2013-11-26. En ny solskenshistoria från USA och New Mexico. New Mexico är staten där polisen nyligen anal-visiterade en oskyldig man under 14 timmar. Amerikanskan, Marlene Tapia, arresterades nyligen och fördes till "the Metropolitan Detention Center" då man misstänkte att hon eventuellt smugglade droger... Bilden ovanför har inget med det aktuella fallet att göra (förhoppningsvis)

Istället för att använda läkare eller utbildad personal i en normal kroppsundersökning efter droger, så sprayade poliserna istället Marlenes vagina med tårgas ett flertal gånger.
Marlene fick givetvis skador i underlivet och hon stämmer nu Amerikanska staten för den brutala vagina-tortyren. (Stämningen finns att läsa längre ned..)
Cops Spray Woman’s Vagina With Mace To “Punish” Her After Drug Arrest
Cops in New Mexico repeatedly sprayed a woman’s vagina with mace after she was arrested for drugs. They allegedly did this to “punish” her.
The woman, Marlene Tapia, was taken to the Metropolitan Detention Center after her arrest. Next, officers stripped her to search for drugs. They made her bend over and then claimed she had a plastic bag containing drugs in her vagina.
Officers should have subsequently had medical staff remove the bag from Tapia — but they did not do this.
Instead, officers “punished” the woman by spraying her vagina with mace. They allegedly did this several times in a row.
Tapia is being represented by an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
Peter Simonson, the Executive Director of New Mexico’s ACLU branch, is disgusted by what happened. He said, “It’s tantamount to torture. It’s just the maliciousness, the wanton disregard, wanton maliciousness that the corrections officer demonstrated.”
After being sprayed, Tapia suffered from immense pain and severely swollen genitals.
The officer who sprayed Tapia has been punished. The ACLU is bringing their lawsuit is to “ensure that these sorts of things don’t happen to another person.”
RT 2013-11-26
New Mexico law enforcement is under fire again after the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit alleging cruel and unusual punishment when a corrections officer reportedly sprayed mace on a woman’s genitals during a strip search.
According to the lawsuit, Marlene Tapia was arrested two years ago on November 22 for a possible parole violation concerning a previous drug case. Tapia was undergoing a strip search by two female corrections officers at the Metropolitan Detention Center when the officers noticed a plastic bag sticking out from Tapia’s genitals.
Instead of telling Tapia to remove the bag, one of the officers – Blanca Zapatar – reportedly sprayed her genitals with mace twice. The suit alleges that this not only constituted misconduct by the officer, but also that it was a violation of standard procedure, which dictates that if an officer notices an item in a body cavity of an inmate, that individual must be taken to a medical office for treatment.
According to KOB 4 News, the documents filed in court also claim that Zapatar disobeyed orders by her superior to stop spraying Tapia, who was cooperating and did not resist the officers in any way.[...]

Mace (spray)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mace is the genericized trademark of Chemical Mace, the brand name of an early type of aerosol self defense spray invented by Allan Lee Litman in 1965. The first commercial product of its type, Litman's design packaged CN tear gas dissolved in hydrocarbon solvents into a small aerosol spray can, usable in almost any environment and strong enough (when sprayed in the face) to act as a credible deterrent and incapacitant. Its popularity led to the brand name being shortened to simply "Mace" for all defense sprays (regardless of the composition).
USA: Polisen sprayade Marlenes vagina med tårgas upprepade gånger - som straff för smuggling
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