InformationLiberation 2014-04-11. - Vem är vem? "Who cares" skjut först och fråga sen! Polisen i Los Angeles lyckades räddade en knivman som tagit gisslan och sköt istället ihjäl ett av offren och skottskadade ett annat offer...
Polisen kom till platsen och lyckades då skjuta ihjäl ett av knivmannens tre blodiga flyende blodiga offer, TV-producenten, John Winkler. Ett annat offer lyckades polisen skjuta i benet...
Knivmannen själv verka dock ha klarat sig utan större skador. Polisen försökte först mörka händelsen. Efter att det misslyckats så beskrevs händelsen istället som ett beklagligt misstag...***

Chris - InformationLiberation 2014-04-11
A production assistant to the Comedy Central television show Tosh.0 was shot and killed by Los Angeles County Sherrif's deputies while fleeing an attempted murderer trying to stab him and his friend to death.
When Winkler and his friend managed to flee a hostage situation covered in blood, deputies shot Winkler and his friend, the victims, then proceeded to rescue the alleged attempted murderer. Winkler died later in the hospital, his friend survived with a gunshot wound to the leg. The deputies initially justified their shooting by claiming Winkler and his friend "aggressed" against them, but later admitted they shot them by mistake.
From the LA Times:
We've covered multiple similar incidents in the past. At a standoff in a motel in Minnesota two years ago, police shot and killed an unarmed 19-year-old after he narrowly escaped an armed gunman. One week later, NYPD officers shot and killed another innocent victim who fled an armed robbery in the Bronx.
- In both of those cases, just as in this case, the criminals escaped unharmed, yet the victims were killed by police.
Chris runs the website, you can read more of his writings here. Follow infolib on twitter here.
Polisen kom till platsen och lyckades då skjuta ihjäl ett av knivmannens tre blodiga flyende blodiga offer, TV-producenten, John Winkler. Ett annat offer lyckades polisen skjuta i benet...
Knivmannen själv verka dock ha klarat sig utan större skador. Polisen försökte först mörka händelsen. Efter att det misslyckats så beskrevs händelsen istället som ett beklagligt misstag...***

Chris - InformationLiberation 2014-04-11
A production assistant to the Comedy Central television show Tosh.0 was shot and killed by Los Angeles County Sherrif's deputies while fleeing an attempted murderer trying to stab him and his friend to death.
When Winkler and his friend managed to flee a hostage situation covered in blood, deputies shot Winkler and his friend, the victims, then proceeded to rescue the alleged attempted murderer. Winkler died later in the hospital, his friend survived with a gunshot wound to the leg. The deputies initially justified their shooting by claiming Winkler and his friend "aggressed" against them, but later admitted they shot them by mistake.
From the LA Times:
Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies mistakenly shot two hostages, killing one, earlier this week as the men fled a knife-wielding captor in West Hollywood, officials said Thursday.- The deputies have, of course, absolved themselves of any responsibility and are facing no charges.
- John Winkler, a 30-year-old TV production assistant who had recently arrived from Washington state to pursue a career in entertainment, was hit once in the chest when three deputies opened fire on him Monday night at an apartment complex, officials said in a statement.
- He died at a local hospital. A second hostage was shot in the leg, officials said.
"The apartment door suddenly opened and a male victim came rushing out," the statement said. "He was covered in blood and bleeding profusely from the neck. Simultaneously, Winkler ran out of the door, lunging at the back of the fleeing victim. Both ran directly at the deputies."
Winkler fit the general description of the suspect — a white man in a black shirt — and when he bolted out of the apartment, deputies believed Winkler was the assailant, officials said.
Interim Sheriff John Scott on Thursday called the shooting "very tragic."
Winkler's friend Devin Richardson said Winkler, who lived in the complex, was a friend of the two other men held hostage and rushed to the apartment when he heard them screaming.
But sheriff's officials said they believe Winkler was already in the apartment visiting friends when the disturbance began.
Winkler had recently been hired for several days as a production assistant for the comedy show "Tosh.0." Richardson said Winkler wanted to become a producer.
Winkler's aunt said he was thrilled about being in Hollywood.
"He was quite excited the last time we talked to him," said Anne-Marie Van Wart, 62, of Tacoma, Wash. "He was just getting his foot in the door of life. Just, the light was right around the corner … and [now] he's gone."
The incident unfolded about 9:30 p.m. Monday in a large apartment complex on Palm Avenue off of Santa Monica Boulevard.
Sheriff's deputies said they got a call about an assailant with a knife inside one of the building's units. When they got to the complex, a witness told them there were two men in the apartment and that the assailant was a thin white man wearing a black shirt, according to the statement.
Deputies "announced themselves" at the apartment but got no response. The door suddenly burst open and a bloodied man came out, with Winkler close behind, officials said.
The deputies believed "Winkler was the assailant and the assault was ongoing and he would attack the entry team."
After the deputies fired on Winkler and the other man they heard "sounds of a fight coming from inside the apartment," according to the statement.
They entered the room and saw another male victim as well as the suspect, identified as Alexander McDonald.
McDonald was choking the victim and "tearing at his face," officials said.
The deputies subdued McDonald and arrested him.
Later, officials said, they learned that McDonald had held Winkler and the two other men hostage. When deputies arrived, McDonald "in a rage … began stabbing the men and fighting with them."
The second man shot by deputies was transported to a hospital where he was treated for stab wounds to the neck and a gunshot wound to the leg. He is in stable condition.
The third victim, who was treated at a hospital for stab wounds to the leg, arms and chest, has been released. Officials said McDonald and one of the victims were roommates.
McDonald, 27, has been charged with one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of torture.
He pleaded not guilty and is being held on $4-million bail.
The Sheriff's Department's initial news release the day after the shooting made no mention of the mistaken identity and said the two people shot had "aggressed the deputies."
We've covered multiple similar incidents in the past. At a standoff in a motel in Minnesota two years ago, police shot and killed an unarmed 19-year-old after he narrowly escaped an armed gunman. One week later, NYPD officers shot and killed another innocent victim who fled an armed robbery in the Bronx.
- In both of those cases, just as in this case, the criminals escaped unharmed, yet the victims were killed by police.
Chris runs the website, you can read more of his writings here. Follow infolib on twitter here.
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