Paul Craig Roberts har nyligen publicerat några artiklar där han förklarar att ett världskrig är mycket nära och att Europa kommer att drabbas först och lika hårt eller hårdare än under tidigare storkrig...
War Is Coming
2014-07-28 Paul Craig Roberts
The extraordinary propaganda being conducted against Russia by the US and UK governments and Ministries of Propaganda, a.k.a., the “Western media,” have the purpose of driving the world to war that no one can win.
European governments need to rouse themselves from insouciance, because Europe will be the first to be vaporized due to the US missile bases that Europe hosts to guarantee its “security.”
As reported by Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, the Russian response to the extra-legal ruling of a corrupt court in the Netherlands, which had no jurisdiction over the case on which it ruled, awarding $50 billion dollars from the Russian government to shareholders of Yukos, a corrupt entity that was looting Russia and evading taxes, is telling. Asked what Russia would do about the ruling, an advisor to President Putin replied,
“- There is a war coming in Europe.”
- Do you really think this ruling matters?”
The West has ganged up on Russia, because the West is totally corrupt.
The wealth of the elites is based not only on looting weaker countries whose leaders can be purchased (read John Perkins’ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man for instruction on how the looting works), but also on looting their own citizens.
The American elites excel at looting their fellow citizens and have wiped out most of the US middle class in the new 21st century.
In contrast, Russia has emerged from tyranny and from a government based on lies, while the US and UK submerge into tyranny shielded by lies. Western elites desire to loot Russia, a juicy prize, and there stands Putin in the way.
The solution is to get rid of him like they got rid of President Yanukovich in Ukraine.
The looting elites and the neoconservative hegemonists have the same goal: make Russia a vassal state. This goal unites the Western financial imperialists with the political imperialists.

The cover is Putin’s face in a spider web, and, you guessed it, the cover story is “A Web of Lies.”
You need to read this propaganda both in order to see the gutter level of propaganda in the West and the obvious drive to war with Russia.
There is no evidence whatsoever in the story to support The Economist’s wild accusations and demand for the end of Western “appeasement” of Russia and the harshest possible action against Putin.
The kind of reckless lies and transparent propaganda that comprises The Economist’s story has no other purpose than to drive the world to war.
- The Western elites and governments are not merely totally corrupt, they are insane.
- As I have previously written, don’t expect to live much longer.
In this video one of Putin’s advisors and Russian journalists speak openly of US plans for a first strike on Russia:
/Paul Craig Roberts

2014-07-27 Paul Craig Roberts / Infowars
European governments and the Western media have put the world at risk by enabling Washington’s propaganda and aggression against Russia.
Washington has succeeded in using transparent lies to demonize Russia as a dangerous aggressive country led by a new Hitler or a new Stalin, just as Washington succeeded in demonizing Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the Taliban in Afghanistan, Qaddafi in Libya, Assad in Syria, Chavez in Venezuela, and, of course, Iran.
- The real demons–Clinton, Bush, Obama–are “the exceptional and indispensable people” above the reach of demonization.
Their horrific real crimes go unnoticed, while fictitious crimes are attributed to the unexceptional and dispensable people and countries.
The reason that Washington demonizes a leader and a country is to permit the creation of circumstances that Washington can use to act with force against a leader and a country.
Washington’s incessant lies alleging “Russian aggression” have created Russian aggression out of thin air. John Kerry and the State Department’s Marie Harf issue new lies daily, but never any supporting evidence. With the stage set, the US Senate, the NATO commander and the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff are busy at work energizing the wheels of war.
- Senate bill 2277 provides for beefing up forces on Russia’s borders and for elevating Ukraine’s status to “ally of the US” so that US troops can assist the war against “terrorists” in Ukraine. See also:
NATO commander Breedlove is preparing his plans for stockpiling war material on Russia’s borders so that US/NATO troops can more quickly strike Russia.
Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, is at work preparing American opinion for the upcoming war.
On July 24 Dempsey told the Aspen Security Forum, a high level group where US opinion is formed, that Putin’s aggression in Ukraine is comparable to Stalin’s invasion of Poland in 1939 and that the Russian threat was not limited to Ukraine or Eastern Europe but was global.

No one asked Dempsey what Washington has been doing during the last three presidential regimes: Clinton in Serbia, Bush and Obama in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen, Obama in Libya and Syria.
Here are Dempsey’s words: “You’ve got a Russian government that has made a conscious decision to use its military force inside another sovereign nation to achieve its objectives. It’s the first time since 1939 or so that that’s been the case. They clearly are on a path to assert themselves differently not just in Eastern Europe, but Europe in the main, and towards the United States.”
Washington’s view that the world is its oyster is so ingrained that neither Dempsey nor his upper echelon audience at the Aspen Forum noticed the absurdity of his statement. Washington and the brainwashed US population take if for granted that the “exceptional, indispensable nation” is not limited in its actions by the sovereignty of other countries.
Washington takes for granted that US law prevails in other countries over the countries’ own laws–just ask France or Switzerland, that Washington can tell foreign financial institutions and corporations with whom they can do business and with whom they cannot–just ask every country and company prevented from doing business with Iran, that Washington can invade any country whose leader Washington can demonize and overthrow–just ask Iraq, Honduras, Libya, Serbia, and so forth, and that Washington can conduct military operations against peoples in foreign countries, such as Pakistan and Yemen, with which Washington is not at war.
- All of this is possible, because Washington has claimed the title from Israel of being “God’s Chosen People.” Of course, Israel’s loss of the title has not stopped Israel from acting the same way.
Washington now has in motion the wheels of war. Once the wheels of war begin to turn, momentum carries them forward. The foolish, indeed utterly stupid, governments and media in Europe seem unaware of Washington’s orchestration of their future or lack thereof, or they are indifferent to it.
They are dooming themselves and all of humanity by their insouciance. Heaven help if the British PM or French president or German chancellor were not invited to the White House or the Polish nonentity did not get his Washington stipend.
Readers who cannot tolerate problems without solutions always request solutions. OK, here is the solution:
The only possibility of avoiding war is that Putin take his case to the UN. If Washington can send Colin Powell to the UN unarmed with any truth to make Washington’s case for war against Iraq, Putin should be able to take his case to the UN against Washington’s war against Russia.
The case that the emperor has no clothes is an easy one to make.
Unlike Washington, Putin is willing to share the evidence that Russia has about who is doing what in Ukraine. It is a simple matter to establish that Washington organized a coup that overthrew an elected government, supports violence against those who object to the coup, and has turned a deaf ear to Russia’s repeated pleas for Kiev and the separatists to negotiate their differences.
Putin should make it clear to the world that Washington continues with provocative military steps against Russia, with force buildups on Russia’s borders and calls for more buildups, with S.2277 which reads like a US preparation for war, with provocative actions and accusations by top US generals and government officials against Russia, and with efforts to isolate Russia and to inflict economic and political injury on Russia.
Putin should make it clear to the world that there is a limit to the provocations that Russia can accept and that Russia believes that Russia is in danger of preemptive nuclear attack by Washington. Putin can describe Washington’s withdrawal from the ABM treaty, the construction of ABM bases on Russia’s borders, and the announced change in Washington’s war doctrine that elevates US nuclear forces from a retaliatory role to a preemptive first strike role. These actions are clearly directed at Russia (and China–wake up China! You are next!).
Putin must state clearly that the likely consequence of the world continuing to enable Washington’s lies and aggression will be not merely another disastrous war but the termination of life.
- The governments of the world, especially Washington’s vassals in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan, need to be told that it is their responsibility to stop their enabling of Washington’s aggression or to accept their responsibility for World War III.
At least we could all have the enjoyment of watching the arrogant Samantha Powers and the craven British lapdog rise and walk out of the UN proceedings. There is no doubt whatsoever that Washington is unable to answer the charges.
- Here again is the Wolfowitz Doctrine that controls US foreign policy and that condemns Planet Earth to death:
“Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that posses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union.
This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.”
A hostile power is defined as any country that is not a Washington vassal.
The Wolfowitz Doctrine commits the United States, its peoples, Washington’s gullible EU allies and those peoples to war with Russia and China. Unless Russia and China surrender, the world will be destroyed.
The destruction of the world is what the idiot EU governments and the presstitute
Western media are fostering by their enablement of Washington’s lies and aggression.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.
[...] In January, well-known economist Nouriel Roubini tweeted from the gathering of the rich and powerful at the World Economic Forum in Davos:
Many speakers compare 2014 to 1914 when WWI broke out & no one expected it. A black swan in the form of a war between China & Japan?And:
Both Abe and an influential Chinese analyst don’t rule out a military confrontation between China and Japan. Memories of 1914?Billionaire hedge fund manager Kyle Bass writes:
Trillions of dollars of debts will be restructured and millions of financially prudent savers will lose large percentages of their real purchasing power at exactly the wrong time in their lives. Again, the world will not end, but the social fabric of the profligate nations will be stretched and in some cases torn. Sadly, looking back through economic history, all too often war is the manifestation of simple economic entropy played to its logical conclusion. We believe that war is an inevitable consequence of the current global economic situation.
Reagan’s head of the Office of Management and Budget – David Stockman – is posting pieces warning of the dispute between the U.S. and Russia leading to World War 3. [...]

Victoria Nuland — who acted as the front person for the State Department’s coup in Kiev — bluntly expressed the opinion of the United States toward the European Union back in February.
Nuland employed a choice expletive when she dismissed the glacial movement of EU apparatchiks and their apparent political paralysis in response to the State Department’s covert effort to install a cooperative regime in Ukraine.- The MH17 downing was engineered to move the EU and public consensus in the direction of open confrontation with Russia.
The EU does not want to appear indifferent and lackadaisical to the exploitatively propagandized tragedy, so it will lend its support for a new round of sanctions and, most importantly, the neocon introduced Senate bill 2277, the so-called “Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014” more appropriately dubbed the World War III bill.
The legislation was introduced by Sen. Bob Corker, who is slated to become the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee if Republicans take control of that house in November.
If passed the Corker bill will declare Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine “major non-NATO allies” and move NATO troops and equipment into the former Soviet republics of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
It will put an ABM system on the fast track in Eastern Europe and step up military and intelligence assistance to Ukrainian forces fighting against separatists in Donbass and elsewhere in Eastern Ukraine.
- Other suggestions arising from Congress include adding Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Finland, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Sweden to NATO.
The Corker bill will encourage the color revolution crowd to subvert the Russian Federation. “S. 2277 would direct the secretary of state to intensify efforts to strengthen democratic institutions inside the Russian Federation, e.g., subvert Vladimir Putin’s government, looking toward regime change,” writes Patrick Buchanan.
Congress and establishment media blame Russia for MH17 downing without evidence.
***“The U.S. directive to the State Department to work with NGOs in Russia, blatant intervention in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation, would be answered with a general expulsion of these agencies from Moscow,” Buchanan adds.
In 2012 Russia booted the premier color revolution organization – the U.S. Agency for International Development – out of the country. The State Department’s USAID, writes Eva Golinger, “is the principal entity that promotes the economic and strategic interests of the US across the globe as part of counterinsurgency operations…
- Wherever a coup d’etat, a colored revolution or a regime change favorable to US interests occurs, USAID and its flow of dollars is there.”
Corker and the neocon Republicans – including Sens. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell, and others who co-sponsored S. 2277 – are looking to push a reluctant EU into a war posture with its trading partner.
“Most Europeans have little stomach for confronting Russia,” writes Doug Bandow for Forbes. “Economic ties with Moscow are profitable, there is no treaty obligation to Ukraine, and no alliance member desires war. So Washington has taken the lead against Moscow even though America has little at stake in Russia’s misbehavior.”
“Efforts to expand NATO are strikingly misguided. Traditional military alliances were created to advance a nation’s security. They were not intended to act as clubs for international business, associations for shared values, or tools for political integration. Military alliances were supposed to prevent and win wars. During the Cold War the U.S. established the alliance to protect the war-ravaged European states from America’s hegemonic adversary, the Soviet Union, and its satellite-allies.”
NATO has morphed from a post-war relic ostensibly designed to protect Europe into a belligerent alliance aligned against the Russian Federation. It works not only to destroy its economic relationship with Western Europe, but foment regime change within its borders.
The last time a spat in Eastern Europe turned excessively violent, 65,000,000 people died and set the stage for the death of 85,000,000 a few years later. In total, during the 20th century, an excess of 250,000,000 people were killed by government.
A repeat of a similar situation will not result in a conventional war, but a nuclear one. “We have 450 active ICBMs, but because of geographical constraints, they can really only be used to attack Russia,” writes Eugene K. Chow.
The United States has a total inventory of 4,650 nuclear weapons, including nearly 2,000 actively deployed warheads, and Russia has about the same, Chow explains.
Nuclear weapons, like all weapons, were invented to be used and gain superiority and dominance over an enemy. “The crossbow, the dreadnought, poison gas, the tank, the landmine, chemical weapons, napalm, the B-29, the drone,” all of these weapons have been used, writes Tom Engelhardt, and some of them still are.
Recently a senior adviser to Vladimir Putin said the U.S. plans a nuclear first strike on Russia. Paul Craig Roberts insists the placement of ABM systems in Eastern Europe are intended to intercept Russian missiles after a first strike.
“The Western elites and governments are not merely totally corrupt, they are insane. As I have previously written, don’t expect to live much longer,” Roberts warns.
Sanningssökaren: USA:s & NATO:s plan för att vinna 3:e världskriget, "first strike" acceptabelt

RT - Published time: July 29, 2014
“Efforts to expand NATO are strikingly misguided. Traditional military alliances were created to advance a nation’s security. They were not intended to act as clubs for international business, associations for shared values, or tools for political integration. Military alliances were supposed to prevent and win wars. During the Cold War the U.S. established the alliance to protect the war-ravaged European states from America’s hegemonic adversary, the Soviet Union, and its satellite-allies.”
NATO has morphed from a post-war relic ostensibly designed to protect Europe into a belligerent alliance aligned against the Russian Federation. It works not only to destroy its economic relationship with Western Europe, but foment regime change within its borders.
“- Western elites desire to loot Russia, a juicy prize, and there stands Putin in the way.
- The solution is to get rid of him like they got rid of President Yanukovich in Ukraine,” writes Paul Craig Roberts.
The last time a spat in Eastern Europe turned excessively violent, 65,000,000 people died and set the stage for the death of 85,000,000 a few years later. In total, during the 20th century, an excess of 250,000,000 people were killed by government.
A repeat of a similar situation will not result in a conventional war, but a nuclear one. “We have 450 active ICBMs, but because of geographical constraints, they can really only be used to attack Russia,” writes Eugene K. Chow.
The United States has a total inventory of 4,650 nuclear weapons, including nearly 2,000 actively deployed warheads, and Russia has about the same, Chow explains.
Nuclear weapons, like all weapons, were invented to be used and gain superiority and dominance over an enemy. “The crossbow, the dreadnought, poison gas, the tank, the landmine, chemical weapons, napalm, the B-29, the drone,” all of these weapons have been used, writes Tom Engelhardt, and some of them still are.
Recently a senior adviser to Vladimir Putin said the U.S. plans a nuclear first strike on Russia. Paul Craig Roberts insists the placement of ABM systems in Eastern Europe are intended to intercept Russian missiles after a first strike.
“The Western elites and governments are not merely totally corrupt, they are insane. As I have previously written, don’t expect to live much longer,” Roberts warns.
Sanningssökaren: USA:s & NATO:s plan för att vinna 3:e världskriget, "first strike" acceptabelt
Imperiet slår tillbaka. Whistleblowers avslöjar att det finns långt framskrida planer på att göra befolkningen inom EU lite mer välvilligt inställd till Bilderbergs EU-projekt efter fiaskot i senaste EU-valet. Opponenter har nu hamnat på dödslistor. Det amerikanska århundradet kommer att implementeras med en "first strike"...

Another US stock crash round the corner, says market guru
***RT - Published time: July 29, 2014
The US stock market will suffer a 20 percent or greater pullback within 12 months says Mark Cook, a legendary investor who predicted the last three major crashes including the 2007 world eonomic crisis.
The trader didn’t specify the exact time when the market will fall. His index, called Cumulative Tick, only predicts the approximate moment of a turnover of a trend. But even after the strongest of signals the market can still continue to grow and break records, Market Watch reports.
Cook’s Cumulative Tick, the primary indicator that he invented in 1986, is based on the short-term trading indicator the NYSE Tick in conjunction with stock prices. Then the indicator alerted him to the 1987 crash.
Stock prices and the NYSE Tick should go in the same direction. Their divergence is an extremely negative signal, which is why Cook believes the market is losing steam.
“There have been only two instances when the NYSE Tick and stock prices diverged radically, and that was in the first quarter of 2000 and the third quarter of 2007. The third time was April of 2014,” Market Watch quotes Cook as saying.
Cook compares the market to a dam which had small imperceptible cracks. Eventually the dam will give way. The same will happen to the market which will prices drop and the Tick numbers will be horrific, said the investor.
The indicator points that there is a bear market, however it is not, as stocks prices continue to rise.
“It’s like being in the Twilight Zone,” he says citing the market is acting abnormally. “Imagine going outside when it’s raining and getting sunburned. That’s the environment we’re in right now.”
Mark Cook was included in Jack Schwager’s best-selling book, “Stock Market Wizards,” and he won the 1992 US Investing Championship with a 563 percent return.
The investor stressed that his secret of being a stock market player for so long lies in his ability to adapt to the changing market conditions. There is always an opportunity to earn, what only matters is changing the strategy on time.
Story #1: Obama Announces Expanded Sanctions Against Russia as EU Aligns
Ukraine Economy Shrinks Faster as Conflict Takes Its Toll
What Really Happened to MH17? An Open Source Investigation
US May Send Military Aid To Ukraine
Russia: US claims on nuclear missiles treaty unfounded, we have questions too
Russia ordered to pay $51bn over Yukos 'destruction'
Putin Advisor: “There is a war coming in Europe"
After Being Warned 17 Times, Israel Still Bombs Another UN School, 20 Killed This Time
Israel Bombs UN Shelter in Gaza
Libya Is Now Officially a Failed (and On Fire) State As Nations Abandon Embassies
Pentagon Lost Track Of More Than 40% Of The Weapons Sent To Afghanistan
Story #2: FBI Crime Lab Unit Rife With Flawed Forensics
The Mass Incarceration Problem in America
Convicted Defendants Left Uninformed of Forensic Flaws Found by Justice Dept.
Dr. Frederic Whitehurst on the FBI Crime Lab
Story #3: Applebee’s To Ban Tech One Day A Week?
Buffalo, Missouri Residents Vote to End Fluoridation by 70% Margin
Monsanto Begins Compensating West Virginia Victims of Dioxin Exposure
Wisborough Green Becomes First Village in Britain to Fight Off Fracking
California Removes Ban on Bitcoin, Other Alternative Currencies
Jesse Ventura Wins $1.8 Million in Navy SEAL Defamation Case
The trader didn’t specify the exact time when the market will fall. His index, called Cumulative Tick, only predicts the approximate moment of a turnover of a trend. But even after the strongest of signals the market can still continue to grow and break records, Market Watch reports.
Cook’s Cumulative Tick, the primary indicator that he invented in 1986, is based on the short-term trading indicator the NYSE Tick in conjunction with stock prices. Then the indicator alerted him to the 1987 crash.
Stock prices and the NYSE Tick should go in the same direction. Their divergence is an extremely negative signal, which is why Cook believes the market is losing steam.
“There have been only two instances when the NYSE Tick and stock prices diverged radically, and that was in the first quarter of 2000 and the third quarter of 2007. The third time was April of 2014,” Market Watch quotes Cook as saying.
Cook compares the market to a dam which had small imperceptible cracks. Eventually the dam will give way. The same will happen to the market which will prices drop and the Tick numbers will be horrific, said the investor.
The indicator points that there is a bear market, however it is not, as stocks prices continue to rise.
“It’s like being in the Twilight Zone,” he says citing the market is acting abnormally. “Imagine going outside when it’s raining and getting sunburned. That’s the environment we’re in right now.”
Mark Cook was included in Jack Schwager’s best-selling book, “Stock Market Wizards,” and he won the 1992 US Investing Championship with a 563 percent return.
The investor stressed that his secret of being a stock market player for so long lies in his ability to adapt to the changing market conditions. There is always an opportunity to earn, what only matters is changing the strategy on time.
"There is a war coming in Europe" - #NewWorldNextWeek
Publicerades den 31 jul 2014 av: corbettreport
Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:Story #1: Obama Announces Expanded Sanctions Against Russia as EU Aligns
Ukraine Economy Shrinks Faster as Conflict Takes Its Toll
What Really Happened to MH17? An Open Source Investigation
US May Send Military Aid To Ukraine
Russia: US claims on nuclear missiles treaty unfounded, we have questions too
Russia ordered to pay $51bn over Yukos 'destruction'
Putin Advisor: “There is a war coming in Europe"
After Being Warned 17 Times, Israel Still Bombs Another UN School, 20 Killed This Time
Israel Bombs UN Shelter in Gaza
Libya Is Now Officially a Failed (and On Fire) State As Nations Abandon Embassies
Pentagon Lost Track Of More Than 40% Of The Weapons Sent To Afghanistan
Story #2: FBI Crime Lab Unit Rife With Flawed Forensics
The Mass Incarceration Problem in America
Convicted Defendants Left Uninformed of Forensic Flaws Found by Justice Dept.
Dr. Frederic Whitehurst on the FBI Crime Lab
Story #3: Applebee’s To Ban Tech One Day A Week?
Buffalo, Missouri Residents Vote to End Fluoridation by 70% Margin
Monsanto Begins Compensating West Virginia Victims of Dioxin Exposure
Wisborough Green Becomes First Village in Britain to Fight Off Fracking
California Removes Ban on Bitcoin, Other Alternative Currencies
Jesse Ventura Wins $1.8 Million in Navy SEAL Defamation Case
Gerald Celente: We’re Building Up to World War III
Publicerades den 27 jul 2014 av: Greg Hunter - Gerald Celente, Publisher of The Trends Journal says, “We are looking at destabilization in the Middle East with no end in sight. It’s only going to get worse unless this killing and excuse for the murders from both sides stops.”
On the crisis in Israel with Hamas and the Palestinians, Celente says, “If this continues to increase at the rate it is going, it will be hell for everyone. There is also the fear that this could spread into the Lebanese border.
On the crisis in Israel with Hamas and the Palestinians, Celente says, “If this continues to increase at the rate it is going, it will be hell for everyone. There is also the fear that this could spread into the Lebanese border.
As a trend forecaster, if peace is not brought to that region and this continues to spread, and if it goes into Lebanon, it will be hell on earth for everyone in that region. . . . We are building up to World War III.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with top trends forecaster, Gerald Celente.
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with top trends forecaster, Gerald Celente.
Missing MH370: CIA ‘Withholding Information About Flight Disappearance’
Russia will have plenty of (GMO free) food from their BRICS partners".
"No Name, No Time/Date of Death, No Location... Suspicious Timing--SSCI had just approved release of Torture Report"
-NATO plane arrives in Ukraine with $4.5 mn worth of military aid for Kiev troops-
SvaraRaderaAugust 09, 2014
A massive Canadian transport plane has arrived in Kharkov carrying US$4.5 million worth of non-lethal military equipment to help Ukraine “protect its eastern border against Russian aggression.” [...]
Obama’s campaign in Iraq could require 15,000 troops
SvaraRaderaAugust 8, 2014
Source: Army Times
President Obama says it all the time – no combat troops will return to Iraq.
But many experts believe it will be extremely hard to achieve Obama’s newly expanded military mission there without more Americans on the ground.
“I think the slippery slope analogy is the right one for Iraq right now,” said Barry Posen, director of the Security Studies program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
On Thursday, Obama authorized a new open-ended operation in response to gains by the Islamic State militants in northern Iraq.
For now, the new mission relies on aircraft based outside Iraq. The U.S. will help defend the Kurdish city of Erbil from Islamic State fighters using “targeted air strikes,” Obama said. Those air strikes began Friday morning and included at least three separate bombings before noon, defense officials said.
The second mission is a commitment to protect some 40,000 Iraqi Yazidis who are trapped on a mountain surrounded by the militants. That began Thursday night with air drops of food and water for at least 8,000 people.[...]