Överträffar verkligheten redan Orwells klassiska 1984? Nu talar vi förstås inte om medias inlindade verklighet i "sheeple-matrix", utan om den verkliga verkligheten...
Publicerad den 11 dec 2013
We don't even need an explanation
72-årig kvinna uppfostrad av skogstokiga poliser
- för hennes egen trygghet, såklart
This event happened on 12/5/2013
A DUI arrest on a 70 year old women turns bad when Kevin Jones (badge #149) of the Glynn County police is trying to cuff the woman. She was taken down, and did not have her arms to break the force that Jones decided to use on her. The sound is the worst part. Both sides will need this footage, and it deserves to be put online for people to make their own judgement. Glynn County Police,157 Public Safety Blvd. Brunswick, GA
For the full version of the video, please click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mDWVI...

- Minskade Media plötsligt antalet barn som dog vid kemvapenattacken i Ghouta med 300..?
A DUI arrest on a 70 year old women turns bad when Kevin Jones (badge #149) of the Glynn County police is trying to cuff the woman. She was taken down, and did not have her arms to break the force that Jones decided to use on her. The sound is the worst part. Both sides will need this footage, and it deserves to be put online for people to make their own judgement. Glynn County Police,157 Public Safety Blvd. Brunswick, GA
For the full version of the video, please click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mDWVI...
NSA:s trygghetsövervakning fortsätter ända in i ditt hem...
Publicerad den 9 dec 2013
A new Edward Snowden release sheds light on a spy agency obsessed with online video games and the possibility of terrorists using them to plan attacks. Also, a new report surfaced revealing the FBI has the capabilities to hack into computer cams and collect live images. RT's Sam Sacks examines both tactics and questions whether or not the NSA is using their resources effectively. Publicerad den 9 dec 2013
Snowden: - FRA hackar datorer tillsammans med NSA - 1984 finslipas, för din trygghet
2013-12-11. Uppdrag granskning avslöjar detaljer ur Snowdens dokument från NSA som bevisar att FRA och NSA samarbetar med att både kapa och hacka privatpersoners datorer i stor omfattning...

- Minskade Media plötsligt antalet barn som dog vid kemvapenattacken i Ghouta med 300..?
(ca: -70% ...)
***2013 - Störst antal hemlösa barn i New York sen den stora depressionen 1929
Publicerad den 10 dec 2013
Most homeless children in NYC since Great DepressionPublicerad den 10 dec 2013
Homelessness among New York City residents has been increasing at an alarming rate. This year, poverty in the city has reached its highest levels since the Great Depression. A large number of these impoverished people are children. RT's Ameera David and Anastasia Churkina further the epidemic of child poverty.
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed.
- Everything else is public relations.”***
Fredspristagare Obama och USA:s drönare avrättade minst 15 civila på bröllop i Yemen
Fifteen people who had been heading to a wedding in Yemen have been killed in an air strike. Local media reported that a drone attack had been responsible, and the party-goers had been hit instead of an Al-Qaeda convoy.READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/5wcf54
Air strike kills 15 civilians in Yemen by mistake: officials
Fifteen people on their way to a wedding in Yemen were killed in an air strike after their party was mistaken for an al Qaeda convoy, local security officials said on Thursday.
The officials did not identify the plane in the strike in central al-Bayda province, but tribal and local media sources said that it was a drone.
“An air strike missed its target and hit a wedding car convoy, ten people were killed immediately and another five who were injured died after being admitted to the hospital,” one security official said.
Five more people were injured, the officials said.
The United States has stepped up drone strikes as part of a campaign against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), regarded by Washington as the most active wing of the militant network.
Source: Reuters

Uppladdad den 13 maj 2008
Alright, move on, nothing to see here, disperse...
Scene from the classic 1988 comedy movie "The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!" with Leslie Nielsen, written and directed by Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahams and David Zucker.
Scene from the classic 1988 comedy movie "The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!" with Leslie Nielsen, written and directed by Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahams and David Zucker.
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed.
- Everything else is public relations.”

Orwells 1984 - överträffas redan av dubbelmoralen i den verkliga världen 2013?
SvaraRaderaIsrael does control the US economy afterall? The Bank of Israel's former governor is about to lead the US Fed
Cop Shoots, Kills College Student for Speaking Disrespectfully - See more at: http://xrepublic.tv/node/6557#sthash.RAk4MSEO.dpuf
The 6,000-Page Report on CIA Torture Has Now Been Suppressed for 1 Year
U.S. to boost Israel defense missile funding by $173M
Öppen genocid av gojim närmar sig - Därför USA producerar många zombie filmer om sjuka och hungriga folk som de fostrar nu resen av folkmassa skjuta och mörda - tills det blir deras tyr - .... zombier och sheeple.... Det är redan värre än Orwell presenterade 1984...
US Congress, White House to allow jobless benefits to expire for 1.3 million
Även Kina bekämpar GMO död/ biovappen...China rejects fifth US corn cargo in a month, citing GMO strain
Bill Gates Depopulation Plans Caught On Camera
Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/bill-gates-depopulation-plans-caught-on-camera/#FW979wAJC45xYjZK.99
Fantastisk "upvarmning" av planeten :) snö i Kairo och i Ierusalem:
Here Are Pictures Of Cairo In The Snow — Something That Hasn't Happened In 112 Years
http://whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/snowonGiza.jpg http://whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/gorecicle.jpg
Former FBI agent missing in Iran was working for the CIA – report
"If they were trying to use this guy to fan up anti-Iran sentiment, it just blew up in their faces"
Missing American in Iran was working for CIA
USA- koncentrationsläger:
Enligt usa media o myndigheter - folk mördar sig själv när politik ställd till eliminering av befolkning
Inga Garantier - på egen risk.
Var bered när Banksters NWO påbörjar öppen global "revolution" eller terror akt blir du utan pengar:
Mother of two LOCKED in petrol station shop by staff who 'threatened to siphon out her fuel' because RBS computer meltdown meant she couldn't pay
har sagt förut och säger igen;
SvaraRaderablir rörd av att du/ni orkar kämpar...trots alla får och det numera vertikala motlutet...
men finns nån himmel kommer du/ni dit...trots eller tack vare...all sk-t..;| Alf Susaeg
Tack för kommentaren, Alf!
RaderaVertikalt motlut är nog tyvärr en förskönande beskrivning av "vakenhetsnivån" i landet och det närmast obefintliga motståndet till en kommande svensk polisstat? :)
Eftersom både Lockheed & Pentagon (DoD) gärna läser bloggen så har de säkert också planer som involverar besök för deras kritiker i himlen..?
-Terrorists 'R Us: Wichita airport technician charged with terrorist plot, talked with two undercover F.B.I. agents since early 2013-
SvaraRaderaDecember 14, 2013
Source: Ny Times
According to a complaint filed Friday in Federal District Court in Wichita, Mr. Loewen had been talking with two undercover F.B.I. agents over the Internet since early this year. He told the agents that he had been studying Islam and sharia — Islamic law — and wanted to engage in jihad on behalf of Al Qaeda, the complaint said.
He continued corresponding with the agents for several months, the complaint said, outlining ideas for a jihad attack and expressing admiration for Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical American-born cleric who was killed in a drone strike in 2011. Mr. Loewen then agreed, the complaint said, to participate in an operation in which he would detonate explosives near passenger jets at the airport during the holiday season.
During a series of meetings with one agent, Mr. Loewen assembled what he thought was an explosive, the complaint said. The authorities said he had also studied the layout of the airport, taking photographs and researching flight schedules.
On Friday, Mr. Loewen drove to the airport and tried to get to the tarmac through a secure gate when he was arrested, Mr. Grissom said. “At no time was the airport perimeter breached, and at no time was any citizen or member of the traveling public in any type of danger,” he said. [...]
Henry Kissinger: Those Who Reject the New World Order are Terrorists
dessutom Kissinger känd pedofil /kriminal brottsling som nyttjas av sionist NWO för sina kriminella målsättningar (där nazism sionism och ockultism blandas av degraderade s.k. "ledare"=internationella banditer tjuvar rånare slavdrivare)-
I dagens läge man skall icke vara säker om dessa NWO infiltrerade organisationer som samlar pengar från allmänheten till barnbyar samlar till barn eller till pedofil verksamhet just för organ donation / droghandel / koncentrations tortyr barnläger eller MicroUltra forskning verksamhet med ockulta offrande av mänsklig avkomma -" Bohemia Grove" säger mycket om att världsledning ockuperad av satanister med fa-a-n vet vilka böjningar och generation byggda atavismer och psykiska odågor - då pengar rullar till pengar i maffia-kriminella struktur bildning som borde skäras av med "domoklav svärd" som dessa pirat släkter elimineras från världs dominerat ställning över global ekonomi och peng maskineri bluff verksamhet - dessa släkter började som pirater av Karibien som sedan övertagit världs-"ledning"-global rån verksamhet med krig, hunger, konst devalvering i sitt eget fördel .... dessa släkter redan nu är degraderade och borde med lätthet bli eliminerade för alltid
för att eliminera dess ca 300 pirat släkter behöves organiserad global 2 veckors insats för mänsklighetens befriande som är nödvändig ont- då dessa psykopater planerar helvete på jorden
SvaraRaderaNew World Order plans to vaccinate 2.2 million Syrian children under the age of five, reportedly to protect against polio. The global plan now includes all of the Middle East, seeking to vaccinate 23 million children under the age of five... VEM ber DE?????? Om det går inte att eliminera Syriens befolkning med krig så vilde eliminera med gift sprytor!!!!!!!!! http://www.activistpost.com/2013/12/war-on-syria-begins-with-mass.html
SvaraRaderaBanksters roffar och gjör vad de vill för dina pengar och för din arbete= nutida slavdrivarna
SvaraRaderaLondon Bankers Expect 44% Bonus Increase, Survey Finds