tisdag 3 december 2013

USA: Unik rättegång mot poliser som mördade den hemlöse Kelly Thomas

2013-12-02. För ovanlighetens skull blev det till slut en rättegång mot poliserna som mördade Kelly Thomas. En polismisshandel mot en oskyldig hjälplös och hemlös man, i bästa Rodney King -stil...

California police manslaughter trial puts spotlight on police brutality

Publicerad den 4 dec 2013
The trial for two Orange County, Calif. police officers involved in the death of homeless man Kelly Thomas began Monday. Thomas, who was mentally ill, was confronted by six Fullerton police officers in 2011. Surveillance video shows the officers beating Thomas with their fists and the butts of their guns, and tasing him at least four times.

- Thomas died of his injuries.

Now Officer Manuel Ramos is on trial for second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter, while former Corporal Jay Cicinelli has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and excessive force. A third officer, Joseph Wolfe, will face trial in late January. RT's Sam Sacks takes a look at how the Thomas case has put the spotlight on other incidents of police brutality around the country, with one important difference.


California cops on trial for beating homeless man to death 

Publicerad den 2 dec 2013
The trial for two Orange County, Calif. police officers involved in the death of homeless man Kelly Thomas began Monday. Former Fullerton Officer Manuel Ramos has been charged with second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter, while former Corporal Jay Cicinelli has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and excessive force.

A third officer, Joseph Wolfe, will face trial in late January. Surveillance video shows the officers beating Thomas with their fists and the butts of their guns, and tasing him at least four times. Meghan Lopez shows the disturbing footage and discusses the trial with RT correspondent Ramon Galindo, who has kept a close eye on the case.
USA: Unik rättegång mot poliser som mördade den hemlöse Kelly Thomas

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