2013-12-12. Förskolebarn mellan 3 och 5 år kommer från och med nu att tvångsvaccineras mot influensa i New York, för sin egen trygghet. Det har stadens sjukvårdsstyrelse och borgmästaren Michael Bloomberg nyligen bestämt...
New York City institutes mandatory flu shots for children ages 3-5
Posted on October 14, 2013 by AG in News
Preschool children ages 3-5 will now be mandatorily subjected to compulsory mass-medication.
NEW YORK CITY, NY — The New York City Board of Health unanimously approved a mandate requiring all children enrolled in preschools under 5 years old to receive a flu vaccine. In one of Mayor Bloomberg’s final mandates as mayor, he will increase the number of pharmaceutical drugs forced on children.
The amendments were found in Article 43 (School-Based Programs for Children Ages Three Through Five) and Article 47 (Day Care Services) of the New York City Health Code, found in Title 24 of the Rules of the City of New York.
So why is Police State USA coming out on the side of “Your kids—you call the shots”? For a lot of reasons— reasons like rights, ethics and science. The latter isn’t necessary for arguing the first two points, though it does turn out to be useful for illustrating them.
As blogger Matt Walsh phrased it in a post entitled I am a Biological Terrorist Because My Kids Didn’t Get a Vaccine...
"- The flu vaccine will be added to the seven other vaccines children under 5 are required to get, including measles, whooping cough and chicken pox."***

5-åringar skall tvångsvaccineras mot influensa i New York - snart även i Sverige?
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