De många näthatande destruktiva trollens aktiviteter på webben verkar att ha ökat dramatiskt de senaste åren. Detta sker i samband med att myndigheter militariserar webben för sitt psykologiska krig mot medborgarna. David Icke har lagt ut en video om sitt senaste beslut att skippa kommentarerna på tuben...

Här är några smakprov från myndigheternas internetskola: Lär dig hur man manipulerar undersåtarna på webben med deras egna skattepengar genom lite kul extremt näthat och några roliga "false flag -operationer". - Allting som NSA kan göra, kan givetvis även alla andra medlemmar i det notoriska "säkerhetskollektivet" där Sverige ingår också göra...
For Who the Bell Trolls
Publicerades den 18 aug 2014 davidicke
This video explains why I believe turning off comment sections on You Tube is now crucial in order to tell the truth, and keep your sanity by avoiding unnecessary conflict with trolls.
I believe it's best to turn off comment boards and back off of social media in general. This is just my personal opinion and I do see the other side of course. I don't mind at all if you don't agree. But this is an unrepresented and often ignored side of the equation, and I also explain the energetic and esoteric roots behind this opinion.
I see detaching oneself from society and the opinions of others necessary for telling the dark truths that require courage and enlightenment. It's not easy to talk about the truth these days. And group think and the growing hive mind mentality are programmed to rail against it, calling people crazy when all they are doing is informing the public.
The same way an artist must internally detach themselves from the opinion of fans and critics while they are creating their art, I believe the same rule applies when creating mini documentaries that delve into uncovering truth and other controversial topics.
I believe it's best to turn off comment boards and back off of social media in general. This is just my personal opinion and I do see the other side of course. I don't mind at all if you don't agree. But this is an unrepresented and often ignored side of the equation, and I also explain the energetic and esoteric roots behind this opinion.
I see detaching oneself from society and the opinions of others necessary for telling the dark truths that require courage and enlightenment. It's not easy to talk about the truth these days. And group think and the growing hive mind mentality are programmed to rail against it, calling people crazy when all they are doing is informing the public.
The same way an artist must internally detach themselves from the opinion of fans and critics while they are creating their art, I believe the same rule applies when creating mini documentaries that delve into uncovering truth and other controversial topics.
However in recent web history, trolls have actually served a purpose: to invite controversy and to open debate with those who have a different political or philosophical persuasion.
In between the hobby trolls and OG trolls lives the Government Paid Troll (GPT). They are found in every country and, like the teleprompter reading Skeksis that fill cable news channels promoting endless wars and big government worship, these internet wretches are vacant wastelands who serve no other purpose than to inject disinformation onto the internet and to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes they consider desirable.
They receive their marching orders from faceless social scientists who are using the web as their own playground. You have probably encountered a GPT or two while surfing the web. This video will show you the techniques they use and provide some solutions to fight back.
Related articles exposing gov. trolls:
The Secret Life of Gov. Paid Trolls
Publicerades den 16 okt 2014 TheAlexJonesChannel
A troll's recent death in England
has opened a discourse on troll behavior in general. We all know the
current species of trolls are vile scum who dwell in the basements of
their parents' homes and who spend their free time hounding people more
talented than themselves with their mindless keyboard dribble while
eating copious amounts of mayonnaise-filled hot pockets. However in recent web history, trolls have actually served a purpose: to invite controversy and to open debate with those who have a different political or philosophical persuasion.
In between the hobby trolls and OG trolls lives the Government Paid Troll (GPT). They are found in every country and, like the teleprompter reading Skeksis that fill cable news channels promoting endless wars and big government worship, these internet wretches are vacant wastelands who serve no other purpose than to inject disinformation onto the internet and to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes they consider desirable.
They receive their marching orders from faceless social scientists who are using the web as their own playground. You have probably encountered a GPT or two while surfing the web. This video will show you the techniques they use and provide some solutions to fight back.
Related articles exposing gov. trolls:
Snowden presenterar: Myndigheternas verktyg för att manipulera allt som sker på webben
Snowdens dokument avslöjar att myndigheterna har verktyg för att manipulera allting som sker på webben. Och då menar vi verkligen ALLTING...
Läs också:
Både NSA och USA:s militär trollar webbens sociala nätverk - bedriver masspropaganda

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