torsdag 28 november 2013

FBI riggade terrordåd med 19-årig syndabock - Agenternas falska terrorkrig fortsätter...

2013-11-27. FBI:s inblandning i ännu en "diaboliskt listig terrorplan" mot en bar, har nyligen avslöjats i USA.Mainstream skrämde på beställning förra året upp amerikanerna ännu en gång angående ett terrorattentat som planerats i Chicago...

De onda krafterna  bakom den superlistiga terrorplanen kom dock i verkligheten mestadels från FBI och deras agent-vänner och stoppades turligt och lägligt nog i sista sekunden av..? ...trumvirvel... just det, FBI.

- Dessförinnan hade dock en 19-årig syndabock med lämpligt utseende valts ut för att sälja in elitens bästsäljande favoritfilm till alla nyhetskanaler: "- Spionorganisationernas falska krig mot terror"...

Adel Daoud's lawyer claims Hillside teen caught in 'fake war on terror' contrived by U.S. spy agencies

Lawyers for a west suburban teenager charged with a downtown bomb plot say he was caught in a "fake war on terror" contrived by U.S. spy agencies.

Each week it seems as though there is a new salvo of accusations by the legal team defending Hillside 19-year-old Adel Daoud. On Tuesday, a court filing by Daoud's attorneys characterizes U.S. spy agencies as outlaw arms of the government that snagged the west suburban teenager in a dummied-up bomb plot.

- The nation's intelligence gathering agencies, they believe, are operating in what amounts to a fourth, runaway, branch of government.

Daoud was arrested a little more than a year ago, according to authorities planning to detonate a car bomb at this downtown intersection that would take out a popular nearby bar--if it was real.

But the so-called plot was a sting operation and the bomb operatives worked for the FBI.[...]


[...] 19-year-old Adel Daoud was arrested last year and charged in a plot to set off a bomb in a downtown Chicago intersection. It was revealed that the plot was in fact an FBI sting operation.

In 2011 Mother Jones published a report showing how the FBI now routinely scours Muslim communities for lone wolf patsies to be used in high-profile cases designed to perpetuate a fake war on terror.

“By providing weaponry, funds and a plan, FBI-directed agents will encourage otherwise-unwilling participants to plot out terrorist attacks, only to bust them before any events fully materialize,” RT reported on August 22, 2011.

Spionernas falska terrorkrig...
- Snart på en plats nära dig!

"They're creating crimes to solve crimes so they can claim a victory in the war on terror." 

For their part, the FBI says this method is a plan for "preemption," "prevention" and "disruption."


FBI riggade terrordåd med 19-årig syndabock; - Agenternas falska terrorkrig fortsätter...

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