Miriam Carey som dödades av USA:s polis utanför vita huset förra året, dog av ett nackskott. Det visar resultatet av obduktionen som nyligen offentliggjordes. Miriam flydde från ett gäng skjutande poliser tillsammans med sin lille bebis, efter att hon kört in i ett trafikhinder utanför vita huset...

Poliserna följde efter och mördade till slut den panikslagna, livrädda och instabila mamman med ett nackskott. Enligt polisen var hennes bil ett "dödligt vapen" och därför var det tydligen OK att avrätta henne...
*USA:s media har i efterhand gjort sitt bästa för att framställa den dödade kvinnan som en galen, knarkande terrorist.
*Mer sannolikt var Miriam bara en vanlig förstadsmamma som kört fel och därefter fått panik när en samling galna män med vapen försökte döda henne och hennes barn. Hör hennes systrars berättelse på videon längst ner...
Autopsy Shows Capitol Police Shot Unarmed Mother In Back Of Head, No Drugs In System
InformationLiberation / BLN
WASHINGTON — First they called her a terrorist threat.
When she turned out to be an unarmed suburban mother, they said she was on drugs.
Now, WND has exclusively learned, without a trace of doubt, that was wrong, too.
WND can also now report Miriam Carey was shot in the back of the head by U.S. Capitol Police officers and uniformed Secret Service agents six months ago, on Oct. 3, 2013.
The official police investigation still has not been released. But Carey family attorney Eric Sanders obtained the toxicology and autopsy report on this macabre anniversary.
The report showed there were no drugs in Carey’s system, prescription or otherwise, when she was shot dead.
The report was prepared by Dr. Nikki Mourtzinos of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for the District of Columbia.
After the terror threat was discarded, the media had tried to portray Carey as mentally unbalanced, citing prescription medications she was reportedly taking.
Publicerad den 5 apr 2014
WASHINGTON, D.C. — An erratic female driver was enough to send the capitol city into lockdown Thursday, resulting in a frenzied deployment of armed security agents and mass panic around the city. Helicopters whirred overhead as men with rifles flooded the area. The chaos was initiated after a car evidently took a wrong turn at the White House and collided with a security barrier. The disgruntled driver fled the scene, and was pursued by police and ultimately shot to death when her car got stuck.
An autopsy of Miriam Carey's body has revealed that she was shot in the back of the head, drawing questions about the use of force on a suspect that did not pose a direct threat.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — An erratic female driver was enough to send the capitol city into lockdown Thursday, resulting in a frenzied deployment of armed security agents and mass panic around the city. Helicopters whirred overhead as men with rifles flooded the area. The chaos was initiated after a car evidently took a wrong turn at the White House and collided with a security barrier. The disgruntled driver fled the scene, and was pursued by police and ultimately shot to death when her car got stuck.
An autopsy of Miriam Carey's body has revealed that she was shot in the back of the head, drawing questions about the use of force on a suspect that did not pose a direct threat.

Poliserna följde efter och mördade till slut den panikslagna, livrädda och instabila mamman med ett nackskott. Enligt polisen var hennes bil ett "dödligt vapen" och därför var det tydligen OK att avrätta henne...
*USA:s media har i efterhand gjort sitt bästa för att framställa den dödade kvinnan som en galen, knarkande terrorist.
*Mer sannolikt var Miriam bara en vanlig förstadsmamma som kört fel och därefter fått panik när en samling galna män med vapen försökte döda henne och hennes barn. Hör hennes systrars berättelse på videon längst ner...
Publicerad den 4 okt 2013

Autopsy Shows Capitol Police Shot Unarmed Mother In Back Of Head, No Drugs In System
InformationLiberation / BLN
WASHINGTON — First they called her a terrorist threat.
When she turned out to be an unarmed suburban mother, they said she was on drugs.
Now, WND has exclusively learned, without a trace of doubt, that was wrong, too.
WND can also now report Miriam Carey was shot in the back of the head by U.S. Capitol Police officers and uniformed Secret Service agents six months ago, on Oct. 3, 2013.
The official police investigation still has not been released. But Carey family attorney Eric Sanders obtained the toxicology and autopsy report on this macabre anniversary.
The report showed there were no drugs in Carey’s system, prescription or otherwise, when she was shot dead.
The report was prepared by Dr. Nikki Mourtzinos of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for the District of Columbia.
After the terror threat was discarded, the media had tried to portray Carey as mentally unbalanced, citing prescription medications she was reportedly taking.
Mamma med bebis som körde på trafikhinder vid vita huset, dödades av nackskott - obduktion
--FBI-agent som dödade vittne till Boston-dådet med huvudskott "gjorde inget fel" - åklagare--