En USA-klassiker om landets polis från slutet av 2010. - Den amerikanska polisen "råkade" skjuta ihjäl en 35-årig alldaglig familjefar, som lämnade efter sig en 8-årig son. Mannen ville vara hjälpsam och snäll, så han vattnade sin grannes gräsmatta...(video)
Plötsligt kom USA-polisen kom dit och avrättade mannen med vattenspridaren, eftersom de tyckte att "munstycket liknade en pistol".
...Polisen i USA har i efterhand erkänt att de antagligen borde ha bett mannen släppa den livsfarliga vattenspridaren, istället för att avrätta honom omgående, i ett kulregn av poliskulor...
- Den döde mannens syster och övriga familj var inte särskilt imponerade av polisingripandet, se videon undertill...

Plötsligt kom USA-polisen kom dit och avrättade mannen med vattenspridaren, eftersom de tyckte att "munstycket liknade en pistol".
...Polisen i USA har i efterhand erkänt att de antagligen borde ha bett mannen släppa den livsfarliga vattenspridaren, istället för att avrätta honom omgående, i ett kulregn av poliskulor...
- Den döde mannens syster och övriga familj var inte särskilt imponerade av polisingripandet, se videon undertill...
Uppladdad den 23 dec 2010 av: PSYWARORDER
Here is a perfect example of the
citizen spy culture taking root in the USA with the "If you see
something, say something" program encouraged by Homeland Security.
911 call apparently was made after a neighbor mistakenly interpreted a
man sitting on a porch as a "drunk with a gun." Officers arrived, ready
for battle, and the man was killed . . . while watering his neighbor's
KTLA Long Beach "Cops", or "Police" Murder 35 year old Long Beach man for watering lawn in Long Beach upscale neighborhood Belmont Shore.
A neighbor called the LBPD about a man with a gun that was sitting in a lawn chair on a friends front lawn with what appeared to be a firearm.
KTLA Long Beach "Cops", or "Police" Murder 35 year old Long Beach man for watering lawn in Long Beach upscale neighborhood Belmont Shore.
A neighbor called the LBPD about a man with a gun that was sitting in a lawn chair on a friends front lawn with what appeared to be a firearm.
- Police admit not following procedure.
The 35 year old subject was not ordered to drop his firearm (garden hose) before LBPD shot and killed him.

USA: Polis "råkade" skjuta ihjäl tonåring som öppnade dörren med TV-spel-kontroll i handen
2014-02-19. En amerikansk polis "råkade" skjuta ihjäl
Christopher Roupe, den TV-spelsintresserade 17-årige pojken på bilden.
När Christopher öppnade dörren med sin Nintendo-kontroll i näven, fick
han omgående ta emot ett antal kulor i bröstet från polisen och avled
ganska omgående...
USA-klassiker: Polisen sköt ihjäl pappa som vattnade grannes gräsmatta - "liknade pistol"
--Cops Snatch Phone from Wheelchair-bound Man for Recording Them, Cite him with 'Unauthorized Photography'--
SvaraRadera2014-05-01 InformationLiberation By Carlos Miller
Police snatched a phone from a disabled wheelchair-bound veteran who was recording them in front of a VA hospital in Tennessee as they harassed him over his service dog for not wearing a muzzle Tuesday.
However, there is no law that requires service dogs to wear muzzles. And there is certainly no law against him recording them.
But the VA police still cited him with “unauthorized photography,” a statute that only applies in cases of voyeurism, especially of minors, when there is no expectation of privacy.
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--Hammond, Indiana Cop Filmed Abusing His Dog--
SvaraRaderaInformationLiberation 05/02/2014
A viral video posted to Youtube showed a Hammond police officer abusing his K-9 by choking it and whipping it. The video sparked widespread outrage and Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. responded by ordering the police officer be immediately suspended:
Anybody who loves dogs as much as I do is always saddened and shocked anytime you hear of a dog's abuse. When you find out it happened with an employee of yours, it makes it that much more shocking and disturbing. Please know that the Hammond PD does not condone that type of behavior of any of it's officers, nor is it tolerated in this administration.
The officer in question is being placed on Administrative Leave immediately, pending a further investigation. He will have his canine removed from his control during this leave while the PD further investigates this matter.
Kudos to the Mayor for not making any excuses and claiming it's part of "training."