söndag 15 december 2013

Världens ledare hedrade Mandela - med hjälp av okänt teckenspråk från schizofren tolk

2013-12-14. Thamsanqa Jantjie, den noggrant utvalde schizofrene och våldsamme dövtolken till höger på bilderna, hittade på ett eget hemmagjort teckenspråk under Mandelas minneshögtid, inför ett chockat kollektiv av hörselskadade...

Tydligen fattade världens hörselskadade  inte mycket när dövtolken Jantjie viftade med armarna. Thamsanqa Jantjie, erkände senare att han hade en "schizofren period" under minneshögtiden och att han bl.a. hörde röster från änglar...

Den numera världskända dövtolken har tidigare anklagats för bl.a. mord, våldtäkt, kidnappning, stöld,  inbrott, allmän ödeläggelse etc, etc...

Mannen har också ansetts vara för galen för att kunna åtalas,  men är tydligtvis lagom tokig för att få tolka världens ledare på någon meters avstånd...

- Sannolikt ändå ett perfekt val av tolk, eftersom mannen uppenbarligen kände sig som hemma i gökboet bland den mestadels mediokra samling av korrupta halvfigurer som utger sig för att vara världens ledare...

Slutligen ser vi ännu ett fantastiskt resultat för USA:s fascistoida och paranoida totalövervakningsindustri, som tydligen är kapabel att hålla koll på nästan alla människor i världen, utom just dem som vanliga 5-åringar skulle uppfatta som hot...


Fake sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela memorial provokes anger

Publicerad den 11 dec 2013
Deaf people watching the Nelson Mandela memorial were bemused and shocked by a "fake" sign language interpreter on stage whose gestures were unintelligible, activists said Wednesday.
The interpreter was watched by millions as he stood beside speakers at the event including President Barack Obama.
Hundreds of people took to social media to express their anger at the interpreter's gestures, and several deaf groups confirmed his signing did not reflect the comments being made to honor the anti-apartheid icon.
Yes we can... - fuck up the world!  - USA:s Obama,  Storbritanniens  David Cameron och Danmarks Helle Thorning Schmidt (C) roar sig som små barn under Mandelas minneshögtid i Sydafrika. Michelle Obama till höger verkar dock ha ändå ha en viss anständighet och respekt för vad man inte bör göra vid en begravning eller minneshögtid...
US President Barack Obama (R) and British Prime Minister David Cameron pose for a picture with Denmark's Prime Minister Helle Thorning Schmidt (C) next to US First Lady Michelle Obama (R) during the memorial service of South African former president Nelson Mandela at the FNB Stadium (Soccer City) in Johannesburg on December 10, 2013. (AFP Photo / Roberto Schmidt) 

RT 2013-12-14
Thamsanqa Jantjie, who has shot to infamy over the ‘gibberish’ sign language gestures he used translating world leaders at Nelson Mandela’s memorial, was reportedly accused of murder 10 years ago.

- Jantjie claimed he was suffering a schizophrenic episode at the Mandela memorial service.

National channel, eNCA investigations, discovered that Jantjie, who is receiving treatment for his schizophrenia, has also faced rape (1994), theft (1995), housebreaking (1997), malicious damage to property (1998), murder, attempted murder and kidnapping (2003) charges.

The outcome of the reported murder case was apparently unclear. However, eNCA stated that many of the charges filed against him were dropped because he was considered mentally unfit.

Court records show that the 2003 murder, attempted murder and kidnapping case filed against Jantjie was referred to the South Gauteng High Court in 2004 before being finalized in November 2006. However, the court file for the case is apparently empty.

Officials have stated that they are investigating these revelations. However, it still remains unclear why a man who is a self-confessed schizophrenic with violent tendencies was allowed to stand a mere three feet away from world leaders, including US President Barack Obama, who is reputedly the most well-protected man on the planet.

Jantjie caused international embarrassment for South Africa after the fiasco of his sign language translation in front of a worldwide television audience at the memorial for Nelson Mandela, who died on December 5 at the age of 95.

The investigators “will compile a comprehensive report”, government spokesperson, Phumla Williams, told AP. However, she did not reveal how deep the investigation would probe. “We are not going to sweep it under the carpet,” Williams said.
- Jantjie claimed on Thursday that he lost concentration at Mandela’s memorial, began hearing voices and suffered from hallucinations which, according to the AP, apparently included angels. 

He did not know what brought on the attack, although he said the jubilation he felt that day could have played a part in it. He added that he currently takes medication to treat his schizophrenia, according to the South African newspaper, The Star.

He told the AP that he had been violent ‘a lot’ in the past, while at the same time defending his interpreting skills. His claims were rebutted by representatives of organizations for the deaf, who accused him of neither knowing how to sign ‘Mandela’ nor ‘thank you’.

“I think that I've been a champion of sign language,” Jantjie maintained.
According to the AP, officials at the Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg, where the attempted murder charge was allegedly filed, have not been available for comment since the report.

Världens ledare hedrade Mandela - med hjälp av okänt teckenspråk från schizofren tolk

1 kommentar:

  1. mandela som barak Obama svart judisk släkt - dessutom mandela är terrorist och känd pedofil ...



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