2013-12-15. Senator John McCain, mannen som ville fredsbomba Syrien till varje pris, höll nyligen ett tal i det kollapsande Ukraina till landets oppositionella demonstranter på självständighetstorget. USA verkar satsa stort på att integrera Ukraina i EU, men behöver EU verkligen fler arbetslösa människor att försörja?
Demonstrationerna fortsätter i Ukraina angående integrationen i EU. Den amerikanske senatorn John McCain åkte dit i egen hög person för att hålla ett uppmuntrande tal till landets oppositionella.
McCain började sitt tal med en hälsning på ukrainska, men övergick sedan snabbt till engelska. - Vi är här, eftersom er fredliga protest uppmuntrar hela världen, sade han.
Ukraina gör Europa bättre, och Europa förbättrar Ukraina. Hela den fria världen är med er, och jag med, sade senator McCain.
[Konstigt nog lät det inte alls så när Occupy Wallstreets demonstranter ville ha fred och jämställdhet i hans eget hemland USA..?]
Före McCains tal hade även den demokratiske senatorn Chris Murphy hållit ett tal på självständighetstorget i Ukraina.
Tidigare i veckan så fördömde Rysslands utrikesminister Sergej Lavrov västerländska politiker för inblandning i den ukrainska krisen.
Publicerad den 13 dec 2013
Members of the European Parliament
are pressuring Ukraine's government to hold early elections - as a way
out of the crisis that's gripped the country. Ukraine's government has
said it could renegotiate the terms of the association deal, if Europe
provides more money. The sides met in Brussels and agreed to discuss a
new roadmap towards a possible deal. While in Kiev, anti-government
protesters continue to defy the authorities, blocking the city centre
with barricades and suspending the work of government institutions. And
as RT's Aleksey Yaroshevsky reports, it's not only causing chaos in the
streets but also taking a toll on the country's economy.
McCain höll tal inför Ukrainas oppositionella demonstranter - nytt fredskrig på gång?
--Leaked: UK plans cutting influx of EU immigrants by one-third--
SvaraRaderaPublished time: December 15
The number of immigrants allowed to move to the UK from EU countries could be cut by one-third and limited to 75,000 people a year under proposals set out by the Home Office, according to a leaked government report.
A classified British Home Office document, seen by The Sunday Times, suggests a cap could cut net migration by 30,000 from the current 106,000 a year.
It has also been reportedly proposed to block EU immigrants from claiming benefits or tax credits during their first five years in the UK.
It means high-skilled professionals from well-to-do countries like Germany and Austria could only move to the UK if they had a job offer, while lower-skilled workers would be allowed to settle if their jobs happened to be on the list of occupations for which there is a national shortage.
The document also suggested giving British citizens a "national preference" by reserving jobs for them, as well as restricting labor movement to the UK from poorer countries joining the EU, until their GDP reaches a figure that is 75 percent of Britain's.
Earlier this week Prime Minister David Cameron said that an influx of non-skilled workers is a "major cause of concern".
***Cameron said that when a new country joins the European Union they should not have automatic access to the UK’s market.***
He pointed out that when Poland and other eastern European countries joined in 2004, they were given instant entry to the British job market, even though those nations are much poorer than Britain. [...]
BREAKING: EU puts on hold Ukraine integration deal! Anti-Austerity Riots come to Italy
Clashes in Madrid as demonstrators rally against anti-protest bill
Sionist NWO tydligen tappat allt förstånd i iver at införa global "revolution" till icke kontrolbar slakt världen över. De kom til Ukraina som privata personer som inte kom att träffa landets laglig ledning utan att uppmuntra till terrorism - dessutom usa senatorer har ingen diplomat skydd- man skulle tipsa Ukrainas regering arrestera inkräktare som dessutom uppmanar til Sionist revolution - regering i landet har allt laglig rätt att avrätta främmande makt inkräktare med fientliga terrorist verksamhet ..........!
:"McCain is trying to turn the Ukraine into the next Syria!"
SvaraRaderaDär McCain gjorde besök sedan var mycket blodiga följder-Irak, Afghanistan, Lybia, Sudan, Syria...
"Tens of thousands of Ukrainians rallied in support of President Viktor Yanukovich in central Kiev today" http://www.itv.com/news/update/2013-12-14/thousands-of-ukrainians-stage-rival-rallies-in-kiev/?