palestinian territory on July 17.
The Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, has been launching retaliatory attacks against Israel.
The Israeli military says 64 of its soldiers have been killed in the conflict, but Hamas puts the fatalities at more than 150.
FN:s talesman berättar i live-TV om folkmordet i Gaza - efter att FN bombats 6 gånger av Israel
Håller Israelerna omedvetet på att förbättra de tyska nazisternas anseende för sitt svinaktiga agerande på 30-40-talet? Israelen Yochanan Gordon försvarade i alla fall sin egen nya artikel på twitter, angående att det är tillåtet för Israel att begå ett folkmord mot palestinier i Gaza.
Men, nackdelen med att rättfärdiga nya folkmord, är att tidigare folkmord samtidigt också blir lättare att försvara...
An Israeli paper has removed an article from its website, which urged “genocide” in the besieged Gaza Strip, a report says.
***PressTV 2014-08-01
The article titled “When Genocide Is Permissible” was published by The Times of Israel on Friday, but was removed hours later, the Moon of Alabama website reported.
Written by Yochanan Gordon, who defended the move on his Twitter page, the article called for committing genocide against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza who have been under a massive Israeli assault in the last 25 days.
Israel’s “hands are being tied by world leaders who over the past six years have insisted they are such good friends with” the regime, Gordon claimed, adding that “nothing, then, can be considered disproportionate” in fight against Gazans.
Closing his eyes on the widespread reports of civilian casualties inflicted by the Israeli attacks on Gaza, the author stated that according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the purpose of the raid is to “restore a sustainable quiet for the citizens of Israel.”
“- If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide is it then permissible to achieve those responsible goals?”
The call for genocide comes as US Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas on Friday for "capturing an Israeli soldier" and urged the group to release him.
“Hamas, which has security control over the Gaza Strip, must immediately and unconditionally release the missing Israeli soldier, and I call on those with influence over Hamas to reinforce this message,” Kerry said.
This is while Hamas says it has no information regarding the missing Israeli soldier, named as Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin.
Israel has been pounding the Gaza Strip since July 8. The air, sea and land strikes by Israel have so far killed more than 1,600 people and injured nearly 9,000 of others in the coastal sliver.
The Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, has been launching retaliatory attacks against Israel.
The Israeli military says it has lost more than 60 of its troops in clashes with Palestinian resistance fighters during the 25 days of fighting, but Hamas puts the number at over 145.

Death toll from nearly one month of Israel’s relentless attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip has hit 1,865.
*** 2014-08-04 PressTV
According to medical sources in the coastal enclave, Israel’s airstrikes and ground invasion have claimed 1,865 Palestinian lives so far while more than 9,400 others have been wounded.
On Monday, Israel declared a seven-hour ceasefire in some parts of Gaza. However, shortly after the unilateral truce, which started at 10 a.m. (0700 GMT), an Israeli airstrike targeted a house at the al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, killing a child.
“There is no truce. How could there be a truce,” said Ayman Mahmud, who lives in the neighborhood, adding, “They are liars! They don't even respect their own commitments!”Israeli army resumed its strikes after the end of the ceasefire. Two people lost their lives in the latest Israeli assaults on the coastal sliver.
Israeli military also says it is redeploying troops within Gaza while other forces are pulling out.
The development comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a Monday statement that the military operation in Gaza “will continue until its goals are reached.”
Israel launched a military offensive in Gaza on July 8 and has since carried out thousands of airstrikes across the blockaded enclave. Israeli forces also began a ground offensive against the besieged Palestinian territory on July 17.
The Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, has been launching retaliatory attacks against Israel.
The Israeli military says 64 of its soldiers have been killed in the conflict, but Hamas puts the fatalities at more than 150.
FN:s talesman berättar i live-TV om folkmordet i Gaza - efter att FN bombats 6 gånger av Israel
FN:s tårar. Detta är nog ett av FN:s mest trovärdiga uttalande hittills angående det palestinska folkets lidande i Gaza. FN:s talesman, Chris Gunness, berättar utförligt i en live-TV-sändning om sionisternas folkmord i Gaza...
FN:s talesman, Chris Gunness, berättar utförligt i en live-TV-sändning om sionisternas folkmord i Gaza...
FN:s talesman, Chris Gunness, berättar utförligt i en live-TV-sändning om sionisternas folkmord i Gaza...

Israelisk tidning: - Folkmord & etnisk utrensning bör vara tillåtet i Gaza
Israeli High Court: Israeli Soldiers Used Palestinians as Human Shields 1,200 Times
SvaraRaderaAugust 4, 2014 Source: Washington's Blog
Israel Has Frequently Used Palestinians as Human Shields
Israelis frequently accuse Palestinians of using human shields.
That claim is highly questionable.
However, in 2005, the Israeli high court found that Israeli soldiers had used Palestinian civilians as human shields 1,200 times in the past 5 years. As Ynet reported at the time:
Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz on Tuesday demanded that the High Court review a ruling it issued last Thursday in which it declared that the ‘human shield’ procedure employed by the IDF when detaining Palestinian terror suspects is illegal and violates international law.
Sources at the Ministry of Defense said that Mofaz’ comments are not an attempt to subvert the Court’s decision, adding that the defense minister intends to use democratic means to revoke the ruling.
According to defense officials, the Israel Defense Forces made use of the ‘human shield’ procedure on 1,200 occasions over the last five years, and only on one occasion did a Palestinian civilian get hurt.
An 18-year-old Palestinian was killed in 2002 during one such operation.[...]
The Logic of Occupation: NYPD Arrests The Man Who Recorded The Police Murder of Eric Garner
SvaraRaderaAugust 4, 2014
By William Norman Grigg
In a development as predictable as the next sunrise, police in New York City have arrested 22-year-old Ramsey Orta, who used his cell phone to document the police killing of Eric Garner. Orta’s mother says that the NYPD has been shadowing her son since the video of the July 17 incident went public, sending officers to stake out the family’s home and shine spotlights at their windows.
Undercover plainclothes officers claim that they saw Orta slip a handgun into the waistband of a girlfriend outside a hotel in what the department describes as a “drug-prone” neighborhood in Staten Island. Orta has a previous conviction that supposedly disqualifies him from owning a weapon.
Assuming that he was actually caught with a stolen gun – rather than being framed by the cops with what they call a “throw-down gun” – Orta would appear to be a repeat offender.The same is true, however, of NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who assaulted Eric Garner with an illegal chokehold, leading to what the medical examiner has concluded was a death by homicide.[...]
SvaraRadera” An Israeli paper has removed an article from its website, which urged “genocide” in the besieged Gaza Strip, a report says. “
Vad är bloggägaren mest upprörd over?
1) Att det tog flera timmar innan den israeliska apparaten fungerade så att den idiotiska artikeln raderades från nätet?
Om så- Varför döma Israel efter annan måttstock än alla andra länder i världen?
2) Eller att Hamas har haft folkmord och etnisk rensning på sitt program sedan bildandet 1987.
Om så- Varför inte några inlägg om Hamas genocide ambitioner på bloggen?
Både The Independent och massor andra stora & små nyhetsaktörer tyckte tydligen också att den "idiotiska" nyheten ändå var värd att publicera.
RaderaOm Hamas under några veckor mördar 450 Israeliska barn och dödar tusentals civila samtidigt som man invalidiserar och skadar tiotusentals andra civila israeler och jämnar delar av Israel med marken...
Då kommer bloggen givetvis att publicera samma typ av artikel om Hamas.
Tills detta inträffar får du nog nöja dig med artiklar om Israel.
--Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes--
RaderaA day before Palestinian teenager Muhammad Abu Khudair was kidnapped and burned alive allegedly by six Israeli Jewish youths, Israeli lawmaker Ayelet Shaked published on Facebook a call for genocide of the Palestinians.
It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”
It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”
If Shaked’s post does not meet the legal definition of a call for genocide then nothing does.
Shaked is a senior figure in the Habeyit Hayehudi (Jewish Home) party that is part of Israel’s ruling coalition.
Her post was shared more than one thousand times and received almost five thousand “Likes.”
Uri Elitzur, to whom she refers, and who died a few months ago, was leader of the settler movement and speechwriter and close advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
SvaraRaderaIsraelisk tidning: - Folkmord & etnisk utrensning bör vara tillåtet i Gaza
Jag ber att få protestera å det bestämdaste!
Vad saken gäller är en blogg-post på tidningens hemsida skriven av en privatperson utan koppling till själva tidningen.
Att inlägget slank igenom och publicerades för att sedan plockas bort stämmer väl överens med denna Under mattan-bloggens egna regler:
”Kommentera helst angående ämnet i artiklarna.
Juridiskt ansvar ligger helt hos kommentatorn.
Uppenbara olagligheter inom hat, hets och bullshit plockas bort.”
Bloggaen är avstängd och åtgärder för att upprepning ej ska ske kommer tas. Varför sopar ni detta faktum under matta?
Dessutom har bloggaren själv gjort en riktig pudel, så min fråga är:
Vad är egentligen sensationen/nyheten i Under mattans ögon?
Att Hamas haft folkmord och etnisk rensning på sitt program sedan 1987 och att det tog ända från 1948 till nu innan en israelisk bloggande privatperson tillfälligt andades i dessa termer?
Allas eder ödmjuke
Ödmjuke S.N, din kommentar har redan till viss del besvarats en gång lite högre upp på sidan.
RaderaExempelvis går (och ett flertal andra oberoende medier) steget längre och säger följande:
"The Times of Israel published a column on August 1st, and later unpublished it, with the headline “When Genocide Is Permissible.”
The answer turned out to be: now."
Angående 1948 så skriver den bloggen t.ex. även:
Prominent Jewish Leader: Israel Intentionally Massacred Civilians in 1948 to Terrorize the Population.
"Bloggaen är avstängd och åtgärder för att upprepning ej ska ske kommer tas. Varför sopar ni detta faktum under matta?"
Gör vi inte alls. Det står tydligt att artikeln plockats bort i inledningen av texten.
Men "Times of Israel" har ju faktiskt publicerat artikeln under sitt firmanamn - oavsett hur mycket du skyller på den s.k. bloggaren.
Det här är ingen stor grej - vi går t.ex. mycket hårdare åt vår egen regering...
MVH /Red.
Crimes against Humanity. Israel’s “Own Words”: “We Must Expel Arabs…We Struck Civilians Because They Deserved It”
SvaraRaderaAugust 05, 2014 By Steve Chovanec
“We must expel Arabs and take their place.”– David Ben-Gurion, October 5 1937, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Winter 2012), University of California Press, pp. 245-250.*[...]
We must blow Gaza back to the Middle Ages destroying all the infrastructure including roads & water.(17)
Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people…
They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses.
They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise,more little snakes will be raised there.(18)
-Gaza Massacre: Israel’s Reversion to Old Colonial Tactics-
SvaraRaderaThe Demonization of Gaza
By James Abourezk Counter Punch 5 August 2014
It is amazing how quickly Israel has learned the elements of colonial staying power. It is even more amazing how the American media has taken up the cause of racism against the Palestinians.
We can start with how the Israelis, and their lobby headquartered in Washington, have managed to demonize Palestinians, with the result that Israel can undertake a massive slaughter and be barely criticized for it both by our media.
We can begin with Israel’s request to the US government a couple of decades ago to label Hamas as a “Terrorist Group,” which our government happily agreed to do. Other people in other parts of the world have tried this tactic, with some success, but for the most part such rebels are labeled “insurgents.”
Demonization of those you occupy is an essential first step to allow a colonial power to do what it wishes with the people being occupied. How else can one explain the lack of meaningful protests by Americans, who have furnished the money and the weapons to the maiming and the slaughter by Israel of thousands of Palestinians in the many wars its Army has conducted against the Palestinians.
It is useful to look back at our own colonial experience to understand what our government is doing to abet this slaughter of innocents. [...]
Israel’s Carnage and Wreckage of Gaza: Crimes, Victims and Witnesses
SvaraRaderaReview of "Crimes, Victims and Witnesses - Apartheid in Palestine" by Mats Svensson.
August 05, 2014 By Jim Miles
Amongst all the news of the carnage and wreckage in Gaza created by the latest Israeli onslaught, Crimes, Victims and Witnesses is a sadly reflective book.
Mats Svensson has combined stunning and compelling photography with short, quick, sad and often cryptic anecdotes about his experiences as a Swedish UN diplomat in Israel/Palestine.
The theme is obvious, that of apartheid, and its main barrier is the wall being built by Israel that is slowly twisting and turning through Palestinian land, separating families from families, farmers from their land, capturing the water, the fertile ground, the protected hilltops – separating the people from their freedom and hopes to carry out a normal life.
The other main barrier of course is Gaza itself, the enforced isolation of a small portion of Palestinian land, completely under Israeli control and effectively separated from the West Bank both politically and geographically.
In the forward, Dr. Essop G. Pahad writes,
When South Africans visit Palestine most are shocked at how much worse apartheid is there than that of the old South Africa. And they comment that it cannot be called anything other than apartheid.[...]
How the Corporate Media Profit from Israel’s “Crime of Genocide” directed the People of Palestine
SvaraRaderaAugust 05, 2014 By Joyce Chediac
NBC ‘witchhunts’ reporters who don’t convey the “official line”
An anonymous NBC producer described “a top-down intimidation campaign aimed at presenting an Israeli-centric view of the attack on the Gaza Strip,”AlterNet journalist Max Blumenthal reported on July 22.
“The NBC producer told me that MSNBC President Phil Griffin and NBC executives are micromanaging coverage of the crisis, closely monitoring contributors’ social media accounts and engaging in a ‘witch hunt’ against anyone who strays from the official line.”
This follows MSNBC’s dropping its sole Palestinian contributor, Rula Jebreal, after she called the network’s coverage “disgustingly biased” on MSNCB’s “Ronan Farrow Daily” show July 21. She also hit CNN for interviewing “17 Israeli public officials versus one Palestinian.”
NBC ordered veteran reporter Ayman Mohyeldin to leave Gaza after his July 17 story on the Israeli shelling deaths of four Palestinian children playing soccer on a beach, which “NBC Nightly News” did not air. Mohyeldin was reinstated after social media outrage.
NBC’s owners sell arms to Israel