Samtidigt som övervägande delen av svensk media, inklusive SVT & SR, mer och mer påminner om en väldigt dålig CIA/MOSSAD psykologisk operation för geopolitiskt okunniga undersåtar, så besökte USA:s högste "drönar-fredskrigare", CIA-chefen John Brennan, i hemlighet Kiev i Ukraina...
Enligt uppgifter är det Brennan personligen som sanktionerat det upptrappade våldet i Ukraina. Brennans besök handlade sannolikt om CIA-samordning av kommande militära aktioner och möjliga "false flags", psyops, etc, mot pro-ryska demonstranter och aktivister i Ukraina.
Mainstreammedia gör som vanligt sitt yttersta för att hjälpa de människofientliga bankirerna och eliten att skapa sina världsförstörande krig och konflikter genom obligatoriskt hatfylld människofientlig nyhets-desinformation.
Trots allt, det gick ju inte så bra nyligen för media att opinionsbilda (manipulera) undersåtarna till ett freds-bomb-krig i Syrien, ...men vem vet, media lyckas kanske bättre i Ukraina?
- Den här gången ligger även ett nytt kallt krig med Ryssland i potten, så "go for it" - mainstream...
Det var den "avsatte" presidenten, Viktor Yanukovich, som nyligen avslöjade Brennans besök i Kiev. Uppgifterna bekräftas nu av Vita Huset.
"The ousted president declared that CIA director John Brennan visited Ukraine and it was after the meeting that the coup-imposed authorities in Kiev ordered a military operation in the country’s east.
Yanukovich:"During my time in Kiev, we never used such methods against radicals or extremists,”.
In the event of a mass crackdown on protesters and use of force, the “new rulers” of Ukraine will carry full responsibility, the ousted President said, adding that the people of Ukraine will never accept “dictatorship” and “especially nationalists’ dictate.”"

RT 2014-04-14
On Monday afternoon White House spokesman Jay Carney confirmed that CIA Director John Brennan visited Ukrainian capital Kiev over the weekend and met with high-ranked Ukrainian officials.
Previously, deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich accused Brennan of ordering a crackdown on pro-Russian activists in the east of the country.
The CIA had already dismissed these accusations as "completely false", but did not disclose whether its chief had actually been to Kiev - until now.
"We don't normally comment on the CIA director's travel but given the extraordinary circumstances in this case and the false claims being leveled by the Russians at the CIA we can confirm that the director was in Kiev as part of a trip to Europe," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters.
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had also demanded an explanation about the nature of the visit.
"Senior level visits of intelligence officials are a standard means of fostering mutually beneficial security cooperation including U.S.-Russian intelligence collaboration going back to the beginnings of the post-Cold War era," Carney explained.
"U.S. and Russian intelligence officials have met over the years. To imply that U.S. officials meeting with their counterparts is anything other than in the same spirit is absurd."
In an interview aired on Russian state television on Sunday, Yanukovich, who has been in southern Russia since fleeing Ukraine in February, said that Brennan had “sanctioned the use of weapons and provoked bloodshed."
“The US bears its share of responsibility for starting a civil war in Ukraine, not only through diplomatic influence, but its security forces, which do not only meddle, but issue orders,” said the Ukrainian politician.
On Monday, Aleksandr Yakimenko, the head of Ukraine's security service, the SBU, during Yanukovich's term went one step further, and said that his successor, Valentin Nalivaychenko, is a double agent working for the CIA.
"Nalivaychenko was recruited by the US when he was Ukraine's Consul General in Washington [2001-2003]," said Yakimenko, for whom an arrest warrant has been issued in Kiev since he left the country last month, while speaking to Russia's Channel One.
Acting President Aleksandr Turchinov has announced that “an anti-terrorist operation” will be carried out against armed protesters, who have occupied government buildings in the Russian-speaking east of the country.
Gunfire has already been exchanged in the provincial city of Slavyansk, resulting in the death of at least one Ukrainian soldier.
Turchinov insists that the protesters are led and funded by Russian security services, and says that Moscow is executing "the Crimean scenario" that will lead to the secession of eastern territories from Ukraine. He has requested a UN intervention in the region.
Nye CIA-chefen John Brennan - Tortyr är kul...
CIA har fått en ny chef som gillar tortyr. Obama har utsett John Brennan, som stödde Bush-administrationens tortyrpolicy och grymma brott mot mänskligheten till 100%. Sammanfattning: Bush-administrationens tortyrpolicy.
En GRTV-produktion av James Corbett som först publicerades i Januari 2012. I skenet av de senaste händelserna i Arabvärlden och mainstreammedias samordnade desinformations-kampanjer om Syrien, så är det på sin plats att ta till sig riktig information från GRTV:s videodokumentär. Här avslöjas medielögner som är designade för att manipulera opinionen att acceptera ännu fler blodiga krig för elitens ekonomiska vinning...Läs vidare: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/09/medias-krigsbluff-hur-media-medvetet.html

Debatten om kopplingen mellan medierna och underrättelsetjänsterna i och deras lögner är intressant. De är ju beroende av varandra och samarbetar hela tiden. Ingen av dem skulle kunna fungera utan den andre.
Läs vidare: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/06/utan-media-kan-du-inte-starta-ett-krig.html
Enligt uppgifter är det Brennan personligen som sanktionerat det upptrappade våldet i Ukraina. Brennans besök handlade sannolikt om CIA-samordning av kommande militära aktioner och möjliga "false flags", psyops, etc, mot pro-ryska demonstranter och aktivister i Ukraina.
Mainstreammedia gör som vanligt sitt yttersta för att hjälpa de människofientliga bankirerna och eliten att skapa sina världsförstörande krig och konflikter genom obligatoriskt hatfylld människofientlig nyhets-desinformation.
Trots allt, det gick ju inte så bra nyligen för media att opinionsbilda (manipulera) undersåtarna till ett freds-bomb-krig i Syrien, ...men vem vet, media lyckas kanske bättre i Ukraina?
- Den här gången ligger även ett nytt kallt krig med Ryssland i potten, så "go for it" - mainstream...
Det var den "avsatte" presidenten, Viktor Yanukovich, som nyligen avslöjade Brennans besök i Kiev. Uppgifterna bekräftas nu av Vita Huset.
"The ousted president declared that CIA director John Brennan visited Ukraine and it was after the meeting that the coup-imposed authorities in Kiev ordered a military operation in the country’s east.
Brennan “de facto sanctioned” the use of weapons and thus provoked the bloodshed, Yanukovich said. Earlier, sources told Interfax news agency that Brennan was paying a secret visit to Kiev.
Yanukovich:"During my time in Kiev, we never used such methods against radicals or extremists,”.
In the event of a mass crackdown on protesters and use of force, the “new rulers” of Ukraine will carry full responsibility, the ousted President said, adding that the people of Ukraine will never accept “dictatorship” and “especially nationalists’ dictate.”"

RT 2014-04-14
On Monday afternoon White House spokesman Jay Carney confirmed that CIA Director John Brennan visited Ukrainian capital Kiev over the weekend and met with high-ranked Ukrainian officials.
Previously, deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich accused Brennan of ordering a crackdown on pro-Russian activists in the east of the country.
The CIA had already dismissed these accusations as "completely false", but did not disclose whether its chief had actually been to Kiev - until now.
"We don't normally comment on the CIA director's travel but given the extraordinary circumstances in this case and the false claims being leveled by the Russians at the CIA we can confirm that the director was in Kiev as part of a trip to Europe," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters.
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had also demanded an explanation about the nature of the visit.
"Senior level visits of intelligence officials are a standard means of fostering mutually beneficial security cooperation including U.S.-Russian intelligence collaboration going back to the beginnings of the post-Cold War era," Carney explained.
"U.S. and Russian intelligence officials have met over the years. To imply that U.S. officials meeting with their counterparts is anything other than in the same spirit is absurd."
In an interview aired on Russian state television on Sunday, Yanukovich, who has been in southern Russia since fleeing Ukraine in February, said that Brennan had “sanctioned the use of weapons and provoked bloodshed."
“The US bears its share of responsibility for starting a civil war in Ukraine, not only through diplomatic influence, but its security forces, which do not only meddle, but issue orders,” said the Ukrainian politician.
On Monday, Aleksandr Yakimenko, the head of Ukraine's security service, the SBU, during Yanukovich's term went one step further, and said that his successor, Valentin Nalivaychenko, is a double agent working for the CIA.
"Nalivaychenko was recruited by the US when he was Ukraine's Consul General in Washington [2001-2003]," said Yakimenko, for whom an arrest warrant has been issued in Kiev since he left the country last month, while speaking to Russia's Channel One.
"The US is currently creating a sort of controlled chaos that is helping to blow up the bridges between Russia and Ukraine."
Acting President Aleksandr Turchinov has announced that “an anti-terrorist operation” will be carried out against armed protesters, who have occupied government buildings in the Russian-speaking east of the country.
Gunfire has already been exchanged in the provincial city of Slavyansk, resulting in the death of at least one Ukrainian soldier.
Turchinov insists that the protesters are led and funded by Russian security services, and says that Moscow is executing "the Crimean scenario" that will lead to the secession of eastern territories from Ukraine. He has requested a UN intervention in the region.
Nye CIA-chefen John Brennan - Tortyr är kul...
John Brennan
***Januari 2013CIA har fått en ny chef som gillar tortyr. Obama har utsett John Brennan, som stödde Bush-administrationens tortyrpolicy och grymma brott mot mänskligheten till 100%. Sammanfattning: Bush-administrationens tortyrpolicy.
Videon publicerad den 8 januari 2013
Abby Martin takes a look at President Obama's announcement of John Brennan as the new director of the CIA, a person whose legacy is rife with corruption and support for some of the worst counterterrorism policies of the Bush era.Videon publicerad den 8 januari 2013
MEDIAS KRIGSBLUFF: Hur media medvetet och regelbundet manipulerar världen till KRIG
Utan Media kan du inte starta ett krig

Mediernas sätt att begrava
Text av: Jan Olof RönnDebatten om kopplingen mellan medierna och underrättelsetjänsterna i och deras lögner är intressant. De är ju beroende av varandra och samarbetar hela tiden. Ingen av dem skulle kunna fungera utan den andre.
Läs vidare: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/06/utan-media-kan-du-inte-starta-ett-krig.html
CIA:s Chef, Brennan, var personligen i Ukraina - Snar eliminering av pro-ryska demonstranter?
Enligt information Ryssland skall inte blanda sig i Ukraina därför att Junta i Kiev aldrig kan normalisera situationen i Ukraina och ekonomisk situation sådant att landet under senaste 23 år under kriminella oligarker förvandlad till sophög och bland 40 millioner invånare är stor antal kriminella och psykologisk degraderade som på en gång vid lättnader av EU visum skall fylla hela europa med mördare, kriminella element och rena rama banditer som skall ruinera allt de kommer till eller USA/EU måste sponsra de omätlig och även vid den variant blir rena döden för EU/USA - Ryssland ta från sig den sponsorskap och det fattar Israel (därför sitter de just nu mycket tyst). USA vill starta WW3 då de klarar inte längre heller då $ rasar när som helst och värre det blir NU!! Ryssland skall inte blanda sig i Ukrainas inbördeskrig om den blir men detta blir sedan politisk död för EU och USA - därför just nu USA hamnar i panik då ingen variant kan rädda USA och $ - info enligt ledande politiker ....
SvaraRaderamera info- den globala prediktor NWO ville ha Ryssland som värdens polis efter USA men Rysland vill utvecklas enligt sitt eget koncept. Ryssland inte alls intresserad att annektera syd/öst av Ukraina och ser lugnt analyserar vad som händer - men om enligt omständigheten och om själva folk av östra delen av Ukraina skall bli omänsklig lidande och själva organiserar sig så att det kan inte bli någon tvekan att de kan inte och vill inte vara en del av Ukraina så Ryssland bli tvunget att sörja för de trots att det absolut inte intressant för Ryssland och därför Ryssland arbetar politisk för att införa federalisering av Ukraina för att Ukraina skulle förbli odelat och lugna ner olika befolkning då väster av Ukraina är inga ukrainare- det är blandning av polacker, ungrare, judar och zigenare, däremot öst är till 90% ryssar eller så kallade malorossar, syd av Ukraina är blandning av 140 nationaliteter utan federation de blir inte sams
SvaraRadera- dessutom alla förstör att Hunta i Kiev är inte långlivad och leder till explodering av alla område -och när livssituation blir omöjlig i Ukraina så legioner av 40 millioner skall eksplodera hela Europa - mycket farligt situation för försvagat och devalverat Europa
sedan en vikt information - väst del av Ukraina arbetar inte utan lever på, rånar och utnytjar arbetande öst av Ukraina - även om man eliminerar eller tvingar att flytta hela öst (som är utopisk tanke) så väst ukrainare icke kapabla att arbeta - det blir Europas karastrofall situation då dessa "ukrainare" snabbt organiserar sig att råna och suga av resurser från andra.....
SvaraRadera--Kiev military op in eastern Ukraine --LIVE UPDATES--
SvaraRaderaApril 15, 2014
Kiev authorities have started a military operation against anti-government protesters in eastern Ukraine. Conflicting reports of casualties emerged after troops, with air and armored vehicle support, stormed areas occupied by the activists.[...]
--Troops, APCs, helicopters, jets in eastern Ukraine as operation starts --
--Military seize airfield controlled by anti-govt activists in eastern Ukraine--
--Anti-govt protesters seize Ukrainian APCs, army units 'switch sides' (+VIDEO)--
SvaraRaderaPublished time: April 16, 2014
Kiev’s military faced off with protesters in east Ukraine on Wednesday to sort out their differences…and found none. Soldiers appeared reluctant to go into battle against anti-government activists.
When Ukrainian Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) entered downtown Kramatorsk as part of Kiev’s military operation against anti-government protesters in the east of the country, they were stopped in their tracks, surrounded by crowds of local residents.
One YouTube video of what happened next shows a woman coming to a soldier with the reproach: “You are the army, you must protect the people.”
“We are not going to shoot, we weren’t even going to,” is the soldier’s reply.
Similar conversations could be heard at each of several APCs which entered the city, with locals promising to defend their neighbors, in case the soldiers start a military operation.[...]
--Dozens of Ukrainian troops surrender APCs, withdraw from Slavyansk--
SvaraRaderaPublished time: April 16, 2014
Reports from Slavyansk say that the army troops sent to the eastern Ukrainian city for an “anti-terrorist operation” are leaving en masse. Some troops are openly voicing support for the eastern Ukrainians, while others are speaking out against a war.
According to Interfax, citing local self-defense activists, some 300 Ukrainian troops agreed to lay down their weapons and “go home” following negotiations in Slavyansk.[...]
How America Created a Minefield 2x the Size of New York City in
EU military intelligence chief rules out Russia’s involvement in eastern Ukraine events
Psykopat och undermåtta Fog Rasmissen visar inkompetens som diskvalificerar han att besitta ledande poster