I USA så fördelas överbliven militärutrustning från bl.a. krigen i Afghanistan och Irak till olika polisdistrikt inom landet. Även småstäder med några tusen innevånare kan utrustas med extrema militärprylar, som på bilden ovanför från Jefferson County...
Sheriffen i Jefferson County säger dock att fordonet på bilden inte är en militär stridsvagn utan bara ett kul hjälpmedel för att fånga terrorister, eftersom tanksen för tillfället inte kan avfyra granater...
- Den privatperson som vaknar upp med ett sådant fordon i hallen håller antagligen inte med sheriffen...
Originally designed to resist landmines and IEDs, it sure seems like the MRAP will come in handy for the notorious war zone otherwise known as Washington County, Iowa.
TSA Demands Mute Stroke Victim 'Speak' in Order to Fly
What kind of a security threat is a wheelchair bound stroke victim who is unable to talk or write? Apparently a big one, if TSA screeners at Los Angeles International Airport are to be believed.
Sherry Wright was attempting to fly with her sister to Phoenix recently, but was barred from doing so by TSA agents who set about forcing her mute sister to try to talk in order to clear security lines.
Economist March 22, 2014
FROM the way police entered the house—helmeted and masked, guns drawn and shields in front, knocking down the door with a battering ram and rushing inside—you might think they were raiding a den of armed criminals.
In fact they were looking for $1,000-worth of clothes and electronics allegedly bought with a stolen credit card. They found none of these things, but arrested two people in the house on unrelated charges.
They narrowly avoided tragedy. On hearing intruders break in, the homeowner’s son, a disabled ex-serviceman, reached for his (legal) gun. Luckily, he heard the police announce themselves and holstered it; otherwise, “they probably would have shot me,” he says. His mother, Sally Prince, says she is now traumatised.
Gary Mikulec, chief of the Ankeny, Iowa police force, which raided Ms Prince’s home in January, said that the suspects arrested “were not very good people”. One had a criminal history that included three assault charges, albeit more than a decade old, and on his arrest was found to have a knife and a meth pipe.
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Sheriffen i Jefferson County säger dock att fordonet på bilden inte är en militär stridsvagn utan bara ett kul hjälpmedel för att fånga terrorister, eftersom tanksen för tillfället inte kan avfyra granater...
- Den privatperson som vaknar upp med ett sådant fordon i hallen håller antagligen inte med sheriffen...
Publicerad den 10 apr 2014
The MRAP weighs an impressive 49,000 pounds, stands 10-feet tall, and possesses a whopping six-wheel drive. Originally designed to resist landmines and IEDs, it sure seems like the MRAP will come in handy for the notorious war zone otherwise known as Washington County, Iowa.
TSA Demands Mute Stroke Victim 'Speak' in Order to Fly
What kind of a security threat is a wheelchair bound stroke victim who is unable to talk or write? Apparently a big one, if TSA screeners at Los Angeles International Airport are to be believed.
Sherry Wright was attempting to fly with her sister to Phoenix recently, but was barred from doing so by TSA agents who set about forcing her mute sister to try to talk in order to clear security lines.
Cops or soldiers? America’s Police Have Become Too Militarized
***Economist March 22, 2014
FROM the way police entered the house—helmeted and masked, guns drawn and shields in front, knocking down the door with a battering ram and rushing inside—you might think they were raiding a den of armed criminals.

They narrowly avoided tragedy. On hearing intruders break in, the homeowner’s son, a disabled ex-serviceman, reached for his (legal) gun. Luckily, he heard the police announce themselves and holstered it; otherwise, “they probably would have shot me,” he says. His mother, Sally Prince, says she is now traumatised.
Gary Mikulec, chief of the Ankeny, Iowa police force, which raided Ms Prince’s home in January, said that the suspects arrested “were not very good people”. One had a criminal history that included three assault charges, albeit more than a decade old, and on his arrest was found to have a knife and a meth pipe.
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This article was posted: Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 10:36 am
Överbliven tung militärutrustning från USA:s invasionskrig - delas ut till Amerikas poliser
se när vi får den där skiten i sverige. Checkpoints och militära fordon. Sheeple skulle älska det särskilt om staten börjar ta dem på bollarna och inspekterar anus.
SvaraRaderablir väl åtminstone lite omväxling till den vanliga fistningen tillsammans med SR :)
ha ha ha. Kan ju undra vad det är för idioter som jobbar på SR.