"- Det italienska polisfacket insåg genast att ett grovt sexualbrott skett och lämnade därför in en anmälan till en domstol i Turin för åtal mot den farliga och sexuellt våldsamma kvinnan..."***
*Om kravallpolisen fått några bestående men av den traumatiska händelsen finns för tillfället inga uppgifter. Bloggen rekommenderar ändå att polisen går i terapi ett tag för att hantera den skräckinjagande upplevelsen...
Den farliga kyssen var enligt kvinnan en desperat reaktion på att poliser tidigare misshandlat ett antal demonstranter...
Bilden undertill har inget med den aktuella händelsen att göra, men den observante läsaren kan säkert ändå få en möjlig ledtråd till varför en del poliser anser unga att kyssande kvinnor utövar sexuellt våld mot dem..?
RT 2013-12-15
An Italian student protester may end up in court after a photograph of her kissing a riot police officer started making the rounds and became hailed as a symbol of peaceful protest. She may now face sexual assault charges.
The incident happened during a demonstration against the construction of a rail link in the north of Italy.
Nina de Chiffre, a 20-year-old protester, had used the opportune moment to first kiss, then lick a police officer’s helmet visor.
The moment was caught on camera, and the photo ended up going viral. It was hailed as an example of sending a message of love and peace and non-violent protest.
But the situation quickly went south for de Chiffre, after the Italian police union – COISP – ruled that the act was in fact sexual assault, and filed a complaint with a court in Turin, Italy’s La Repubblica reported on Sunday.
“- We have accused the protester of sexual violence and insulting a public official,” said Franco Maccari, COISP’s general secretary, adding that the union “fully [expects] an investigation to start”.
Seeing the matter in a positive light is not on the cards, apparently, because “if the policeman had kissed her, world war three would have broken out,” Maccari continued.
“Or what if I had patted her on the behind? She would have been outraged. So if she does that to a man on duty, should it be tolerated?”
Maccari appears very angered by the incident and doesn’t see any message of peace in it. He said it was “hardly a peace gesture, more a provocation.”
“A kiss is a positive thing,” he said, “but in this context, between these two people, it was just disrespect,” Maccari concluded.
De Chiffre’s own explanation of her actions may surprise her supporters as well, as it confirms Maccari’s assessment.
“- No peace message… I would hang all these disgusting pigs upside down,” the young Italian wrote on her Facebook page, Italian media reports.
Talking to La Repubblica, she explained that the kiss was an act of indignation at the police force for allegedly beating up another demonstrator.
De Chiffre knew the police would not attack, following the kiss, she said. So she proceeded to touch the officer’s lips as well, while licking his helmet.
But now her act of defiance has not only brought her wide acclaim, which she apparently had not asked for, but also may land her a criminal record.
"Imperiet slår tillbaka" - Ung Italienska som kysste kravallpolis åtalas för sexuellt våld
--FBI Successfully Foils Another FBI Plot--
SvaraRaderaDecember 16, 2013
Source: Mary Theroux
Despite Dianne Feinstein’s claims to the contrary, there’s no actual evidence that the U.S. surveillance apparatus has foiled any actual, independent plots of terrorism. There is, in fact, far more actual evidence that the surveillance state has missed numerous signals of plots: from 9/11 to the Boston bombings.
In its latest attempt at P.R. smoke-and-mirrors, the FBI ensnared a Wichita, KS airport employee, Terry Lee Loewen, in an FBI-created conspiracy and “sting” operation. The FBI stalked Loewen for six months following their seeing allegedly positive online comments he made about jihad.
An FBI agent befriended Loewen:
In September, the undercover agent told Loewen he had returned from overseas after meeting with individuals connected with al Qaeda. The agent told him the “brothers” were excited to hear about his access to the airport and asked Loewen if he would be willing to plant some type of device, according to court documents.
Other FBI agents joined in the fun, posing as conspirators, and developed a plot for Loewen to use his airport employee access card to plant explosives they would provide him.
I’m not sure who raised these FBI guys, but my parents taught me it was unkind to take advantage of the gullible. The FBI specializes in such tactics, and gets higher budgets and lots of good press as a reward. Apparently, we can classify Senators and the vast majority of the mainstream media in the gullible camp as well.
USA ledning redan tror att de lever i sina egna sagor och media presentationer = shizofren ledning
SvaraRaderaUnarmed Handcuffed Teen Shoots Himself in the Head While In a Police Car - See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/unarmed-handcuffed-teen-shoots-himself-in-the-head-while-in-a-police-car_122013
Cop Shoots, Kills College Student for Speaking Disrespectfully - See more at: http://xrepublic.tv/node/6557#sthash.Ipzf9bzY.dpuf
--Police Now Taking Blood And Saliva From Drivers Across The Nation--
SvaraRaderaDecember 17, 2013
Source: Filmingcops
WASHINGTON, DC — A federal program that began in Texas has now spread to an estimated 60 communities across the nation and shows no signs of stopping.
Police throughout the country are continuing to stop Americans at checkpoints to extract their blood and saliva under the direction federal government contractors, according to reports.
The agents responsible for the program claim that the extractions are being conducted to “reduce drunk driving” and that they are “voluntary.”
But citizens and civil liberties activists are deeply critical of the program, stating that drivers are tricked into submitting their fluids and that the program is fundamentally coercive.
“To the average person, all the authority and prosecutorial demeanor of an officer directing you to pull over amounts to an order, not a voluntary act,” said Rory Ellinger, an attorney.
The checkpoints are operated by armed agents in uniform, giving the appearance of the threat of force.
As far as the drivers know, if they do not stop at the checkpoints, they may be chased down, arrested, or worse.
Tom Neer, a sheriff of St. Charles County, said that his department was duped into participating in the program.
A subcontractor with the U.S. government reportedly paid six of Sheriff Neer’s officers to man the checkpoints and collect the bodily fluids.
“We will not cooperate with these federal checkpoints again,” said Neer.
“In essence, we got duped, and shame on me,” he added.
Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE), the agency behind the federal program, continues to insist that it’s “voluntary.”
Many broke Americans take the cash to feed their children. Federal agents then take the blood from their veins.
Many consider that to be a lie, however,given numerous reports about the appearance of force and economic coercion.
When approaching these checkpoints, motorists are randomly stopped and instructed to pull over..[...]