torsdag 24 april 2014

USA: Polis misshandlade & arresterade kvinna - "Gick på fel sida av gatan" i öde villaområde

Melissa Bonnette var ute och gick ensam i ett helt folktomt villaområde i en förstad, när hon blev antastad av en man på motorcykel som utgav sig för att vara polis. Mannen uppförde sig såpass konstigt att Melissa trodde att det var en våldtäktsman och inte en riktig polis...(video)
Kort därefter blev Melissa slängd till marken, misshandlad och handbojad av den underlige mannen, som efteråt har förklarat att kvinnan "gick på fel sida av gatan" i sitt villaområde. Därför var polisarbetet  fullständigt korrekt, för hennes trygghet, såklart...

Mellissa har efter den händelsen blivit såpass trygg, att hon inte längre vågar gå ut och promenera - av rädsla för livsfarliga underliga poliser... 

Woman Walking On "Wrong Side Of The Street" Tackled & Arrested For Not Submitting To Cop


2014-04-14. InformationLiberation - From CBS 19:

A Whitehouse woman claims she was unfairly arrested for failing to stop for a police officer. She says the cop was acting suspicious and she felt threatened, but police officials say she handled it the wrong way.

Melissa Bonnette says she was on her usual morning walk around 9:45 a.m. Friday when a man in uniform on a motorcycle pulled up next to her, asking if she lived in the area and if he could speak to her.

"I thought that maybe he was flirting," she said. "I just thought it was odd, I thought it was odd.

- I wasn't really sure but I felt uncomfortable because there wasn't anyone around."
She says she was worried he might not even a real cop, so she refused to stop and began jogging away from him.

"He just crept along beside me on his motorcycle and he started saying, 'Hey ma'am! I want to talk to you. Hey stop, ma'am! I want to talk to you.' Then my anxiety rose even higher," she said.

"The motorcycle has a patch on both sides of the gas tank. It's black and white and says 'Whitehouse Police,' and has red and blue lights on it," Whitehouse Police Chief Craig Shelton said. "So you have to take it for what it is. Do you think he's a Whitehouse police officer? Why would you think he's someone impersonating a police officer?"

That's when Bonnette says he got off his bike, chased her down, tackled her and threw her in handcuffs.


USA: Polis misshandlade & arresterade kvinna - "Gick på fel sida av gatan" i öde villaområde

2 kommentarer:

  1. --Texas Cop Tackles Woman for Walking on Wrong Side of Street--

    Incident leaves woman traumatized

    Adan Salazar
    April 14, 2014

    A Texas woman says she is traumatized after one of her town’s police officers made her feel uncomfortable, then chased her down and tackled her during a casual morning stroll.

    Melissa Bonnette says she couldn’t tell whether the man that rode up beside her in a motorcycle last Friday morning during her routine walk was actually a cop or not. His vehicle had familiar police markings and his uniform was festooned with police patches, but something about his interaction was suspicious and atypical. For one, he began by asking if she lived in the area.

    “I thought that maybe he was flirting,” Bonnette said. “I just thought it was odd, I thought it was odd. I wasn’t really sure but I felt uncomfortable because there wasn’t anyone around.”

    Bonnette says because she couldn’t determine the officer’s authenticity, she decided to play it safe and tried walking away, but the man on the motorcycle followed.

    “He just crept along beside me on his motorcycle and he started saying, ‘Hey ma’am! I want to talk to you. Hey stop, ma’am! I want to talk to you.’ Then my anxiety rose even higher,” she told KYTX.

    Fearing rape or worse, Bonnette then took off jogging. [...]

  2. En gripande berättelsen om maktmissbruk laglöshet för att nertrycka individer i SVERIGE:



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