Publicerad den 20 nov 2013
Japan's mafia is reportedly cashing
in on the Fukushima disaster by running the clean-up efforts at the
damaged nuclear plant. Workers complain of being understaffed and
mistreated by contractors who think nothing of throwing them into areas
of high radiation. RT's Aleksey Yaroshevsky reports from Japan.***
RT 2013-11-20
Homeless men employed cleaning up the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, including those brought in by Japan's yakuza gangsters, were not aware of the health risks they were taking and say their bosses treated them like “disposable people.”
RT's Aleksey Yaroshevsky, reporting from the site of the world's worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl, met with a former Fukushima worker who was engaged in the clean-up operation.
"We were given no insurance for health risks, no radiation meters even. We were treated like nothing, like disposable people – they promised things and then kicked us out when we received a large radiation doze," the young man, who didn't identify himself, told RT.
The former Fukushima worker explained that when a job offer at Fukushima came up he was unemployed, and didn't hesitate to take it. He is now planning to sue the firm that hired him.
"They promised a lot of money, even signed a long-term contract, but then suddenly terminated it, not even paying me a third of the promised sum," he said. [...]

Suzuki Tomohiko har "under förklädnad" riskerat livet för att skriva en bok och avslöja förbindelsen mellan Yakuza och atomkraftsindustrin i Japan.
För att hantera katastrofanläggningen i Fukushima i samband med trippel-härdsmältan i kärnkraftverken, så stannade ett antal arbetare frivilligt kvar på området och utsattes då för stora mängder radioaktivitet.
Dessa arbetare kallades allmänt för "the Fukushima fifty." Bland denna heroiska (och något självmordsbenägna?) grupp fanns enligt källor även ett avsevärt antal gangsters från Yakuza...
Läs hela artikeln i the Telegraph:
"- It might surprise the Western reader that gangsters are involved in Japan’s nuclear industry and even more that they would risk their lives in a nuclear crisis.
- But the yakuza roots in Japanese society are very deep.
- In fact, they were some of the first responders after the earthquake, providing food and supplies to the devastated area and patrolling the streets to make sure no looting occurred...
"To contain the nuclear meltdown, a handful of workers stayed behind, being exposed to large amounts of radiation: the so-called “Fukushima Fifty”. Among this heroic group, according to Suzuki, were several members of the yakuza."
- A former yakuza boss tells me that his group has “always” been involved in recruiting labourers for the nuclear industry.
“It’s dirty, dangerous work,” he says, “and the only people who will do it are homeless, yakuza, or people so badly in debt that they see no other way to pay it off.”***
The Yakuza is a collective term given to Japan's organised crime syndicates.
It is estimated that the Yakuza has over 100,000 members spread across the country in different gangs, but together they make the largest organised crime group in the world.
Numerous films have been made about yakuza crime, culture and practice, including the 1993 movie American Yakuza.
They are known for their controlled organisation and strict codes of conduct, which involves punishments such as 'yubitsume' for members who break the rules.
The tradition of 'yubitsume', beginning with the first joints of the left hand little finger comes from the Japanese way of holding a sword with 'yubitsume' intended to weaken the Yakuza member’s sword grip.
The number of members has been on the decline since the Japanese Government introduced the Anti-Organized Crime Law in 1992 and as recent as last year, the US Treasury Department froze assets for the largest Yakuza ‘family’, the Yamaguchi-gumi.
Japanska maffian "Yakuza" är djupt involverad i Fukushima och kärnkraftsindustrin
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