Enligt ett flertal pågående stämningar mot amerikanska myndigheter, så avslöjas att polisen i USA vid många tillfällen kört demonstranter till olika "knarkhus" och langare för att sedan bjuda på gratis droger. Därefter har de nerdrogade demonstranterna körts tillbaka till demonstrationerna av de snälla poliserna i polisbilarna...

Uppgifterna förlöjligades givetvis av mainstreammedias "presstitutes" som s.k. "konspirationsteorier..."
MEN, efter att några smygfilmade videos dykt upp som dokumenterar skeendet har en domare godkänt stämningarna som nu tas upp i domstol. Enligt polisen rörde det sig om ett hemligt polisprogram och "viktiga experiment" angående effekten av droger...:)

Uppgifterna förlöjligades givetvis av mainstreammedias "presstitutes" som s.k. "konspirationsteorier..."
MEN, efter att några smygfilmade videos dykt upp som dokumenterar skeendet har en domare godkänt stämningarna som nu tas upp i domstol. Enligt polisen rörde det sig om ett hemligt polisprogram och "viktiga experiment" angående effekten av droger...:)
Publicerad den 3 april 2014
A federal judge has decided to allow a lawsuit against Minnesota police officers, who allegedly got Occupy protesters high on drugs, to proceed to the trial stage.
Allegations emerged two years ago that Minnesota police officers were taking Occupy protesters away from protests and giving them drugs in order to study the effects, later dropping the protesters off where they were picked-up.
Believing their rights were violated, several protesters filed lawsuits that don't seem nearly as paranoid anymore. RT's Ameera David spoke with an attorney representing the plaintiffs in the case, Alan Milstein.
USA: Polis körde demonstranter till sitt knarkhus och bjöd på gratis droger - "viktigt experiment"
--NSA: An Orwellian surveillance system gone global--
SvaraRaderaDecember 29 2013
While British politics and media display a strong reluctance to confront the harsh realities of UK spying, we should be worried about further revelations of a dystopian, Orwellian surveillance system gone global, former MI5 agent Annie Machon told RT.
Thousands of attendees have gathered for the annual four-day Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, which is dedicated to information technology. The conference offers a generally “critical-creative attitude towards technology and the discussion about the effects of technological advances on society,” according to its website.
Speaking at the Congress Friday, journalist Glenn Greenwald condemned the mainstream media and accused his colleagues of failing to challenge the erroneous remarks routinely made by government officials around the globe.[...]