Jimmy Saviles äventyr på BBC drog in en stor del av den engelska eliten i en gigantisk pedofilskandal, som frenetiskt mörkades av BBC. Corbett Report har mycket förtjänstfullt granskat BBC och avslöjar här en propagandaapparat av oanat format som även inbegriper 1984-Orwell personligen...

- Corbett Report Podcast #253
Publicerad den 11 jan 2013
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6599
For much of its 80 year existence, the BBC has been criticized by those who believe it to be an insidious mixture of political and cultural power, and now in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal, the British public is once again outraged at their national broadcaster.
For much of its 80 year existence, the BBC has been criticized by those who believe it to be an insidious mixture of political and cultural power, and now in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal, the British public is once again outraged at their national broadcaster.
Join us today on The Corbett Report as we examine the history, function, and institutional biases of the BBC, and how the British people are rising up against the Big Brother Corporation.
- Vad hände egentligen med BBC? - Propaganda, to big to fail!
BBC avslöjades sprida propaganda för attack mot Syrienhttp://undermattans.blogspot.se/2012/05/bbc-avslojades-sprida-propaganda-for.html

BBC = Klimatbluffens språkrör
December 26, 2013

BBC-dokumentärer betalades i hemlighet av diktaturer och myndigheters och dolda företag
Independent revealed programmes were made by third-party in pay of governments and firms
The Independent exposed last year in an investigation into the global television news industry how the BBC paid nominal fees of as little as £1 for programmes made by FBC Media (UK), whose PR client list included foreign governments and multinational companies.
The company made eight pieces for the BBC about Malaysia while failing to declare it was paid £17m by the Malaysian government for "global strategic communications". The programmes included positive coverage of Malaysia's controversial palm oil industry.
Hosni Mubarak
The BBC used FBC to make a documentary about the spring uprising in Egypt without knowing the firm was paid to do PR work for the regime of former dictator Hosni Mubarak.
As Egypt was in the throes of a revolution, the BBC commissioned FBC to make a documentary on the country.
But the firm had a commercial relationship to promote Egypt as "liberal and open". The programme, Third Eye: Egypt, warned of the threat of takeover by Islamic fundamentalists.
Mark Thompson
The BBC director general has ordered an end to the practice of acquiring news programmes for "low or nominal cost" after the BBC admitted 15 breaches of its editorial guidelines and buying documentaries for "nominal" fees as little as £1 from a company that was working to promote foreign governments.
Since 2009 FBC has made at least four BBC documentaries dealing with Malaysia and controversial issues such as the country's palm-oil industry and its treatment of rainforests and indigenous people. The company has received millions of pounds in payments from the government of Malaysia for a "global strategic communications campaign".
BBC Openly Sides With Regime - Portrays Protesters as Violent, Anti-Democratic
A regime run by a convicted criminal hiding abroad would be unacceptable in any other country in the word and it is unacceptable in Thailand too. [...]
- Vad hände egentligen med BBC? Propaganda, "to big to fail" och Saviles elitpedofilnätverk
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