Sanningssökaren avslöjar att USA:s nuvarande skolsystem producerar dummast elever av alla jämförbara länder. Exempelvis är de amerikanska elevernas problemlösningsförmåga såpass dålig att de kommer ohjälpligt sist...
Sanningssökaren avslöjar också att 100 000-tals amerikanska tjejer tvingas prostituera sig varje år för att ha råd att gå på college. Som bonus avslöjas att 68% av amerikanernas skattepengar går till krig, medan bara 5% går till deras utbildning.
Publicerad den 1 dec 2013
Seek truth from facts with The Untold History of the United States co-author Prof. Peter Kuznick, Associate Director of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood Josh Golin, studentdebtcrisis.org co-founder Robert Applebaum, Storyleak editor Anthony Gucciardi, and filmmaker Michael Moore.

- Var går egentligen skattepengarna i USA och finns det ett samband..?
DN 2013-12-03. – Vi förlorar på alla fronter och befinner oss i ett mycket kritiskt läge. Sverige tappar ju både de elever som har det allra tuffast och de högpresterande. Resultaten sjunker som en sten i de här rapporterna, säger fackföreningens ordförande Eva-Lis Sirén.[...]
Nu visar den senaste Pisa-undersökningen att svenska skolungdomars matematikkunskaper försämrats ytterligare i förhållande till omvärlden. Nivån ligger 2012 under genomsnittet – inget annat land har ett så stort tapp som Sverige.[...]

Fler episoder av Sanningssökaren:
--Pentagon Approves Record Sale Of Advanced Arms To Countries At War--
SvaraRaderaDecember 2, 2013
Source: Mint Press
Congress will decide if deal first struck by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in April should go through.
In this Jan. 25, 2009 file photo, F-15 warplanes of the Saudi Air Force fly over the Saudi Arabian capital, Riyadh. The Obama administration was expected to notify Congress on Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2010 of a multibillion-dollar sale of fighter jets and military helicopters to Saudi Arabia, including as many as 84 new F-15 fighter jets and three types of helicopters, officials said. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File)
Selling weapons used to be a cut-throat business. With a no-questions-asked policy, it has led in the past, to the selling of weapons to support African conflicts, leaving Angola, Somalia, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic Congo awash with AK-47 semi-automatic rifles and very little else.
Today’s high-tech weapons manufacturers are enjoying record sales. The State Department’s Military Assistance Report stated that it approved $44.28 billion in arms shipments to 173 nations in the last fiscal year. One of the more controversial is the Defense Department’s plans to sell Saudi Arabia $6.8 billion and the United Arab Emirates $4 billion in advanced weaponry, including air-launched cruise missiles and precision munitions. The trouble is – has anyone asked where these weapons will ultimately end up?
Boeing Co. (BA) and Raytheon Co. (RTN) sent a message of support from the Obama administration for setting up the deal with these two close allies in the Middle East.
This historic deal will be the first U.S sales of new Raytheon and Boeing weapons that can be launched at a distance from Saudi F-15 and U.A.E. F-16 fighters. But this is just part of Saudi Arabia’s military shopping list.[...]
--VIDEO: Woman Uses Stun Gun During Black Friday Brawl--
Source: Ben Swann
Well, it’s Monday: Thanksgiving break is over and we’re all back to work. Many of us spent the long weekend putting ourselves into food comas and shopping for holiday gifts. As hard as it is to admit, there’s something fun about going out to the stores on Black Friday and being a part of the craziness — but often, things get out-of-hand.
Several Black Friday horror stories have surfaced in the last couple of days, but this one is especially shocking. A woman used a stun gun on another in Philadelphia’s Franklin Mills Mall.
Skolan = var själv mer på bänken än vid den. Ansåg skolan vara ett skämt och anser det ännu idag. Den blir bra först på universitetsnivå.