Därefter utsattes Eckert för ett 14-timmar långt statligt anal-penetrerings-äventyr under tvång och när äventyret var över så fakturerades han för nöjet. Eckert stämmer nu USA:s myndigheter...
Publicerad den 5 nov 2013
DEMING, NM -- A man has filed a lawsuit stating that a traffic stop led to a series of forced medical procedures when a police officer thought he was clenching his butt cheeks.
His lawsuit says that without his consent, he was taken to a medical facility and where he was forcibly X-rayed multiple times, sedated, given several enemas, required to give multiple stool samples, subjected to fingers penetrating his anus during multiple cavity searches, followed by an actual colonoscopy where cameras probed his intestines for drugs.
- The startling 14-hour ordeal failed to find any contraband inside his body.
The incident happened on January 2, 2013, when David Eckert says he had just wrapped up shopping at a Wal-Mart store in Deming. As he pulled out of the parking lot, his vehicle allegedly did not stop completely at the posted stop sign. Deming police promptly stopped his car and began fishing for charges that they could apply to him.
While stopped, Eckert was required to exit the vehicle by police officers intent on searching his car. Police claimed that his seat smelled like narcotics and that his butt cheeks appeared to be clenched.
Eager to get an arrest, police conspired to search Eckert's anus for contraband. They took him into custody and got a judge to stamp out a search warrant for Eckert's intestines.
Publicerad den 6 nov 2013
Without his consent, doctors performed anal proves on Eckert, gave him three enemas, forced him to defecate in front of them while they searched his stool and even sedated him and perform a colonoscopy, court and medical records show. Despite the invasive and exhaustive search, the doctors didn't find any drugs. Eckert is now suing the Deming Police Department. RT's Meghan Lopez speaks with Eckert's lawyer Joseph Kennedy about the lawsuit.
RT 2013-11-05
A minor traffic stop went nightmarishly wrong for a New Mexico man who was detained by police and forced to undergo a series of anal probes and other medical examinations against his will.
David Eckert had just finished shopping at Walmart in Deming, New Mexico when an officer pulled him over for failing to make a complete stop at a stop sign. According to the local KOB TV station, federal documents claim that police noticed Eckert clenching his buttocks when they asked him to step outside of the car, indicating that he may have been carrying drugs in his anal cavity.
After detaining Eckert and requesting a search warrant from a judge, police took him to a local hospital for doctors to perform a search. The doctor refused, saying the search was unethical. Police then took Eckert to the Gila Regional Medical Center, where doctors agreed to cooperate.
The doctors then performed a wide array of procedures, all without the consent of Eckert, who protested each one. First, doctors took an X-Ray of his abdomen, which revealed no narcotics hidden inside the body.

- Then, doctors performed two anal exams with their fingers, both of which failed to uncover any drugs.
After the failure of these searches, Eckert underwent three different enemas and was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers.
He watched as each stool search failed to uncover any narcotics.
Another X-Ray was taken, and, finally, doctors sedated Eckert and performed a colonoscopy. Again, no drugs were found.
“The thought that they could do this to a man in our country is terrifying,” Shannon Kennedy, Eckert's attorney, said to KOB. “Our community should be outraged … This is like something out of a science fiction film, anal probing by government officials and public employees.” [...]
RT 2013-11-06
New Mexico police are in hot water after it was discovered that they forced people to undergo humiliating rectal searches based on the reaction of an unlicensed K-9.
On Tuesday, RT reported that David Eckert, pulled over by police for running a stop sign, was detained after a K-9 named Leo sniffed drugs on his seat and police suspected he was carrying drugs in his anal cavity.
Eckert was taken to a hospital outside of the issued search warrant’s jurisdiction and subjected to eight medical procedures without his consent, including two rectal finger examinations, three enemas, and a colonoscopy. All of the examinations failed to uncover any drugs.
Now, continued investigation by the local KOB TV station reveals Eckert’s story wasn’t an isolated incident. According to police reports, a young man named Timothy Young was also stopped by police after a minor traffic violation. The same K-9 dog, Leo, sniffed drugs on his seat, causing police to seek a warrant to search Young’s body for illegal substances.
Just like Eckert, Young was taken to Gila Regional Medical Center, located in a county not covered by the search warrant, where doctors performed medical procedures, including finger exams of his anus and an X-Ray of his stomach. Young did not consent to the examinations. Again, no drugs were discovered in his body. [...]
Oskyldig man utsattes för 14 timmars anal-visitering av polisen efter trafikförseelse
Texaspolis med plasthandskar kontrollerade vagina och anus vid vägkanten
Två bilburna kvinnor i Texas, USA, stoppades nyligen av polisen för att de skräpat ner i naturen genom att slänga ut en cigarettfimp genom bilfönstret.Poliskvinnan, Kelly Helleson, utförde därefter en noggrann kontroll och stoppade nitiskt upp sina fingrar i vagina och anus på de två kvinnorna.
Läs mer: http://undermattans.blogspot.co.at/2013/01/texaspolis-med-plasthandskar.html
USA Corp's slavar konditioneras till vad NSA-CIA-Paperclip NAZI-Zion kokar ihop. Brygden blir superbesk. Det kommer att ta en abrupt vändning när skuldberget dubblas. Då blir det dags att dumpa dumma amerikaner och ta över allt de fortfarande äger. NDDA visar vart det lutar men den stora majoriteten är helt ovetande om det helvete de skall snart igenom. Vi lär se så småningom ett alldeles extra exceptionellt land.
SvaraRaderaSaker och ting kommer säkert att bli värre i USA, innan de blir bättre.
RaderaHär kommer även en gammal klyscha väl till pass:
"Cops can be a pain in the ass" :)
-Feds Subjected Innocent Woman to Finger Probe of Vagina & Anus-
SvaraRaderaTHIRD victim of sexual molestation at hands of New Mexico authorities comes forward
November 8, 2013
A third victim of anal probing and sexual assault at the hands of New Mexico authorities has come forward, with the ACLU representing a woman who says federal agents pressed their fingers into her vagina and anus without consent and without a warrant.[...]
Den site läser internationelle underrättelse tj:
Plan NWO ang eliminering av 90% av befolkning - dessa familjer er undersökta och flesta av de är psykisk sjuka individer 99% av de är associopater (hatar mänskligheten och människor). Dessa debilare valde indier som nation de skall bruka för service arbete då de tror att indier har intelligens på samma nivå som vit människa samtidigt indier har vant sig med i värdens äldsta despotiska slav system = kastsystem som de tror skal nyttja vid One Word order system, därför slussas ny i varje företag världen rond indier för träning, då enligt primitiva degraderade s.k. "analytiker" som i majoritet samlade från div. frimurares organisasjoner och jesuit militära sekter etc. indier klarar vidare teknik vetenskap underhåll och utveckling - de som förstör sig på i ämnet skrattar för sig själv då detta blir i slut ändan "elitens" undergång, då om deras plan lyckas at eliminera vit befolkning samman med övriga underintelligenta befolkning blir allt annat än de förväntar sig. Alldeles stora förhoppningar på indier har de :) .
För information i Syrian NWO nyttjade internationella knektar för pengar och kriminella element som bokstavligen redan skurit av huvudena från alla välbärgade Syrianska familjer (stor antal bödlar far just från bl.a. Ukraina, Chechenien som jagas nu i hela värden då de fick resurser at gömma sig under falska namn- dessa individer kan inte kallas människor då det är sadister och mördare av värsta sort som aldrig klarar sig utan nya offer (som offer kan bli även anstiftare och skapare av detta odjur) m.m.
for information: nästa områden för revolutioner etc (NWO skall försvaga Europa) är Frankrike område rond Marseille och syd-Italia dvs inte bara Iran. - det är stora planer på gang. USA efter rensning skall ingå i nytt valuta union amero därmed skall bli sydam. länder. England enligt Rokfeller plan skall delas och Skotland blir självständig. Världselit skall delas icke på nationell grund utan enligt business fördelning... det blir stora överasklningar...!
SvaraRaderanästa aggressiva eliminering krig (revolutioner) områden blir Frankrike, Italia och rond Kosovo.
SvaraRaderaJust nu mest informerad underrättelse tj har Mormoner i USA och jesuit Vatikansk.
Freemasons Revealed (MUST SEE).mp4
--Police union director jokes about sex assault case--
SvaraRaderaApril 04 2013
The director of a US police union has ridiculed a sexual assault case involving a Texas state trooper, joking that the women were simply receiving “customer service” by being subjected to a roadside cavity search.
Dale Roberts, the executive director of the Columbia Police Officers Association (CPOA) and a University of Missouri professor, mocked the indictment and the victims in a post published on his Facebook page.
“It’s called Customer Service,” Roberts wrote on March 27, regarding the indictment of Texas State Trooper Kelly Helleson. “We just did it so they wouldn’t have to make the trip all the way down to the station.”
After another Facebook user, Dan Rees, commented on the post, asking, “Was this service with a … smile?” the union director replied with an equally inappropriate response.
“Evidently, they searched them downtown, without going downtown,” Roberts wrote.
The comments are in reference to a case involving a roadside cavity search conducted by Texas State Trooper Kelly Helleson, who has been charged with two counts of sexual assault for illegally violating the bodies of two women that were pulled over for littering. Angel Dobbs, 38, and her niece Ashley Dobbs, 24, say they were subjected to an invasive search for no valid reason. Using the same latex glove on both women, Helleson searched the women’s’ genital regions, claiming she was looking for drugs.
The search was ordered by State Trooper David Farrell, who pulled over the women after witnessing them throw a cigarette butt out of their car window. He said they were “acting weird” and claimed to have smelled marijuana, after which he searched the vehicle and called in Helleson to conduct a roadside cavity search.
The search, which was captured by a dashboard camera located in one of the trooper’s cars, was conducted in a public place and left the women traumatized.
“I was molested, I was violated, I was humiliated in front of other traffic,” Angel Dobbs told WFAA in December. “I had to watch my niece go through the same thing and I could not protect her at that point.”
Both of the troopers responsible for the roadside cavity search have been indicted on charges of sexual assault and oppression, but Roberts’ comments shed further light on the lack of sensitivity demonstrated by some of those who are involved in law enforcement. [...]