"KÄNSLOMÄSSIG GRYMHET MOT BARN" BLIR OLAGLIGT I ENGLAND. - Engelska föräldrar som inte gillar sina barn tillräckligt mycket riskerar snart att få sitta i fängelse upp till 10 år. Sagan om Askungen verkar på nytt ha varit inspirationen till en kommande "trygghetslag" i Storbritannien...
The Telegraph skriver 2014-03-30:
Changes to the child neglect laws will make “emotional cruelty” a crime for the first time, alongside physical or sexual abuse.
The Government will introduce the change in the Queen’s Speech in early June to enforce the protection of children’s emotional, social and behavioural well-being.
Parents found guilty under the law change could face up to 10 years in prison, the maximum term in child neglect cases.
The change will update existing laws in England and Wales which only allow an adult responsible for a child to be prosecuted if they have deliberately assaulted, abandoned or exposed a child to suffering or injury to their health.[...]

...She was left with her emotionally and physically abusive stepmother and stepsisters when her father died. Yet, Cinderella never let that get her down. She cooked and cleaned and worked and finally, she met someone and left...
Source: London Independent
"The concept of emotional cruelty or abuse trumps all other forms of parental misbehaviour, for it embraces just about every type of ambiguous, emotionally charged encounter within the family. Campaigners devoted to the criminalisation of emotional abuse have deliberately defined it in an amorphous and expansive manner. According to the different guidelines drawn up on this subject, emotional abuse can refer to virtually every parental failing."
RT/ For the first time in history, the UK is planning to introduce the so-called “Cinderella law”, which will jail parents failing to show love to children for up to 10 years in prison, putting it alongside physical or sexual abuse, local media reported.
The UK government is planning to introduce changes to child neglect laws, which will make “emotional cruelty” a crime for the first time, according to Daily Telegraph report. The law will protect children’s emotional, social and behavioral well-being.
The offence will include deliberately ignoring a child, not showing them any love over prolonged periods, forcing degrading punishments or to witness domestic violence, and making them a scapegoat.
The changes are due to be introduced in Parliament within the framework of the Queen’s Speech in early June.
A Ministry of Justice spokesman came close to confirming the report to the Daily Telegraph.
“The Government believes protecting children from harm is fundamental and that child cruelty is an abhorrent crime which should be punished,” he said. “Every child should be able to grow up in a safe environment. We are considering ways the law can support this.”
This follows a 3-year campaign by the charity, Action for Children, which hails the government’s support as a “monumental step” forward.
The law on child cruelty in Britain has remained unchanged for nearly 81 years, the charity stated. It is still based on the 1868 Poor Law (Amendment) Act.
If adopted it will update the current laws in England and Wales, which state that adults responsible for a child can be prosecuted if they have deliberately assaulted, abandoned or exposed a child to suffering, or injury to their health.
The changes have been “long overdue”, said Robert Buckland, a Conservative MP and part-time judge, campaigning on the issue.
“Our criminal law has never reflected the full range of emotional suffering experienced by children who are abused by their parents or carers. The sad truth is that, until now, the wicked stepmother would have got away scot-free.
“We need a clear, concise and workable definition of child maltreatment — an alternative code that reflects the range of harm done to children and which provides appropriate legal mechanisms to tackle some of the worst cases.
“Emotional neglect must be outlawed, the term 'willful’ should be replaced and the criminal law should be brought into line with its civil counterpart.”
In Britain, as many as 1.5 million children are believed to suffer from neglect, according to local media. Intervention by social workers is allowed when abuse is classed as emotional neglect. However, the new law will allow police to intervene in cases of physical or sexual abuse.
“Much is still to be done and we have not seen the details yet,” said the charity in a statement on it’s website.
“When we do we must, of course, make sure that the new law does not criminalize vulnerable parents, but today I think we should celebrate a huge legal and cultural step forward.”

Föräldrar som inte ger sina barn tillräckligt med kärlek och ömhet kommer att kunna åtalas under en ny "Askunge-lag"...
Förändringarna i de nuvarande lagarna om försumlighet mot barn kommer därmed för första gången att även omfatta "känslomässig grymhet", vid sidan om sexuella övergrepp.
Storbritanniens regering kommer att presentera lagförändringen vid drottningens tal i början av Juni 2014. Då kommer det att förkunnas för befolkningen, att även barnens känslomässiga och sociala välbefinnande nu skall förstärkas ordentligt i lag.
Förändringen kommer att uppdatera nuvarande lagar i England och Wales som bara tillåter att åtala vuxna som är ansvariga för barn, om de medvetet begår fysiska övergrepp, överger eller utsätter barn för lidande, eller annat som skadar barnens hälsa./

Från originaltexten på The Telegraph:
2014-03-30. Parents who starve their children of love and affection face prosecution under a “Cinderella Law”, The Telegraph can disclose.
Föräldrar som inte ger sina barn tillräckligt med kärlek och ömhet kommer att kunna åtalas under en ny "Askunge-lag"...
Förändringarna i de nuvarande lagarna om försumlighet mot barn kommer därmed för första gången att även omfatta "känslomässig grymhet", vid sidan om sexuella övergrepp.
Storbritanniens regering kommer att presentera lagförändringen vid drottningens tal i början av Juni 2014. Då kommer det att förkunnas för befolkningen, att även barnens känslomässiga och sociala välbefinnande nu skall förstärkas ordentligt i lag.
Förändringen kommer att uppdatera nuvarande lagar i England och Wales som bara tillåter att åtala vuxna som är ansvariga för barn, om de medvetet begår fysiska övergrepp, överger eller utsätter barn för lidande, eller annat som skadar barnens hälsa./

Från originaltexten på The Telegraph:
2014-03-30. Parents who starve their children of love and affection face prosecution under a “Cinderella Law”, The Telegraph can disclose.
Changes to the child neglect laws will make “emotional cruelty” a crime for the first time, alongside physical or sexual abuse.
The Government will introduce the change in the Queen’s Speech in early June to enforce the protection of children’s emotional, social and behavioural well-being.
Parents found guilty under the law change could face up to 10 years in prison, the maximum term in child neglect cases.
The change will update existing laws in England and Wales which only allow an adult responsible for a child to be prosecuted if they have deliberately assaulted, abandoned or exposed a child to suffering or injury to their health.[...]

...She was left with her emotionally and physically abusive stepmother and stepsisters when her father died. Yet, Cinderella never let that get her down. She cooked and cleaned and worked and finally, she met someone and left...
Source: London Independent
"The concept of emotional cruelty or abuse trumps all other forms of parental misbehaviour, for it embraces just about every type of ambiguous, emotionally charged encounter within the family. Campaigners devoted to the criminalisation of emotional abuse have deliberately defined it in an amorphous and expansive manner. According to the different guidelines drawn up on this subject, emotional abuse can refer to virtually every parental failing."
"The call for the Cinderella Law represents the latest phase of a campaign to continually expand the range of parental behaviour that can be condemned as abusive.
These days, parents who smoke or drink alcohol in front of children risk being characterised as child-abusers.
Opponents of the tradition of male circumcision condemn Jewish and Muslim parents as abusers of children.
Health activists denounce parents of overweight children for the same offence.
Mothers and fathers who educate their children to embrace the family's religion have been characterised as child abusers by anti-faith campaigners.
Precisely because the abuse of children"
RT/ For the first time in history, the UK is planning to introduce the so-called “Cinderella law”, which will jail parents failing to show love to children for up to 10 years in prison, putting it alongside physical or sexual abuse, local media reported.
The UK government is planning to introduce changes to child neglect laws, which will make “emotional cruelty” a crime for the first time, according to Daily Telegraph report. The law will protect children’s emotional, social and behavioral well-being.
The offence will include deliberately ignoring a child, not showing them any love over prolonged periods, forcing degrading punishments or to witness domestic violence, and making them a scapegoat.
- The maximum sentence that parents neglecting children could face under the law will be 10 years.
The changes are due to be introduced in Parliament within the framework of the Queen’s Speech in early June.
A Ministry of Justice spokesman came close to confirming the report to the Daily Telegraph.
“The Government believes protecting children from harm is fundamental and that child cruelty is an abhorrent crime which should be punished,” he said. “Every child should be able to grow up in a safe environment. We are considering ways the law can support this.”
This follows a 3-year campaign by the charity, Action for Children, which hails the government’s support as a “monumental step” forward.
The law on child cruelty in Britain has remained unchanged for nearly 81 years, the charity stated. It is still based on the 1868 Poor Law (Amendment) Act.
If adopted it will update the current laws in England and Wales, which state that adults responsible for a child can be prosecuted if they have deliberately assaulted, abandoned or exposed a child to suffering, or injury to their health.
The changes have been “long overdue”, said Robert Buckland, a Conservative MP and part-time judge, campaigning on the issue.
“- Not too many years after the Brothers Grimm popularized the story of Cinderella, the offence of child neglect was introduced,” he noted, writing in the Daily Telegraph.
“Our criminal law has never reflected the full range of emotional suffering experienced by children who are abused by their parents or carers. The sad truth is that, until now, the wicked stepmother would have got away scot-free.
“We need a clear, concise and workable definition of child maltreatment — an alternative code that reflects the range of harm done to children and which provides appropriate legal mechanisms to tackle some of the worst cases.
“Emotional neglect must be outlawed, the term 'willful’ should be replaced and the criminal law should be brought into line with its civil counterpart.”
In Britain, as many as 1.5 million children are believed to suffer from neglect, according to local media. Intervention by social workers is allowed when abuse is classed as emotional neglect. However, the new law will allow police to intervene in cases of physical or sexual abuse.
“Much is still to be done and we have not seen the details yet,” said the charity in a statement on it’s website.
“When we do we must, of course, make sure that the new law does not criminalize vulnerable parents, but today I think we should celebrate a huge legal and cultural step forward.”
Gilla dina barn tillräckligt eller få 10 års fängelse - Askungen inspirerar till ny lag i Storbritannien
-UK threatened to shut down Guardian for printing Snowden leaks-
SvaraRaderaMarch 27, 2014
British secret services threatened to shut down the Guardian newspaper as it was publishing its exposé of US massive surveillance based on Edward Snowden leaks. The story was the most difficult piece of reporting the paper has ever done.
“We were threatened that we would be closed down. We were accused of endangering national security and people’s lives. It left us in a very difficult position,” Guardian deputy editor Paul Johnson told the Radiodays Europe conference in Dublin.
A senior civil servant had told the paper’s editor, Alan Rusbridger, that the “prime minister, the deputy prime minister, the foreign secretary, the home secretary and the attorney general have got a problem with you,” Johnson said, as cited by the Irish Times.
The attitude of the British authorities was a sharp contrast to that of the Americans, he said. In the US Snowden leaks led to a nationwide debate on surveillance and privacy while in the UK the authorities just assumed that national security trumps press freedom.
The story, which exposed the scale of electronic surveillance by US National Security Agency and its intelligence allies throughout the world, was probably the most challenging to run in Guardian’s history, the deputy editor told the audience. It was more difficult than reporting on leaked US documents exposed by the whistleblower site WikiLeaks or the phone tapping by the News of the World tabloid.
“It was the most difficult story we have ever done and that includes WikiLeaks, because reporters and editors couldn’t speak to each other. We could only speak using encryption systems,” he said.
The paper had to install a secure room with new computers and a guard standing 24/7 at the door for the work on the story. [...]