Publicerad den 17 dec 2013
A couple in Pennsylvania has spent the last month behind bars after police pulled them over for speeding. The state trooper smelled marijuana, asked to search the car and subsequently arrested Annadel Cruz and Alexander Bernstein upon discovering two bricks of a powdery, white substance in the car. Publicerad den 17 dec 2013
Bernstein said it was homemade soap, but the trooper determined the substance was cocaine via a special field test. Cruz and Bernstein were unable to post bail of $500,000, so remained in jail for a month. Charges were finally dropped when lab testing proved the substance was, in fact, homemade soap. RT's Ameera David speaks with the couple's lawyer, James Heidecker, about the case and why the couple was pulled over in the first place.

Skyldig tills motsatsen bevisats? - Par i USA hölls fängslade i månader för hemmagjord tvål
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