Ebola-smittade amerikaner flygs hem till USA i speciella plasttält. Det finns en del som anser att den idén är lika smart som att starta kriget i Ukraina, men de amerikanska myndigheterna garanterar att det inte alls är någon fara. De har (som vanligt) full koll på läget. "=Famous last words..?"
RT’s Manila Chan gives the latest update on the spread of the deadly disease.
SR 2014-08-02
Bara en patient åt gången kan föras hem i det flygplan som för ändamålet utrustats med en isolerad avdelning. Hjälparbetarna kommer att vårdas i strikt isolering på en specialutrustad avdelning. De får dock se anhöriga genom ett glasfönster och tala med dem i telefon.
Miljardären Donald Trump hör till dem som vill stoppa amerikanerna från att vårdas på hemmaplan. "USA har nog med problem", skriver han på Twitter.
Ebolaviruset har sedan i mars dödat 729 människor i Västafrika.
Western countries should tackle drugs firms’ “scandalous” reluctance to invest in research into the virus which has already killed over 700 people in West Africa, the UK’s top public doctor said, adding, “They’d find a cure if Ebola came to London.”
Ebola-infected US aid worker arrives in ‘special isolation unit’ in Atlanta
The pharmaceutical industry are reluctant to invest in research to produce treatments and vaccines “because the numbers involved are, in their terms, so small and don't justify the investment,” said Professor John Ashton, president of the UK Faculty of Public Health, an independent body for specialists in public health in the United Kingdom.
“This is the moral bankruptcy of capitalism acting in the absence of an ethical and social framework,” he wrote in The Independent on Sunday.
Ashton compared the international response to Ebola to the initial one toward AIDS “which emerged, probably from West Africa, at the same time [with Ebola].” He added that the lack of experience of dealing with the deadly virus means that “the pattern of spread is initially unclear.”
“In both cases it seems that the involvement of powerless minority groups has contributed to a tardiness of response and a failure to mobilize an adequately resourced international medical response.”
Ashton said: “It took years for proper research funding to be put in place” for the researchers to start studying AIDS.
“It was only when ‘innocent’ groups were involved (women and children, hemophiliac patients and straight men) that the media, the politicians and the scientific community and funding bodies took notice.”[...]
Americans infected with Ebola to be evacuated back to US
Publicerades den 1 aug 2014
The Ebola virus sweeping West Africa
appears to be getting worse. According to the World Health
Organization, there are over 1,300 suspected and confirmed cases of the
disease in the region.
Nearly 730 people have died so far in Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone. Now, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention is preparing to transfer two Americans afflicted with Ebola
to Atlanta to treat them.
RT’s Manila Chan gives the latest update on the spread of the deadly disease.
SR 2014-08-02
Bara en patient åt gången kan föras hem i det flygplan som för ändamålet utrustats med en isolerad avdelning. Hjälparbetarna kommer att vårdas i strikt isolering på en specialutrustad avdelning. De får dock se anhöriga genom ett glasfönster och tala med dem i telefon.
- Det är första gången som ebolafebern kommer in i USA, men experter och myndigheter har försäkrat att männen inte utgör någon risk för allmänheten.
Miljardären Donald Trump hör till dem som vill stoppa amerikanerna från att vårdas på hemmaplan. "USA har nog med problem", skriver han på Twitter.
Ebolaviruset har sedan i mars dödat 729 människor i Västafrika.
Western countries should tackle drugs firms’ “scandalous” reluctance to invest in research into the virus which has already killed over 700 people in West Africa, the UK’s top public doctor said, adding, “They’d find a cure if Ebola came to London.”
Ebola-infected US aid worker arrives in ‘special isolation unit’ in Atlanta
The pharmaceutical industry are reluctant to invest in research to produce treatments and vaccines “because the numbers involved are, in their terms, so small and don't justify the investment,” said Professor John Ashton, president of the UK Faculty of Public Health, an independent body for specialists in public health in the United Kingdom.
“This is the moral bankruptcy of capitalism acting in the absence of an ethical and social framework,” he wrote in The Independent on Sunday.
“- Ebola has finally made it on to the front pages,” he said, adding that it may be because “we are in the ‘silly season,’” or because “there is now the threat of cases other than of poverty-stricken Africans.”
Ashton compared the international response to Ebola to the initial one toward AIDS “which emerged, probably from West Africa, at the same time [with Ebola].” He added that the lack of experience of dealing with the deadly virus means that “the pattern of spread is initially unclear.”
“In both cases it seems that the involvement of powerless minority groups has contributed to a tardiness of response and a failure to mobilize an adequately resourced international medical response.”
Ashton said: “It took years for proper research funding to be put in place” for the researchers to start studying AIDS.
“It was only when ‘innocent’ groups were involved (women and children, hemophiliac patients and straight men) that the media, the politicians and the scientific community and funding bodies took notice.”[...]

USA hämtar hem Ebola-smittade amerikaner - trots 1000-tals offer i okontrollerbar epidemi
--Ebola outbreak worsens: Liberian doctor dies, virus spreads to Nigeria--
SvaraRadera(kommentaren kopierad från tidigare artikel)
"I think we all agree that we're probably at a unique place in human history in terms of the size of the human population and the amount of global travel that is going on."
EBOLA Patent:
Ryska militära vetenskapsmän redan har botemedel mot EBOLA - de även inte patenterar den för att behålla hemlighet då EBOLA skapad i usa militär laboratorium med mål att vara vapen mot mänskligheten och de har botemedel för sig själva..... resten av Europa o värden har inte botemedel och hölls utan visdom att botemedel eksisterar. Ryssland sprider inte info att de hittade och har just nu botemedel pga sanktioner och false flag politik- vil väst eliminera sig själv och tillåter usa göra det så europa få ta hand om sig själv - vill man bli självmördare då så.... europas usa marionett och korrupta ledare bedriver självmordpolitik - tror de att de själva eller deras barn blir skonade av NWO?
SvaraRaderaEbola Cure Not Fully Developed Because Big Pharma Not Interested In Saving Lives Of Poor People In Africa
SvaraRaderaby Mike Masnick - Tech Dirt - August 7, 2014