2013-11-28. En 15-årig pojke i Alaska kommer att åtalas för terrorbrott efter att han eldat upp en WC-rulle på skoltoaletten...
Source: Breitbart
ALASKA - Police say a 15-year-old freshman boy faces a second-degree criminally negligent burning charge, a misdemeanor, and a first-degree terroristic threatening charge, a felony, after he ignited a roll of toilet paper in the bathroom of West High School Wednesday morning.
Under Alaska law, a person causing the evacuation of a building can receive a terroristic threatening charge. And that is reportedly what happened after alarms sounded at West High at 10:57 a.m.
Anchorage firefighters responded to the scene. More specifically, eleven units responded to the scene. Fire Capt. Chad Richardson said smoke could be seen seeping out of the first-floor bathroom door about 150 feet away. He went on to say when firefighters opened the door to the bathroom, they were hit with a floor-to-ceiling wall of smoke, limiting visibility: "It was basically like closing your eyes." Read More...

15-åring brände upp WC-rulle på skoltoaletten - åtalas för terrorbrott i USA
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