En 21-årig student i USA ströps nästan till döds av polisen. Detta trots att 21-åringen inte gjorde något som helst motstånd när polisen av okänd anledning arresterade honom. Händelsen inträffade när polisen skulle avvisa ett antal ungdomar från ett studentparty med 800 festande personer...

Frank Phillips
Publicerad den 28 apr 2014
Knox County, Tennessee Sheriff's deputy Frank Phillips was fired Sunday after breaking up a party of 800 college students. A photographer captured Phillips choking a 21 year-old student who was being handcuffed and not visibly resisting. The student collapsed to the ground unconscious with Phillip's hands still around his neck. RT's Ameera David has a look at the photos that led to the officers termination.Publicerad den 28 apr 2014

Tennessee Police Photographed Choking Unresisting College Student Until He Passes Out
InformationLiberation 2014-04-28A sheriff's deputy in Knox County, Tennessee has been fired after he was caught on camera allegedly choking a university student Saturday night.
Frank Phillips, 47, was been found 'unsuitable for continued employment,' according to a termination notice posted Sunday night on the Knox County Sheriff's Office's website.
'In my 34 years of law enforcement experience, excessive force has never been tolerated. After an investigation by the Office of Professional Standards, I believe excessive force was used in this incident,' Sheriff Jimmy 'J.J.' Jones said.
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USA: Ung handbojad student överlevde polisens livsfarliga terror-strypning - Fångades på bild
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