Tomten kom visst både till Afrika och Mellanöstern i år. Med sig hade han ett sällan skådat vinterväder som här återges på ett antal bilder. På bilden ovanför ser vi en kvinna från Marjayoun i Södra Libanon, som har ett allvarligt samtal med tomten angående sina önskemål...
Snowstorm strikes Middle East, North Africa
Först publicerat 13 december 2013 på RT
Rebellerna i den Fria Syriska armén håller en paus för att ha ett snöbollskrig istället för det vanliga kriget...

Snow covers the landscape in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, located some 400 kilometers southeast of Cairo, on Friday.

An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man walks through a Jerusalem street on Friday following the massive snowstorm.
A Lebanese man holding a umbrella walks past abandoned Israeli cannons during a snowstorm in the southern village of Khiam, on the Israeli-Lebanese border.
Two people converse as one rides on a motorcycle during snowfall in the Duma neighborhood of Damascus on Friday.
People muffled in scarves and gloves make their way through heavy snowfall in Istanbul, Turkey.
A woman walks on a snow covered square in Istanbul. The heavy snowfall across the city disrupted air traffic and land transportation.
A brightly-clothed Syrian child stands in the snow in a refugee camp in the town of Arsal, in the Lebanese Bekaa Valley.
Bilder: http://rt.com/in-vision/snow-middle-east-egypt/
Mer snö i Mellanöstern här: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/12/global-uppvarmning-slar-till-i.html
Mer otroligt: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Otroligt
Snöstorm i Afrika och Mellanöstern - Globalt uppvärmande bilder
--Global Warming Believers Are Brainwashed, Compromised Or Mentally Deficient--
SvaraRaderaJanuary 5, 2014
Source: Lee Rogers, Blacklisted News
There is little doubt at this point in time that there is something wrong with people who continue to perpetuate the notion that man-made carbon emissions are resulting in a catastrophic global warming or climate change problem.
In the 1970s the establishment was screaming about a coming ice age.
In the 1980s into the 1990s they were yelling about holes in the ozone layer and how people would be fried to death by solar radiation.
Now for the past few decades they have been promoting the threat of global warming as the next looming environmental disaster. The one thing that all of these alleged environmental problems have in common is that they are complete and total lies.
We never saw an ice age, people did not get fried from solar radiation and global warming of any legitimate significance is not occurring.
These are invented environmental problems created by statist elites so they can push laws to restrict and control what people can and cannot do under the guise of environmental protection. [...]