- Vi kommer att skjuta alla som korsar linjen, skrek militären och FBI-agenterna. 100-tals amerikanska cowboys och aktivister svarade; - Skjut oss då, och se vad som händer, varefter de allesammans korsade myndigheternas patetiska linje utan att något hände mer än att myndigheternas gorillor backade ner. - Se en intressant video från InfoWars som var med på plats...
Bakgrunden till händelsen är en konflikt som pågått i många år mellan ranchägaren Cliven Bundy i Nevada, och USA:s myndigheter. 1000-tals människor, både beväpnade och obeväpnade har ställt sig på Bundys sida och många hade befarat att upplösningen av konflikten skulle bli ett nytt Waco, då 76 människor dog.
The Waco siege (also known as the Waco Massacre) was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians by American federal and Texas state law enforcement and military between February 28 and April 19, 1993.[4]

Bakgrunden till händelsen är en konflikt som pågått i många år mellan ranchägaren Cliven Bundy i Nevada, och USA:s myndigheter. 1000-tals människor, både beväpnade och obeväpnade har ställt sig på Bundys sida och många hade befarat att upplösningen av konflikten skulle bli ett nytt Waco, då 76 människor dog.
The Waco siege (also known as the Waco Massacre) was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians by American federal and Texas state law enforcement and military between February 28 and April 19, 1993.[4]
Publicerad den 13 apr 2014
In an epic standoff that Infowars reporter David Knight described as being like "something out of a movie," supporters of Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy advanced on a position held by BLM agents despite threats that they would be shot at, eventually forcing BLM feds to release 100 cattle that had been stolen from Bundy as part of a land grab dispute that threatened to escalate into a Waco-style confrontation.
For more from Stefan Molyneux visit:
The Bundy Ranch – “The Government Owns Nothing And Controls Everything”
Publicerad den 13 apr 2014 av: Press For Truth
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For
Truth speaks with Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio about the latest
info in regards to the situation at the Bundy Ranch and where this may
be going in the next few weeks For more from Stefan Molyneux visit:
--Feds forced by Bundy supporters to release all stolen cows--
SvaraRaderaApril 12, 2014
Source: Lee Rogers, Daily Slave/BLN
The mainstream media is making it sound like some sort of deal was struck. In reality the militiamen, protesters and supporters of the Bundy family forced the Bureau of Land Management to release the cows they stole by confronting them.
Even threats of violence from armed government goons failed to stop Bundy's supporters from eventually taking back the cattle. This situation is far from over though. It is pretty much guaranteed that the federal government will return when there are fewer people and the story is no longer featured in the news cycle.
From the AP:
Federal land managers confirmed they released all 400 or so head of cattle rounded up on public land in southern Nevada from a rancher who has refused to recognize their authority.
The Bureau of Land Management took the action Saturday afternoon after hundreds of states' rights protesters, including militia and tea party members, showed up at corrals outside Mesquite to demand the animals' return to rancher Cliven Bundy.
The bureau issued a brief statement saying the cattle were released "due to escalating tensions." Some protesters were armed with handguns and rifles at the corrals and at an earlier nearby rally.[...]
Nevada rancher, armed militias win standoff with Feds, govt returns cattle
SvaraRaderaApril 13, 2014
The tense stand-off between hundreds of protesters and police has ended in the Nevada desert, forcing the authorities to cancel the round-up of 300 animals and to return the cattle to their owner.
The standoff between rancher Cliven Bundy and the US Bureau of Land Management has lasted over a week, after hundreds of armed agents with the United States Bureau of Land Management and the FBI turned up in the Clark County to execute the court-ordered confiscation of nearly 1,000 cattle. The US government says the animals have trespassed on federal property.
This provoked a fierce backlash from anti-government groups, right-wing politicians and gun-rights activists, who gathered near 67-year-old Cliven Bundy’s farmhouse to support him in the standoff against the government.
At the height of the protests, there were about 1,000 protesters outside the rancher’s home. Among them were militia members from California, Idaho and other US states, camouflaged, with rifles and side arms.
"If we don't show up everywhere, there is no reason to show up anywhere," one of the camouflaged men said, holding an AR-15 rifle. "I'm ready to pull the trigger if fired upon," Scott said. [...]
"You're Going To Have To Shoot Us All!"
SvaraRaderaApr 13 2014 - Chris | InformationLiberation
- Americans Stand Up To Police State Thugs At Bundy Ranch Standoff -
Despite government thugs threatening protesters to prepare their funerals, patriots stood up to the police state thugs and marched to get Cliven Bundy's cattle back from the criminal government agents who stole them.
As the police threatened a massacre, protesters told them they're going to have to shoot them all because they're not backing down. The government thugs eventually surrendered rather than commit a Tiananmen Square-style massacre.
--David Knight Recaps BLM Stand Down--
SvaraRadera"Patriots Confront BLM & Show How to Take Country Back!"
Publicerad den 12 apr 2014
Infowars reporter David Knight breaks down what happened during the standoff between the coward BLM and the American Patriots.