2013-12-11. Uppdrag granskning avslöjar detaljer ur Snowdens dokument från NSA som bevisar att FRA och NSA samarbetar med att både kapa och hacka privatpersoners datorer i stor omfattning...
Där går det att se vad den övervakade användaren gör på internet: e-post, surfhistorik och eventuell aktivitet på sociala medier.
– FRA håller nu på implementera detta, enligt de hemliga NSA-dokument som vi fått tillgång till. Xkeyscore är google för spioner.
Det är sökmotorn som NSA skapat för att söka i de gigantiska datamängder de samlar in, från kablar som de själva lyssnar på eller från partners som till exempel FRA, som ger NSA tillgång till den datainsamling som FRA gör i dag från de telefonkablar och internetkablar som går igenom Sverige. [...]
"Call it Democracy" is perhaps the only song ever written about the International Monetary Fund, which Cockburn accuses of fostering "insupportable debt" in Third World countries. Typically not pulling any punches, Cockburn charges that the IMF doesn't "really give a flying fuck about the people in misery."
They call it democracy:
Padded with power here they come
International loan sharks backed by the guns
Of market hungry military profiteers
Whose word is a swamp and whose brow is smeared
With the blood of the poor
Who rob life of its quality
Who render rage a necessity
By turning countries into labour camps
Modern slavers in drag as champions of freedom
Sinister cynical instrument
Who makes the gun into a sacrament --
The only response to the deification
Of tyranny by so-called "developed" nations'
Idolatry of ideology
North South East West
Kill the best and buy the rest
It's just spend a buck to make a buck
You don't really give a flying fuck
About the people in misery
IMF dirty MF
Takes away everything it can get
Always making certain that there's one thing left
Keep them on the hook with insupportable debt
See the paid-off local bottom feeders
Passing themselves off as leaders
Kiss the ladies shake hands with the fellows
Open for business like a cheap bordello
And they call it democracy
And they call it democracy
And they call it democracy
And they call it democracy
See the loaded eyes of the children too
Trying to make the best of it the way kids do
One day you're going to rise from your habitual feast
To find yourself staring down the throat of the beast
They call the revolution
IMF dirty MF
Takes away everything it can get
Always making certain that there's one thing left
Keep them on the hook with insupportable debt
And they call it democracy

"- Det som NSA och FRA arbetar mest intimt kring är det som i dagligt tal kallas för hackning, det vill säga att man angriper internetanvändares datorer i syfte att ta över dem för att kunna se vad de skriver på sina tangentbord, lösenord och annat, säger Uppdrag gransknings reporter Fredrik Laurin.
Dokument som visar att Sverige använder Xkeyscore tillsammans med NSA/USA:***
- Svenska FRA fått ta del av en programvara som kallas Xkeyscore, enligt Uppdrag granskning. Det är en sökmotor som behandlar enorma mängder sparad data.
Där går det att se vad den övervakade användaren gör på internet: e-post, surfhistorik och eventuell aktivitet på sociala medier.
– FRA håller nu på implementera detta, enligt de hemliga NSA-dokument som vi fått tillgång till. Xkeyscore är google för spioner.
Det är sökmotorn som NSA skapat för att söka i de gigantiska datamängder de samlar in, från kablar som de själva lyssnar på eller från partners som till exempel FRA, som ger NSA tillgång till den datainsamling som FRA gör i dag från de telefonkablar och internetkablar som går igenom Sverige. [...]
Uppladdad den 11 maj 2011 (*OBS - "Demokrati-Videon" innehåller starka bilder +15)
This video was made in response to the continued progression of the New World Order, "Chicago Boys", Neoliberal economic and social policies. Bruce Cockburn wrote about this in the early and mid-1980's. Uppladdad den 11 maj 2011 (*OBS - "Demokrati-Videon" innehåller starka bilder +15)
"Call it Democracy" is perhaps the only song ever written about the International Monetary Fund, which Cockburn accuses of fostering "insupportable debt" in Third World countries. Typically not pulling any punches, Cockburn charges that the IMF doesn't "really give a flying fuck about the people in misery."
They call it democracy:
Padded with power here they come
International loan sharks backed by the guns
Of market hungry military profiteers
Whose word is a swamp and whose brow is smeared
With the blood of the poor
Who rob life of its quality
Who render rage a necessity
By turning countries into labour camps
Modern slavers in drag as champions of freedom
Sinister cynical instrument
Who makes the gun into a sacrament --
The only response to the deification
Of tyranny by so-called "developed" nations'
Idolatry of ideology
North South East West
Kill the best and buy the rest
It's just spend a buck to make a buck
You don't really give a flying fuck
About the people in misery
IMF dirty MF
Takes away everything it can get
Always making certain that there's one thing left
Keep them on the hook with insupportable debt
See the paid-off local bottom feeders
Passing themselves off as leaders
Kiss the ladies shake hands with the fellows
Open for business like a cheap bordello
And they call it democracy
And they call it democracy
And they call it democracy
And they call it democracy
See the loaded eyes of the children too
Trying to make the best of it the way kids do
One day you're going to rise from your habitual feast
To find yourself staring down the throat of the beast
They call the revolution
IMF dirty MF
Takes away everything it can get
Always making certain that there's one thing left
Keep them on the hook with insupportable debt
And they call it democracy

Läs också: NSA:s övervakning av webben 2013 i sammanfattning - För din egen trygghet

--NSA uses advertisers’ cookies to track specific web browsers - report--
SvaraRaderaDecember 11
The US National Security Agency has quietly subverted the tools used by online advertising companies in order to track surveillance targets and improve its monitoring ability, according to a report based on documents obtained by Edward Snowden.
Presentation slides passed from the NSA whistleblower to the Washington Post reveal that the tracking method used by websites and advertisers, known as ‘cookies,’ also serves government snoops by identifying potential targets to hack.
The NSA and its British counterpart, GCHQ, have specifically found a way to analyze a Google-specific cookie known as the “PREF” cookie. While PREF data does not usually include a user’s personal information, it does carry codes that allow websites and intelligence analysts to determine an individual visitor.
The slides indicate that the data extracted from the cookies “enable remote exploitation.” This method does not require the NSA to sort through the massive stockpile of metadata it harvests every day; instead it allows analysts to target a single user – a technique which the Post compared to a sniper aiming at a target with a laser pointer.
Also, an iPhone or Android user who leaves a browser application open on their device may be unwittingly transmitting their specific location to the NSA without being given a warning from their carrier.
“On a macro level, ‘we need to track everyone everywhere for advertising’ translates into ‘the government being able to track everyone everywhere,’” said Chris Hoofnagle, a lecturer at UC Berkley Law. “It’s hard to avoid.” [...]
FRA programmet på uppdrag granskning var ganska bra. Det är dock uppenbart att läckorna även om dessa är äkta är gjorda med flit. Ingen säk-tjänst låter arbetare slinka ut med massor av dokument om man inte med avsikt vill få ut det . Sen är det ju ganska mystiskt att samma media som snabbt exponerar detta "glömt" att berätta om byggnad sju... bara för att visa på det absurda att detta var en oplanerad händelse. Storebror VILL att folket ska vara skiträdda när de surfar och tänka sig för. Det är vad det går ut på. Om ett par år kommer ngn extrem näthatare bli hämtad och ändamålsglidningen här ger att man snart hämtar lite mindre extrema näthatare tills den politiska adeln skriver in ordet demokrati i namnet. svenska demokratiska republiken. SD(r) .
SvaraRaderaOBS! Sionist NWO använder samma taktik for att organisera "revolutioner" terror handlingar:
SvaraRaderaPamphlets in Ukraine handed out during protests and pamphlets that were handed out in Egypt