Varför skulle ankdammsmedia rapportera om några döda bruna barn i Palestina? Det har ju absolut inget nyhetsvärde eftersom... Och den som på något sätt ifrågasätter den tidigare tydliga förklaringen är sannolikt en avskyvärd antisemitisk konspirationsteoretiker, därför att.... Så det så! ( - Detta meddelande kommer att självförstöras innan det når mainstream, om sekunder......pfft. - Reds. Anm.)

RT 2014-04-06
More than 1,500 Palestinian children have died at the hands of Israeli forces since 2000, the Palestinian Authority's minister of social affairs, Kamal Sharafi, said Saturday, on Palestinian Children's Day.
"Protecting and supporting children should be a national responsibility," Sharafi said, urging the Palestinian Authority to approve a law for the protection of minors.
The international community has criticized Israel for the mistreatment of Palestinian minors. In March 2013, a United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) report concluded that Palestinian children detained by the Israeli military in the West Bank are “systematically” ill-treated, which is a violation of international law.
Each year, some 700 Palestinian children aged 12 to 17 – mainly boys – are arrested, interrogated, and detained by Israel's army, police, and security agents, UNICEF said in the 22-page document.
According to the report, the ill-treatment often begins at the point of arrest, when children are woken by heavily-armed soldiers and forcibly brought to an interrogation center “tied and blindfolded, sleep-deprived and in a state of extreme fear.”
During the 10-year period examined by UN human rights experts, up to 7,000 children aged 9 to 17 were arrested, interrogated and kept captive, CRC said in the report.
Israel’s foreign minister denied the report’s accusations, calling it "recycled old stuff."
During the 10-year period examined by UN human rights experts, up to 7,000 children aged 9 to 17 were arrested, interrogated and kept captive, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) said in its new report. At least 14 cases of abuse were reported to have taken place in the past three years.
As conflict in the Gaza Strip and West Bank continues, children on both sides continue to be killed and wounded; however, the majority of victims are Palestinian.
"Hundreds of Palestinian children have been killed and thousands injured over the reporting period as a result of the state party military operations, especially in Gaza where the state party proceeded to [conduct] air and naval strikes on densely populated areas with a significant presence of children, thus disregarding the principles of proportionality and distinction," Reuters reported, citing the CRC’s report.
"Almost all those using children as human shields and informants have remained unpunished and the soldiers convicted for having forced at gunpoint a 9-year-old child to search bags suspected of containing explosives only received a suspended sentence of three months and were demoted," the watchdog's panel of 18 independent experts said.
Throwing stones at soldiers of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is the most common felony for which underage Palestinians are taken to prison – convicted Palestinian minors face penalties of up to 20 years in jail, the CRC reported.[...]
For many Palestinian children their childhood is lived under a cloak of fear and the threat of violence and abuse at the hands of an armed force that stalks the streets of their homeland.
In the 11 years since the year 2000, Israeli forces have killed 1,471 children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the bulk of whom were aged between 13 and 17 years. The children of Gaza have been and continue to be at greatest risk, with almost a thousand murdered in the last 12 years.[...]
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Over 1,500 Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces since 2000 – PA minister
***RT 2014-04-06
More than 1,500 Palestinian children have died at the hands of Israeli forces since 2000, the Palestinian Authority's minister of social affairs, Kamal Sharafi, said Saturday, on Palestinian Children's Day.
- In addition to the 1,520 children that have been killed, another 6,000 have been injured and more than 10,000 arrested, Palestinian news agency Ma’an quoted Sharafi as saying. Two-hundred children are still in detention in Israeli prisons.
"Protecting and supporting children should be a national responsibility," Sharafi said, urging the Palestinian Authority to approve a law for the protection of minors.
The international community has criticized Israel for the mistreatment of Palestinian minors. In March 2013, a United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) report concluded that Palestinian children detained by the Israeli military in the West Bank are “systematically” ill-treated, which is a violation of international law.
Each year, some 700 Palestinian children aged 12 to 17 – mainly boys – are arrested, interrogated, and detained by Israel's army, police, and security agents, UNICEF said in the 22-page document.
According to the report, the ill-treatment often begins at the point of arrest, when children are woken by heavily-armed soldiers and forcibly brought to an interrogation center “tied and blindfolded, sleep-deprived and in a state of extreme fear.”
- In June 2013, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) issued a report stating that thousands of Palestinian children were systematically injured, tortured, and used as human shields by Israel.
During the 10-year period examined by UN human rights experts, up to 7,000 children aged 9 to 17 were arrested, interrogated and kept captive, CRC said in the report.

- Thousands of Palestinian children were systematically injured, tortured and used as human shields by Israel, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child reported.RT June 20, 2013
Israel’s foreign minister denied the report’s accusations, calling it "recycled old stuff."
During the 10-year period examined by UN human rights experts, up to 7,000 children aged 9 to 17 were arrested, interrogated and kept captive, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) said in its new report. At least 14 cases of abuse were reported to have taken place in the past three years.
As conflict in the Gaza Strip and West Bank continues, children on both sides continue to be killed and wounded; however, the majority of victims are Palestinian.
"Hundreds of Palestinian children have been killed and thousands injured over the reporting period as a result of the state party military operations, especially in Gaza where the state party proceeded to [conduct] air and naval strikes on densely populated areas with a significant presence of children, thus disregarding the principles of proportionality and distinction," Reuters reported, citing the CRC’s report.
- It was revealed that the IDF used Palestinian children to enter potentially dangerous buildings, forcing them to stand as human shields to discourage stone-throwing at military vehicles and troops.
"Almost all those using children as human shields and informants have remained unpunished and the soldiers convicted for having forced at gunpoint a 9-year-old child to search bags suspected of containing explosives only received a suspended sentence of three months and were demoted," the watchdog's panel of 18 independent experts said.
Throwing stones at soldiers of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is the most common felony for which underage Palestinians are taken to prison – convicted Palestinian minors face penalties of up to 20 years in jail, the CRC reported.[...]
Israel har dödat 1.427 barn i Gaza sedan år 2000
Israel har dödat 1.427 barn i Gaza sedan år 2000
By Graham Peebles 01 April, 2012
Israelisk militär har sedan år 2000 dödat 1427 barn mellan 13-17 år på Västbanken och Gazaremsan. Artikel på engelska från:
Israelisk militär har sedan år 2000 dödat 1427 barn mellan 13-17 år på Västbanken och Gazaremsan. Artikel på engelska från:
For many Palestinian children their childhood is lived under a cloak of fear and the threat of violence and abuse at the hands of an armed force that stalks the streets of their homeland.
- They shoot children, don’t they..?
In the 11 years since the year 2000, Israeli forces have killed 1,471 children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the bulk of whom were aged between 13 and 17 years. The children of Gaza have been and continue to be at greatest risk, with almost a thousand murdered in the last 12 years.[...]
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Israels armé har mördat över 1500 palestinska BARN sen 2000 - oviktigt för Ankdammsmedia
ankdammsmedia ledes av sionister och gamla "sadister kommunist kommissarier slaktare" ättlingar (f.ex. Wolodarski m fl. ) som fortsätter med global judisk revolution mot alla icke judar samt infiltration, degradering, lögner och svartnålning/mord av sina offer och de bästa av goyim.
SvaraRaderaSverige är ockuperad land och var så säker de siktar på sionist NWO slav system... just nu spelar de roll som svenskaste av svenskar när de ställer folk mot folk i hop att utnyttja också - gammal metod : inbilla i varje sida att de är bäst på allt, degradera och tvinga att slåss och egen vinst för eliminering (false demokrati/utopier)under tiden rånar de alla inblandade på allt ..... och inta ledande poster .....
Jag erkänner "Israel" som land först när massmördarna är dömda för sina brott. Tills dess existerar inget "Israel" för mig !
SvaraRaderanär får vi lagar i sverige om heliga kusten?