2013-12-18. En 61 minuter lång video där Glenn Greenwald avslöjar NSA:s slutmål = NEW WORLD ORDER.
- Vanliga människors privatliv och integritet ska elimineras globalt genom USA:s totalövervakning där varje ord och varje gest som människor utbyter med varandra, lagras på obestämd tid och granskas av NSA och deras superdatorer...
Publicerad den 18 dec 2013
The NSA's ultimate goal is to destroy individual privacy worldwide, working with its UK sidekick GCHQ, journalist Glenn Greenwald warned an EU inquiry, adding that they were far ahead of their rivals in their "ability to destroy privacy."READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/dgt0n5
Publicerad den 28 dec 2013
Journalist Glenn Greenwald condemned
the mainstream media during an address at a German computer conference
on Friday and accused his colleagues of failing to challenge erroneous
remarks routinely made by government officials around the globe.READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/l29ia9
--UK’s new online porn filters also blocking sex ed and health websites - report--
SvaraRaderaPublished time: December 20
Pornography filters the British government required major internet service providers to install seem to be working a little too well, blocking websites that supply sex ed, sexual health information and treatment for porn addiction, the BBC reported.
The four major internet companies in the UK have begun to introduce the mandatory filters to users based on a government edict. In the process, sex education and health sites have been caught up in the compulsory system’s net.
At the same time, the BBC found all major ISPs that have unleashed full default filters are not completely blocking hardcore porn sites.
BT unveiled its filter this week, Sky enacted its own last month and Virgin has a pilot program ahead of a full launch in 2014. TalkTalk has had a filter in place since May 2011.
British PM David Cameron announced in July that all UK households are to have their access blocked to online pornography unless they choose to ‘opt in.’ He called the "family-friendly" filters important to keep children from "stumbling across hardcore legal pornography.”
By the end of next year, households will have to accept or decline an automatic porn filter.
BishUK.com, a major British sex education site that receives over a million hits per year, was blocked by TalkTalk’s filter, as was the Edinburgh Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Center’s website. [...]