Publicerad den 29 nov 2013
Women Get Into Black Friday Stun Gun Fight Inside the MallPublicerad den 29 nov 2013
Black Friday shopping can be hazardous to your health.
One woman apparently used a stun gun on another after an all-out brawl inside of the Franklin Mills Mall in Northeast Philadelphia.
"It started out, one couple was fighting with another couple. They had words, the guys got into a fight and then the girls," , "One couple, they were like a family and all, with a young child in a stroller."
The video shows the two women punching each other and someone in the crowd yelling, "No, stop."
After the two hit the ground, fighting, you can hear the crackle of what sounds like a stun gun and see fluorescent-colored sparks.
"One girl just brought out a taser," the 20-year-old said.
Shopping, inget för fegisar - Tjejer försvarade sin rätt att shoppa med el-pistoler
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