Enligt Wikileaks Twitter den 19 december 2013 så har de nyligen blivit kontaktade av TT. TT har meddelat att de fått uppgifter om att den svenska delen av den polisiära och rättsliga undersökningen, (för ett eventuellt kommande åtal mot Julian Assange i Sverige) kommer att läggas ned.
Assange på Undermattan:
Sofia Wiléns sexuella Assange-äventyr
- krävde ny specialbeställd Reinfeldt-advokat!
- krävde ny specialbeställd Reinfeldt-advokat!
Anna Ardins modevisning m.m:
Svenskt Rättsväsende löper amok:
TT till Wikileaks: - Åtalet mot Assange läggs ned
--U.S. Government Asked Google to Remove Over 4000 Posts Containing Political Content in 2013--
SvaraRaderaDecember 19, 2013
Source: Guardian
Google revealed a sharp rise in requests from governments asking for political content to be removed from the web in its latest transparency report published on Thursday.
From January to June the search giant received 3,846 government requests to remove content from its services – a 68% increase over the second half of 2012.
“Over the past four years, one worrying trend has remained consistent: governments continue to ask us to remove political content. Judges have asked us to remove information that’s critical of them, police departments want us to take down videos or blogs that shine a light on their conduct, and local institutions like town councils don’t want people to be able to find information about their decision-making processes,” Susan Infantino, legal director, said in a blogpost.
“These officials often cite defamation, privacy and even copyright laws in attempts to remove political speech from our services. In this particular reporting period, we received 93 requests to take down government criticism and removed content in response to less than one third of them. Four of the requests were submitted as copyright claims,” she said.
Google reported a large increase in requests from Turkey where it received 1,673 requests from the authorities to remove content, nearly a ten-fold increase over the second half of last year. About two-thirds of the total requests – 1,126 – called for the removal of content related to alleged violations of internet law 5651, which censors online speech.[...]
We were subjected to 'meticulous, daily torture' – freed Gitmo detainee
"The US Senate voted Thursday night to authorize nearly $633 billion in military spending. President Obama is expected to sign the legislation, which provides $552.1 billion for the regular military budget and $80.7 billion for the war in Afghanistan and other overseas contingency operations (OCO). http://rinf.com/alt-news/breaking-news/gigantic-633-military-spending-bill-to-finance-global-warfare/
USA-Moosad trenad agent Mandela:
SHAMIR (Hebrew: שמיר) is a worm or a substance that had the power to cut through or disintegrate stone, iron and diamond. (icke jordisk teknik )
3 ledande USA krafter : Liberal - Konservativ - Sionist (vilken av dessa mest Sionistisk svåtr at säga)
Tyst i Media om demonstrationer i Hmburg Tyskland - 117 poliser skadade::::::::::::!