tisdag 10 december 2013

FRA:s industrispionage mot ryska företag åt USA - ingår i uppdraget från regeringen

2013-12-07. Dagens avancerade morallektion kommer från Sveriges hemligaste del av ankdammen och handlar då givetvis om FRA:s omfattande industrispionage mot Ryssland, där spaningsuppgifterna sedan lämnats vidare till USA. Som inläggets rubrik antyder så är vår signalspaning  en "demokratiskt godkänd" spionverksamhet...
När Kina och andra mer renodlade diktaturer ertappas/anklagas för motsvarande spionerande så heter det oftast i media att det är "diktaturfasoner av slyngelstater".

- Då får bilden här undertill bli en lämplig avslutning på dagens avancerade morallektion....

- Västvärlden brukar säga, speciellt om Kina, att de använder sin övervakningsapparat för att spionera på västerländska företag för att få ett orättfärdigt ekonomiskt övertag, säger Glenn Greenwald.

- De brukar hävda att detta underminerar konkurrens på fria villkor, att det är ett missbruk av övervakningssystemen och att det bryter det internationella förtroendet och internationell lag.

-Trots det finner vi att USA och dess närmaste allierade i underrättelsevärlden, inklusive Sverige, gör exakt samma sak som de länge och indignerat kritiserat Kina för att göra.


FRA spying on “energy” and “Baltics” for USA

SVT 2013-12-07
The Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA) is not only spying on foreign military interests. Now Uppdrag Granskning is able to report that the Baltic region and civilian targets such as the Russian energy sector are also targets of the FRA’s espionage. 

- The information is then shared with the United States, which expresses great appreciation for the Swedish contribution. 

In documents drawn up for a meeting in April this year between the US intelligence agency NSA and the Swedish FRA show that Sweden is spying on Russian energy interests and the countries in “the Baltic region”. And that the information collected is passed on to the United States.

”Thank Sweden for its continued work on the Russian target, and underscore the primary role that FRA plays as a leading partner to work the Russian target, including Russian leadership, energy [REDACTED]. “FRA`s [REDACTED] access has resulted in unique SIGINT reporting on all of these areas”, NSA writes.

Civilian targets such as the energy sector are controversial for a government espionage organization to focus on but a source in the Swedish intelligence service that Uppdrag Granskning talked to does not want to call the activities industrial espionage, even though they deal with private companies.  

 “Put it this way: there is a very obvious interest in looking at the Russian companies. *That’s a part of our mission. What taps are available, what infrastructure. Long-term plans and short-term political decisions.” 

Uppdrag granskning: Is this companies like Gazprom? “Gazprom is one possible… But there are many other, smaller players. 

- Don’t forget that we get an extreme amount of information back [from the US]; we’re not slaves.”

The NSA documents do not reveal what energy interests are of interest to the United States. No companies are mentioned by name, nor are specific installations.

The US government often states that the NSA and its espionage are necessities for US security, and that it differs from Russian and Chinese
espionage, which in the west is often claimed to specifically target economic interests.  [...]

[...] The international bank network Swift, of which most international – and all Swedish – banks are members who use it to carry out large currency
transactions, is also a target of the NSA, according to material that Fantastico published.

One of Ericsson’s greatest competitors, the Chinese tech company Huawei, has also been targeted by the NSA’s espionage, according to the Brazilian TV network O Globo. Its programme showed an NSA training manual dated May 2012, which mentioned by name not only Huawei and Swift, but also a Saudi bank. [...]
"SVT have an important responsibility to publish this material, which shows in a new way how Sweden and the FRA are deeply embroiled in world politics."

RT 2013-12-07
Sweden's intelligence agency has not only spied on Russian leadership, sharing intelligence with the NSA, but also apparently engaged in industrial espionage against business targets such as Russia’s energy companies, Sveriges Television reports.

According to a wire, obtained by Swedish TV program ‘Mission: Investigate’, Sweden's National Defense Radio Establishment (FRA) shared intelligence on Russia with Washington.

“Thank Sweden for its continued work on the Russian target, and underscore the primary role that FRA plays as a leading partner to work the Russian Target, including Russian leadership, ENERGY, … and … counterintelligence,”
NSA wire said, as cited by SVT.

The earlier omitted part of the quote reveals that Sweden was tapping on civilian targets as well. One source told the documentary there was “a very obvious interest in looking at the Russian companies” confirming it was “a part of the mission.”

When asked if FRA spied on such companies as the Russian energy giant Gazprom, the source said “Gazprom is one possible” adding that there are “many other, smaller players.”

In an interview with SVT, journalist Glenn Greenwald said “the NSA seems impressed by how much money and how much technological sophistication the Swedish have been able to assemble when building their own surveillance system.”

Commenting for the documentary on the intelligence gathering cooperation between the US and Sweden, Greenwald said they “work together when they perceive that their interests are mutually aligned and share information readily about a whole variety of topics, again having nothing to do with national security, including the energy sector in Russia.”

The latest leak has nothing to do with national security and is “very conclusive about the fact that part of what they are doing is spying on energy companies, obviously for economic advantage,” Greenwald added.[...]


FRA:s industrispionage mot ryska företag åt USA - ingår i uppdraget från regeringen

2 kommentarer:

  1. FRA–lagen kuppades igenom för USA:s skull

    Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi: Politikerna som bytte sida belönades med ministerposter

    [...] FRA-lagen är utan tvekan den mest odemokratiska lag som gått igenom i modern svensk historia.

    Både sättet den kuppats igenom mot folkets och dess representanters vilja, men också själva avlyssnandet av folket, för att inte tala om undanhållandet av information om varför den var så viktig. I andra länder skulle vi krävt att politikerna skulle ha avgått.

    I fallet om FRA har två av fyra som bytte sida istället blivit belönade med ministerposter i regeringen!

    Vi sägs leva i ett informationssamhälle. Mer och mer handlar det dock om ett undanhållande-av-information-samhälle. FRA-lagen skall rivas upp och regeringen bör avgå.
    De arbetar nämligen inte åt folket.

    Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi


  2. Info ang. s.k. "revolutionen" i Kiev, Ukraina- Israel sende Sayeret Matkal styrka att agera och låtsas vara ukrainska revulutionärer for att genomföra statskup:

    USA enligt info spånsrat "revolutionärer" med mer än 100 mil $ !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Enligt info Mandela var terrorist och pedofil som var spånsrat av USA (info bli senare)






    http://therebel.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=721313:john-lennon-was-assassinated-33-years-ago-today&catid=326:mark-r-elsis&Itemid=2326 - ....
    J.L. son säger:" he was assassinated by the US Government due to his increasing popularity and espousing of views that challenged the entrenched power structure. The US Government was trying to revive American militarism just five years after the fall of Saigon, but the public was listening to John's "Imagine" and starting to ask why the world described in that song could not be brought about



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