- Vad hände med medias intresse för den tidigare så viktiga s.k. "demokratin" i Libyen och var tog de enorma mängder vapen vägen, som väst och USA dumpade i Libyen till de s.k. rebellerna? Se en ny avslöjande video från RT som visar hur det demokratiska äventyret i landet utvecklats i det lägliga mediemörkret...
Publicerad den 31 mars 2014
Libya's on the way to becoming a terrorist outpost for possible future attacks on Europe. The prospect has been raised by Libya's former Prime Minister who came to power following the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime. He recently fled the country, where rival militias run rampant, and are in de-facto control of the state. Gayane Chichakyan explains. And Middle East expert Sukant Chandan believes the situation has been created by the very people who encouraged the overthrow of Gadaffi in the first place...

Libyan human rights activist Bugaighis shot dead in Benghazi
SvaraRadera26 June, 2014
Human rights activist Salwa Bugaighis has been shot dead by assailants at her home in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, AFP reported. “Unknown hooded men wearing military uniforms attacked Mrs Bugaighis in her home and opened fire on her,” a security official said. She was taken to hospital in critical condition, where she died shortly afterwards. Her husband, who was in the family home at the time of the attack, has since been reported as missing. Bugaighis, a lawyer, played an active part in Libya's 2011 revolution. She was a member of the National Transitional Council, the rebellion's political wing, and vice president of a preparatory committee for national dialogue.