En av amerikanska NSA:s många partners inom totalövervakning (förutom svenska FRA) är Saudiarabiens regim. Snowdens dokument bekräftar att NSA förser världens sannolikt brutalaste regim, med analytisk och teknisk support, så att regimen kan fånga in oliktänkande som därefter torteras på medeltida sätt tills de erkänner sina tankebrott...
25 Jul 2014
The National Security Agency last year significantly expanded its cooperative relationship with the Saudi Ministry of Interior, one of the world’s most repressive and abusive government agencies.
An April 2013 top secret memo provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden details the agency’s plans “to provide direct analytic and technical support” to the Saudis on “internal security” matters.
The Saudi Ministry of Interior—referred to in the document as MOI— has been condemned for years as one of the most brutal human rights violators in the world.
The report also notes the MOI’s use of invasive surveillance targeted at political and religious dissidents.
But as the State Department publicly catalogued those very abuses, the NSA worked to provide increased surveillance assistance to the ministry that perpetrated them.
The move is part of the Obama Administration’s increasingly close ties with the Saudi regime; beyond the new cooperation with the MOI, the memo describes “a period of rejuvenation” for the NSA’s relationship with the Saudi Ministry of Defense.
In general, U.S. support for the Saudi regime is long-standing. One secret 2007 NSA memo lists Saudi Arabia as one of four countries where the U.S. “has [an] interest in regime continuity.”
Over the past year, the Saudi government has escalated its crackdown on activists, dissidents, and critics of the government.
Earlier this month, Saudi human rights lawyer and activist Waleed Abu al-Khair was sentenced to 15 years in prison by a so-called “terrorist court” on charges of undermining the state and insulting the judiciary.
Förutom statsminister Reinfeldt och försvarsminister Tolgfors var alltså flera representanter för Folkpartiet och Kristdemokraterna närvarande på mötet...

25 Jul 2014
The National Security Agency last year significantly expanded its cooperative relationship with the Saudi Ministry of Interior, one of the world’s most repressive and abusive government agencies.
An April 2013 top secret memo provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden details the agency’s plans “to provide direct analytic and technical support” to the Saudis on “internal security” matters.
The Saudi Ministry of Interior—referred to in the document as MOI— has been condemned for years as one of the most brutal human rights violators in the world.
- In 2013, the U.S. State Department reported that “Ministry of Interior officials sometimes subjected prisoners and detainees to torture and other physical abuse,” specifically mentioning a 2011 episode in which MOI agents allegedly “poured an antiseptic cleaning liquid down [the] throat” of one human rights activist.
The report also notes the MOI’s use of invasive surveillance targeted at political and religious dissidents.
But as the State Department publicly catalogued those very abuses, the NSA worked to provide increased surveillance assistance to the ministry that perpetrated them.
The move is part of the Obama Administration’s increasingly close ties with the Saudi regime; beyond the new cooperation with the MOI, the memo describes “a period of rejuvenation” for the NSA’s relationship with the Saudi Ministry of Defense.
In general, U.S. support for the Saudi regime is long-standing. One secret 2007 NSA memo lists Saudi Arabia as one of four countries where the U.S. “has [an] interest in regime continuity.”
Over the past year, the Saudi government has escalated its crackdown on activists, dissidents, and critics of the government.
Earlier this month, Saudi human rights lawyer and activist Waleed Abu al-Khair was sentenced to 15 years in prison by a so-called “terrorist court” on charges of undermining the state and insulting the judiciary.
- In May, a liberal blogger, Raif Badawi, was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes; in June, human rights activist Mukhlif Shammari was sentenced to five years in prison for writing about the mistreatment of Saudi women.[...]
TOLGFORS BERÄTTAR: sagan om vapenfabriken

– Då var Fredrik Reinfeldt med, ordförande, som han brukar vara, Odell, Leijonborg, Larsson, Carlgren, Hägglund, Carlsson, Borg, Malmström, Sabuni, Billström, Tolgfors och Björling, säger kanslisekreteraren.
Förutom statsminister Reinfeldt och försvarsminister Tolgfors var alltså flera representanter för Folkpartiet och Kristdemokraterna närvarande på mötet...
Snowden: NSA hjälper Saudiarabiens regim övervaka oliktänkande - "torterar fångar"
Canada Has Sold Millions in Military-Grade Hardware to Israel
SvaraRaderaPosted: 10 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT
The shock and awe of Israeli military technology might be happening thousands of miles from North America, in Gaza, but Canadians shouldn’t feel too left out. A government report shows some of that military hardware could very well be Canadian made. [...]